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Wii-U games I can't wait for!

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#1 hmulasmajic



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:07 AM

So glad I can play the new Tomb Raider on my Wii-U, and BioShock Infinite... Oh wait-

It's fine, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is coming out... Oh wait- It's basically a 3DS game ported to the Wii-U with 3DS/Wii graphics.

Ah, well it's fine because I'll just choose from this awesome selection of games.

Lego City: Undercover, no thanks don't care about Lego games.

Scribblenauts, don't care about a DS game.

Just Dance 4, no.

Sonic Racing, decent for like 5 hours?

Assuming anyone with a 360/PS3 has played these already...

Spider-Man, Mass Effect 3, AC3, Ninja Gaiden 3, COD:BO2, Batman, (insert old title already released on 360/PS3)...

But hey, we can't forget about FUNKY BARN, JEOPARDY, RABBID'S LAND, RISE OF THE GAURDIAN'S, ESPN SPORTS, WIPEOUT 3, FAMILY PARTY, GAME PARTY CHAMPIONS, Tank Tank Tank? and the fact that these games are only $30-50 says A LOT about how much they're worth. When the only $60 games are 360/PS3 ports you've got a problem Nintendo.

And, honestly I don't mind the ports but I'VE ALREADY PLAYED THOSE GAMES. Can anyone here tell me they haven't? Unless you've literally been playing a Wii for the past 7 years you've at least played 1 of the ports.

What would have been great is seeing the new Tomb Raider on the Wii-U, considering that game is amazing and I haven't put it down yet because of how awesome it is.

I thought about buying the Wii-U and when Tomb Raider honestly I was like "should I buy a $350 console... or $60..." well it was an obvious choice since there is nothing to play on the Wii-U.

Oh, and the new BioShock that is coming out. Looks pretty amazing doesn't it? Cant' wait to play it? It would logically make sense for both of these games to come out on the Wii-U since the console has been RELEASED already! What the hell is Nintendo doing? They should be on their knees begging for some 3rd party support.

I love Zelda and Mario as much as anyone. But these games aren't out yet. I have nothing to play on the WIi-U.

So if you are reading this Satoru Iwata, tell me what happened to appealing to "hardcore" gamers? What happened to 3rd party support? Because it seems like no publishers care about you or the WIi-U.


And P.S. when you said you wouldn't make the same mistake again with the Wii-U when it comes to Online Service. The moment I saw the Miiverse, I almost cried. You claim the Wii-U is a next-gen console and not only did you slap on "U" at the end of "Wii", but you also kept the stupid-looking Miis from the WIi and the Wii-U Pro Controller doesn't actually work with every single game. Is there a reason I should constantly have to double-check whether or not my frickin controller works for a game on a console...?

And I'm just gonna repeat myself again, the Miiverse. Seriously? If you're gonna use cartoony avatars (which I personally hate) at least do what Xbox Live does and have them somewhat detailed, a huge selection of clothing options, random toys like light sabers and machine guns to give them, etc. I would rather just have a simple system like the PSN or the original Xbox Live with picture avatars and a simple profile page. Instead of a bunch of little turds from the WII running around my screen.

Does anyone actually like the Miiverse that isn't 10 years old? Should have at leasted upgraded to like HD-Miis that were like the Xbox Avatars with tons of free options like putting on Link's outfit, or Samus, etc. Anything but this garbage.

tl;dr QQ /rantoff hopefully someone at Nintendo reads this and thinks "maybe he's got a point".

Edited by hmulasmajic, 27 February 2013 - 11:10 AM.

#2 3Dude



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:14 AM

hd is a resolution and has nothing to do with graphical assets like increased polygons.

Yes, i do like miiverse, it has a fun, convenient and lively art community, and obnoxious children who like to try and pretend they are mature are banned the near instant they raise their obnoxious heads, and we have a direct line to give silly pony publishers the finger in a multitude of clever ways.

Edited by 3Dude, 27 February 2013 - 11:15 AM.



#3 hmulasmajic



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:22 AM

hd is a resolution and has nothing to do with graphical assets like increased polygons.

Yes, i do like miiverse, it has a fun, convenient and lively art community, and obnoxious children who like to try and pretend they are mature are banned the near instant they raise their obnoxious heads, and we have a direct line to give silly pony publishers the finger in a multitude of clever ways.

I'm not saying the technical system of Miiverse is bad, I'm talking about this.

Posted Image

and this...

Posted Image

Edited by hmulasmajic, 27 February 2013 - 11:28 AM.

