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Does Saints Row 4 not coming to Wii U even matter?

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:05 PM

I'm seeing alot of talk about how the Wii U isn't getting current games but past games, Saints Row 4 is the biggest discussion about the Wii U is not getting alot of support and reports have repeated this countless times 'There will not be a Wii U version of this game.', but seriously, does this game even matter? In my opinion it does not. Because they pulled a Halo ODST on this game, this was suppose to be DLC last year but had to cancel it due to THQ's death last year. Not to mention this looks identical to Saints Row 3, calling it Saints Row 4 and looking exactly like the previous one is a bad choice like Bungie did with ODTS which fans cannot stop raging about till this day. But i have to admit, they haven't gotten alot of support for it, always about the rumors and secrets yet nothing is confirmed.





#2 Big Boss

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:06 PM


#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:35 PM

game sounds terrible. Just play saints row 3 people. Wii U is getting good third party support but it's not getting ALL the third party games, which is mostly good because it means less shovelware.


#4 DanJiblets


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 05:41 PM

I hate the Saints Row series, I could care less. Just my opinion.

#5 CUD


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:04 PM

Not coming to Wii U: "I don't care it doesn't look good."


Coming to Wii U: "Cool more Wii U games, looks cool."


Your disinterest in the game doesn't change the fact that the Wii U isn't getting it, it may make it easier for you to convince yourself that it's not a problem that the Wii U is missing out on this game and others but it doesn't change the facts.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#6 DanJiblets


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:17 PM

Maybe the op, I don't care lol.

#7 CUD


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:26 PM

Maybe the op, I don't care lol.

If I may ask, what makes you hate the series?

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#8 DanJiblets


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:37 PM

I can't really pinpoint it, but they all felt sloppy and unpolished. I only played the first few hours of Saints Row 1 and 2 and that's because they just couldn't hold my attention. The missions felt tedious, and more like a chore than fun to me. This is just my opinion, I know most people enjoy the series. I should point out I'm not a big open world fan, I also never cared for GTA 4.
Something like Fallout or Skyrim is my ideal open world game.

#9 Alianjaro



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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:48 PM

Not coming to Wii U: "I don't care it doesn't look good."

Coming to Wii U: "Cool more Wii U games, looks cool."

Your disinterest in the game doesn't change the fact that the Wii U isn't getting it, it may make it easier for you to convince yourself that it's not a problem that the Wii U is missing out on this game and others but it doesn't change the facts.

The Saints Row team is not in such a great position that they could actually say no to business. The problem is: they're probably not even sure if they'll make money out of the PS360, so imagine on a new console. It would be a gamble for them. And I think this game is shovelware because of the fact that its only coming to "last gens", added to the fact it was supposed to be a DLC. But thats IMO.
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#10 DanJiblets


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:48 PM

I should also add that the third party support doesn't bother me either. I have a 360 and I'll either be getting a PS4 or Durango next gen so whatever. It sucks for WiiU only owners though. I do prefer WiiU for off screen play though.

#11 mmxforever


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:08 PM

If you are a Nintendo fan, you buy the system for NINTENDO GAMES!!!!


Anything extra we get is just a bonus.

#12 xile6



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Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:23 PM

I don't think Nintendo would let that game be on there system. Is far pass gta. And Nintendo is trying to be a family business.
Either way saints row is cool to play but some stuff in it is just dumb. Gta has better story and what not.

So it doesn't matter to me if the wii u doesn't get saints row.
Ill just play it on the ps3 or xbox since they discount games a lot.
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#13 alan123


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 11:23 PM

If you are a Nintendo fan, you buy the system for NINTENDO GAMES!!!!
Anything extra we get is just a bonus.

This is the problem, what a dumb thing to say.

People are getting tired of Nintendo re-releasing the same content over & over again.

Of courser it matters that Saints Row isn't on the WiiU because its another third party game that the console isn't getting, other developers & publishers will look at things like this when decidind to release their game on the WiiU.

#14 Waller


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 12:18 AM

It matters to the people who wanted to get it on their Wii U's, and now they can't. Your argument is invalid.


#15 Scooter_Johnson



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:33 AM

sorry but the game hasnt been developed for the wii u console as it went to xbox 360 exclusive and then to xbox 360 and ps3


wouldnt worry about it as saints row 2 was a beast of a game but saints row the third went totaly bonkers and hated everything about it but ill be picking it up when it gets all the dlc and is under £20 before or after xmas on the ps3


plus its the dlc that was suppose be out ages ago so its a addon really

Edited by Scooter_Johnson, 20 March 2013 - 01:34 AM.

#16 Penguin101


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:31 AM

Business wise yes, but it's a simple case of Development during the Wii U's release. So it's just unfortunate. I loved Saints Row 2, but felt kinda numb with the 3rd game, you can only find a giant purple dildo funny for a few moments....So personally I'm not too shaken by the news.

#17 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:58 AM

Not really.


No one was going to go out and buy a Wii u because of this game.

#18 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:49 AM

Honestly for me no it dosn't, this was SRIV was originally supposed to be DLC for the 3rd one but then they decided to make it into a stand alone game, so I can under stand why it won't be on Wii U cos we never got the 3rd and maybe it continues the story, for all we know we might get V if it happens, for me though I'm getting Watch_Dogs and hopefully GTA V if it comes so I'm not at all bothered.

#19 DéliopT



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:58 AM

Don`t think so.

The game looks to be funny, but i`m not even sure it will do well on PS3 and Xbox 360.



#20 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 05:23 AM

Not coming to Wii U: "I don't care it doesn't look good."


Coming to Wii U: "Cool more Wii U games, looks cool."


Your disinterest in the game doesn't change the fact that the Wii U isn't getting it, it may make it easier for you to convince yourself that it's not a problem that the Wii U is missing out on this game and others but it doesn't change the facts.


Absolutely.......of course it matters, if for no other reason, peoples' perception of the console.  Considering the popular perception is that the console is failing, announcement of practically any third party game is good for the platform right now.

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