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Just learned of a 3DS game called Gaist Crusher, not usually into Action Games, but I looked a little into and it looks interesting, especially on the 3DS, and from Crapcom no less. Well and Treasure. Shame no English release.
Dec 11 2014 10:13 PM
If you have a Japanese 3DS or just a PS3 grab EX Troopers. Spinoff of Lost Planet. Amazing game
Dec 11 2014 10:22 PM -
Didn't know Lost Planet had a spin-off, especially one so... anime-y. Strange. xD Didn't really like what I played of Lost Planet on PC, dull gameplay, but maybe that is better. Might try to get it if I get a PS3, even though the japanese will probably piss me off.
Dec 11 2014 11:14 PM -
It's super import friendly. I can't speak Japanese and yet did side missions and main missions and such and was no problem. It plays more like a faster paced LP mixed with Mega Man Legends as this is basically what was salvaged from the cancelled Mega Man Legends 3
Dec 12 2014 10:19 AM