#4 NintendoReport



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:22 AM

I guess Zombi U and Nintendoland are games you should seriously consider! :ph34r:
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#5 hmulasmajic



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:26 AM

I guess Zombi U and Nintendoland are games you should seriously consider! :ph34r:

ZombiU, is great. You're right I I forgot about it. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Nintendoland, not impressed. It's just another "party" game. And again, if maybe the Miis looked like Xbox Avatars and had detail, clothing options, etc. Nintendoland would be a lot funner because you could play all those fun games with your customized avatar. But instead you're just running around with Miis... Get's quite boring. Tell me that isn't a fun idea? To have more detailed avatars that you can actually feel represent you in an online community?

Edited by hmulasmajic, 27 February 2013 - 11:27 AM.

#6 Etkar



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:45 AM

I can't wait till I play Rayman Legends on my Xbox 360...oh wait, it's made for Wii U is only being PORTED to the Xbox 360 and PS3. Pahaha, oh, the irony.

Edited by Etkar, 27 February 2013 - 11:45 AM.

#7 3Dude



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:52 AM

I'm not saying the technical system of Miiverse is bad, I'm talking about this.
Posted Image
and this...
Posted Image

This was covered completely in my first sentence.

Hd has nothing to do with graphics.



#8 routerbad



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 11:55 AM

It's all about art direction with the Miis. It's simple but effective. Sure we would all love more customization for the Miis but it isn't a make or break feature, and doesn't make the system more or less "hardcore".

The ports available for Wii U now were all announced back in 2011, so it isn't like they decided to release old ports as an afterthought. The only problem I have now is with the last couple months of no new releases, but I have spent the time catching up on LOZ games as well as playing some of the Indie titles that are available for the system that are really good.

There have been some great games announced in Nintendo Directs as well as through third parties (Criterion, Ubisoft, Platinum Games, LEGO, etc) and some great first party games announced. We also know they have more collaborative efforts coming down the pike that may get revealed either in Nintendo Directs or e3. You spent too much time lamenting the current state of the system and trying to sound sardonic, without actually looking into what's coming, what has been announced, what we expect to be announced, etc.

We are definitely missing out on some games right now that would give a big boost to the system, but it isn't the end of the world, not anywhere close. Things started turning around in January, and in March we are getting a few really good game releases back to back.

#9 ameritt



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 12:07 PM

Personally, I like the simplicity of the Mii's. I also really like the Miiverse community. I like how it's integrated into the games, I like how there are different communities for everything, and most importantly, I like how it's not a bunch of 5 year olds calling each other naughty words because they're so B.A. on the internet. I agree that the Mii's could look better, and more outfit options would be nice, but there's nothing really wrong with Miiverse in my opinion

#10 NintendoReport



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 12:14 PM

Personally, I like the simplicity of the Mii's. I also really like the Miiverse community. I like how it's integrated into the games, I like how there are different communities for everything, and most importantly, I like how it's not a bunch of 5 year olds calling each other naughty words because they're so B.A. on the internet. I agree that the Mii's could look better, and more outfit options would be nice, but there's nothing really wrong with Miiverse in my opinion

I agree. I am looking forward to NFSMW U not just because the port was done properly graphically and game pad play, but also because MiiVerse will be intergrated within the game to an extent we have not really seen on other ports.

"Integration between Autolog and Miiverse in-game, making Need For Speed Most Wanted U the first third party Wii U game to properly integrate Miiverse into the game experience."

Edited by Sorceror12, 27 February 2013 - 12:19 PM.

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#11 routerbad



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 12:22 PM

Personally, I like the simplicity of the Mii's. I also really like the Miiverse community. I like how it's integrated into the games, I like how there are different communities for everything, and most importantly, I like how it's not a bunch of 5 year olds calling each other naughty words because they're so B.A. on the internet. I agree that the Mii's could look better, and more outfit options would be nice, but there's nothing really wrong with Miiverse in my opinion

Yeah I forgot to touch on that, MiiVerse is great because I don't have to worry about anything. There is always great artwork popping up which is awesome, and I've gotten lost on Wara Wara Plaza just clicking around to different Miis to check out artwork, wishing I could pull some of that off, lol.

I've posted pictures of gameplay where I was curious about something and received nearly instant responses with help and information. There is absolutely nothing wrong with MiiVerse, and anyone who has actually used it would tell you that, but the OP was obviously more interested in jumping to conclusions without any prior knowledge on the subject, and went with the most tired and irrelevant stereotype he could come up with to bash it. Maybe because he felt a deep rooted need to point out that he isn't a kid? I only say that because the post in and of itself speaks otherwise.

