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Wonder Blue
So, people keep whinning that wii u has no games, yet they dont buy new games that come out? couhJapancough

Wonder Blue
maybe people bought wii u waiting for games designed specifically for it, just a guess.
If you think so about wiiu and its games, why are you in this page anyway?
Aug 28 2013 10:57 PM -
yeah in reality Wii U has one of the best fall lineups you will ever see... look at the diverse range of games it has releasing. but as i have said time and time again 2014 is the year to own a Wii U.. X, smash4, MK8, and much more
Aug 28 2013 11:18 PM -
She's talking about w101 selling 5k discs in Japan.
She doesn't realise Japanese people are all about the eShop though.
Aug 29 2013 04:32 AM