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Reading comments around the web, the gaming community apparently cares more about story than gameplay. Why is this a trend?!
Locked Status Mar 25 2014 05:33 PM
  • Lightning_Ninja's Photo
    Is there more to it than that? That example doesn't sound interactive enough to really call it gameplay. It kinda sounds like we're taking the idea of "Walking a mile in someone's shoes" (That being Joel. Think that's his name.) and running with it. I've seen and read a pretty good amount about TLOU, and I haven't seen anything so groundbreaking that warrants overall game of the year.
    Mar 28 2014 09:47 AM
  • Lightning_Ninja's Photo
    Game of the year for story? Sure, it can run away with the award. Then again the bar wasn't really that high. I'm a little worried about how the entirety of the development seemed focused on a good story rather than gameplay. I really don't like the idea that gameplay is supposed to serve the story, because than its treated like an afterthought, and gameplay is what sets games apart.
    Mar 28 2014 09:53 AM
  • Lightning_Ninja's Photo
    I think we might be meandering away from my original point anyway, so I'm gonna lock this. If you wish to continue the discussion, PM me.
    Mar 28 2014 10:59 AM
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