#12 hmulasmajic



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Posted 27 February 2013 - 12:28 PM

I can't wait till I play Rayman Legends on my Xbox 360...oh wait, it's made for Wii U is only being PORTED to the Xbox 360 and PS3. Pahaha, oh, the irony.

You do realize the jokes on Nintendo right...? The game was suppose to be an exclusive and it has been delayed now because Sony and Microsoft got their hands on it.. That is not a good thing silly! I just laughed out loud at this, thanks for making my day! :laugh:

It's all about art direction with the Miis. It's simple but effective. Sure we would all love more customization for the Miis but it isn't a make or break feature, and doesn't make the system more or less "hardcore".

The ports available for Wii U now were all announced back in 2011, so it isn't like they decided to release old ports as an afterthought. The only problem I have now is with the last couple months of no new releases, but I have spent the time catching up on LOZ games as well as playing some of the Indie titles that are available for the system that are really good.

There have been some great games announced in Nintendo Directs as well as through third parties (Criterion, Ubisoft, Platinum Games, LEGO, etc) and some great first party games announced. We also know they have more collaborative efforts coming down the pike that may get revealed either in Nintendo Directs or e3. You spent too much time lamenting the current state of the system and trying to sound sardonic, without actually looking into what's coming, what has been announced, what we expect to be announced, etc.

We are definitely missing out on some games right now that would give a big boost to the system, but it isn't the end of the world, not anywhere close. Things started turning around in January, and in March we are getting a few really good game releases back to back.

Windows 8 is simple. Do you think Windows 8 is good? I can tell you that it's not exactly a hit right now. Simple needs to be done right. It makes a big difference, the Wiiverse is esentially the desktop for the Wii-U. It is what you will see every single time you boot up the console. I just feel that Nintendo could have put a little more effort into the Miiverse and possibly opened up a profitable market for themselves as well because purchasing stuff for avatars is big on Live, and purchasing profile pictures/avatars for PSN is also big. It's just a nice little extra thing. I suppose it doesn't make or break the console as much as the lack of 3rd party support, but I felt like throwing it in there as well.

I have looked into what's coming, and obviously a new Mario, 2 new Zelda games, and that new game from Monolith Soft looks great. But there is new release date for the new Mario, there is no trailer for the new Zelda or any information about it apart from a small clip on how they will basically make Zelda like Skyrim and not be linear, the new game from Monolith Soft looks amazing but it's TBA.

Wii-U is in such a wierd spot right now because it has no "next-gen" games but it also is lacking new games like Tomb Raider and the new BioShock. So it's kind of awkward for anyone to purchase it hence the weak sales.

I know the Wii-U is capable of going up against the PS4. But right now it has nothing to prove that. Most people think Wii-U is part of 360/PS3/Wii generation. This is really hurting the console. If the Wii-U had something truly "next-gen" out right now, it would be sweeping up sales.

I seriously think the Wii-U is in a console purgatory right now. It's a real shame that people only start to glance at the Wii-U once the PS4 and new Xbox launches. Nintendo should have had just one big title ready for launch.

I want to buy the console really bad, but since there isn't anything to look forward to in a long time from a consumer point of view it's wise to just wait till all the new consoles release and truly consider what to buy.

Personally, I like the simplicity of the Mii's. I also really like the Miiverse community. I like how it's integrated into the games, I like how there are different communities for everything, and most importantly, I like how it's not a bunch of 5 year olds calling each other naughty words because they're so B.A. on the internet. I agree that the Mii's could look better, and more outfit options would be nice, but there's nothing really wrong with Miiverse in my opinion

I agree that the Wiiverse and how it is integrated into games is done perfectly and the communties are really cool as well. What I meant to say was just that the Mii's could have been improved for the Wii-U, ya know a little something to show everyone "Hey this is a Mii from the Wii, and this is a Mii from the Wii-U and there is a clear difference" just a little more work and effort and it would have been really nice to see some customization for Miis and they would have looked amazing in Nintendoland.

I've posted pictures of gameplay where I was curious about something and received nearly instant responses with help and information. There is absolutely nothing wrong with MiiVerse, and anyone who has actually used it would tell you that, but the OP was obviously more interested in jumping to conclusions without any prior knowledge on the subject, and went with the most tired and irrelevant stereotype he could come up with to bash it. Maybe because he felt a deep rooted need to point out that he isn't a kid? I only say that because the post in and of itself speaks otherwise.

Getting hostile now are we? That's my cue.

Ironic how some claim the Wiiverse is filled with more mature people and we already have someone in here trying to sneak in a poorly disguised insult because someone has a different point of view than him.

Edited by hmulasmajic, 27 February 2013 - 12:39 PM.

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