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Wonder Blue
“When we created Skyward Sword, by checking the internet and seeing comments people made about it, it came to mind that maybe the users have started to get bored with Zelda, the traditional Zelda." you dont say, Aonuma

This reminds me of when Luigi's Mansion was first released and everyone was disappointed that it wasn't a Mario game. Now, suddenly, everyone loves it and are glad to have gotten a sequel to it. It's funny to me how people change their opinions as time goes by!
Oct 17 2013 11:35 AM -
Because at first everyone is hyping over it soo much, but then over time it starts to die down and people start to think straight.
Not sure about Luigi's Mansion, wasn't old enough to understand the internet when it came out.
Oct 17 2013 11:55 AM -
Children gonna children
Oct 17 2013 04:27 PM