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#1 Elric


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 06:58 PM

What are some of your favorite comics? What are some of your favorite comic book characters? Right now I am currently reading Watchmen, and it is good. I want to start The Walking Dead and V For Vendetta as well. I have heard the sandman is also good, but I haven't been able to find any of the volumes. 




#2 Blake



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 07:03 PM

I started Walking Dead a few months ago, it's fantastic.

I'll look into Watchmen and V for Vendetta, as I've been looking for other comics to read besides TWD.

#3 Xiombarg


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Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:40 PM

V for Vendetta is pretty good, in my opinion, but not my favorite.


My favorite DC character is Static.  His Milestone comics were great.  He was a relateable and likable character.  He starts off rather nerdy and cracks jokes all the time, but when he faces problems, he grows and betters himself.  Not only that, but he dealt with real problems, like gang violence, racism, and even homophobia.  The show didn't do him justice and the New 52 comic run was just a producer take over of his character to try and cash him out (the actual writer had no say in writing the comics).

Static Rebirth of the Cool is a nice collection (the only current collection book) of the first 5 issues and a 'newer' story, which is a shift from his old look to his newer look.


I also like the Question as a character in his comics.  It's very interesting as he turns from Steve Ditko's objectivity philosophy to eastern philosophy (after 'dying') in O'neal's takeover of the character.  It is two separate characters really.  The JLU series also had an interesting take on the character as well.


The Dark Knight Returns is a great Batman comic and one of the most iconic.  You can really see how much Nolan borrowed from that book for his movies.  There are even direct quotes from the book to the movie.


I haven't finished the Court/Night of Owls run yet, but that's one of the better Batman comics as of late.


The Fro: Origins is a very creative and cool take for a comic. It's short, but very entertaining and interesting.


I also collect any comics or graphic novels based of Moorcock's characters as well.  Elric: The Balance Lost was a great run and it was a nice take on all the characters.

The Elric GNs are pretty great, but I have yet to find any Corum or Hawkmoon only GNs.



#4 Alii



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Posted 20 March 2013 - 09:37 PM

Scott Pilgrim if that's considered a comic;;

I'm in love with the series/movie and game.


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