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So I just saw someone on Google+ saying they were going to mod their gamecube to play Wii U games. They say they just need to put in a terabyte hardrive and install the Wii U OS software. ...
Nov 15 2014 07:04 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    Ok while they are at it make PS3 play PS4 games and Wii play Wii U games
    Nov 15 2014 07:27 PM
  • Gimbal's Photo
    Wii isn't powerful enough to play Wii U games. You can mod a Gamecube to play Wii U games because the Wii U's infrastructure is so similar and they have about the same power. The only difference is the amount of memory they can process at a time but that can easily be fixed by replacing the Gamecube's hard drive with a more modern one.
    Nov 15 2014 08:10 PM
  • Mewbot's Photo
    The only problem I can see with that statement is that it's on Google+
    Nov 15 2014 10:49 PM
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