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Capcom survey, asking about Monster Hunter. Flood with Monster Hunter Wii U?
Mar 12 2015 01:28 PM
Doesnt even have to be monster hunter... revelations 2 skipping Wii U and 3ds... they should be ashamed.
Mar 12 2015 06:56 PM -
I dont buy that. they would release a game on Vita before Wii U I think Wii U can do just as good as vita. I think a properly done game on Wii U from capcom can sell very decent.
Mar 12 2015 07:43 PM -
Bill Cipher
The Vita has a crazy high attach ratio IIRC, like.. 15-20 titles per system. If you're making a download game, Vita is a good choice.
Mar 13 2015 10:53 AM