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I don't understand the whole Wii U power thing, especially when devs put the game on the PS360. I mean Devs had no trouble, I guess had to hold back a little bit, on the PS360, but even if the Wii U is 3-5x more powerful, its way to weak to make games on for them?
Sep 30 2014 12:57 AM
If you stop being so obtuse for a single moment. A developer needs a publisher when they can't afford the marketing and distribution. EA,Act,Ubi do both. Their games are both developed and published by themselves. Madden,AC,Cod and such usually what people mean when devs are lazy are these A ranked series. indie games have a self publish model MS was slow to adapt that Sony/Nintendo understand.
Sep 30 2014 06:08 PM -
do I really have to explain this? Who do you think signs the developers checks that work at any of those companies you just named? Now usually the person that signs your check is your boss and can pretty much tell you what to do. What I am saying is that not every single game we see that is a bad port is the developers fault.
Sep 30 2014 06:26 PM -
if ubisoft managment goes to the developers and say hey make sure the ps4 and xb1 version are fiished and polished first put 10 people on the Wii U version and get it started and lets go from there. Do you think the developers is going to go against those orders? No they have a family to feed and they take orders also. All I am trying to say are there are more things we do not know about that can affect development of a game more than just the developer is lazy.
Sep 30 2014 06:28 PM