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PS4 looks more like a PS3.2 than a low-end PC imo

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#1 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:11 PM

To me Everything shown at the PS4 conference doesn't look much different than the PS3's graphics and with Epic Games, Crytek and Nvidia unimpressed with it's specs i don't see the PS4 blowing the Wii U out of the Water, correct me if i am wrong somebody

#2 dante👌


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:22 PM

I never thought i would Blow the wii u out of the water, But You haven't seen the PS4 Yourself so you can't give a Opinion on how good it looks, And they aren't even taking full advantage of the power yet.

#3 Nollog


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:23 PM

It pretty much is a PS3.

I don't get why anyone would buy it, it just adds software like miiverse and a share button.

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#4 dante👌


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:26 PM

One thing though, I don't remember the PS3 having 8 gigs of GDDR5 ram.

#5 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:26 PM

Your wrong, it will blow wii u out of the water, however your right that it isn't crazy powerful. However, to those that take advantage Of of the capabilities of it, the systems graphics may be par with PC. Those who say the wii u will compete in terms of raw power are ignorant and foolish. Many of them forget that the U has to render two screens, that nearly doubles the computer power usage and requires some good RAM too. The PS4 is not going to be cheap, and for the money you will spend on it you can build a more powerful computer, but people will still buy it. I think the PS4 is more impressive than a lot thought, but it's still nothing to write home about. And it won't play zelda so... Yeah... That says it all right there, no zelda, no console. Hehe.


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#6 Luca


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:26 PM

It pretty much is a PS3.

I don't get why anyone would buy it, it just adds software like miiverse and a share button.

Although I do not like Sony, I buy Xbox consoles because I think Sony just copies all other systems (new copy of Kinect, PS Move = Wii, etc.), I have to say that there is a point in buying it. This is because it has a much more improved video card, letting it handle MUCH more (ex. more entities) on screen with a perfect frame rate. If you've seen the preview where MANY many balls drop onto a surface, that was shown to demonstrate how it can handle all of these objects on screen and have no lag at all. If you were to do that on a PS3, it would most likely cause a severe drop in frame rate.

#7 dante👌


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:30 PM

Your wrong, it will blow wii u out of the water, however your right that it isn't crazy powerful. However, to those that take advantage Of of the capabilities of it, the systems graphics may be par with PC. Those who say the wii u will compete in terms of raw power are ignorant and foolish. Many of them forget that the U has to render two screens, that nearly doubles the computer power usage and requires some good RAM too. The PS4 is not going to be cheap, and for the money you will spend on it you can build a more powerful computer, but people will still buy it. I think the PS4 is more impressive than a lot thought, but it's still nothing to write home about. And it won't play zelda so... Yeah... That says it all right there, no zelda, no console. Hehe.

It would have Helped Nintendo if they add at least 4 gigs of Ram, And made it GDDR5, Would have made the loading times A lot better.

#8 Luca


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:31 PM

Your wrong, it will blow wii u out of the water, however your right that it isn't crazy powerful. However, to those that take advantage Of of the capabilities of it, the systems graphics may be par with PC. Those who say the wii u will compete in terms of raw power are ignorant and foolish. Many of them forget that the U has to render two screens, that nearly doubles the computer power usage and requires some good RAM too. The PS4 is not going to be cheap, and for the money you will spend on it you can build a more powerful computer, but people will still buy it. I think the PS4 is more impressive than a lot thought, but it's still nothing to write home about. And it won't play zelda so... Yeah... That says it all right there, no zelda, no console. Hehe.

You can't in any way say it's "up to par with PC". No console is EVER up to par with PC. The reason is that the PC is not a system, it can be customized and enhanced in any way. While the PS4 may have a good video card, a PC can have a 10x better one, which would stomp all over the PS4 and make it look like trash. So it's not even close to PC, PC is better than any console out ATM, and will be better for a long time. 

Plus PS4 is going to be too expensive and not add enough, so it might not even sell well. I don't even care if it does or doesn't, I like PC and I won't switch to a console mainly, pretty much forever. I got the Wii U because I love Nintendo consoles, but everytime I get a Nintendo console I always find myself disappointed that they didn't go the extra step, and I always wonder why they couldn't. I love the 3DS, but was better PPI going to increase the price THAT much? iPod has 326 PPI and sells for $200, so I don't see why they couldn't make it have better graphics. 

But don't get me wrong, I'm still going to stick to Nintendo consoles. They're the only ones I enjoy :P

#9 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:40 PM

Ps4 is way more powerful than ps3. By a lot.

And so is the wii u.

No, ps4 won't be blowing the wii u away.

It will outperform in some areas,Ike more variety of high high res textures in one scene, but the textures and geometry that wii u displays will be very very similar if not the same.

Ps4 should load less frequently.

Nothing crazy.

And the wii u App switching speed isn't due to ram.

It's due to very ambitious software that was put together fast.

It should be optimized before the end of the year, just in time for ps4 to have nothing to crow about.

#10 Gnomishek



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:50 PM

PS4 is going to be great regardless of your opinion.

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#11 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:01 PM

screenshot for kz3.


screen for kz4:


It's a major difference.

A generational leap.

PS4 is going to be great regardless of your opinion.

I agree.
In fact, I think the ps4, the new xbox, and the wii u all have much going for them.

But the actual game performance differences between each will be compareable.

Not the technical gulf there was during last gen.

Ps4 will be good. But it won't have anything to crow about.

All three systems will have great graphics, great services, etc.

But the wii u is the only one with the gamepad and the one with a company not trying to bleed your wallet for no reason.

And... Gaikai... Hopefully they have better uses for it than wasting bandwidth on probable laggy vita remote control.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 25 March 2013 - 03:03 PM.

#12 Blade of Dyna

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:04 PM

Maybe i was wrong

I was hoping this wouldn't be another Wii situation but seems Nintendo learned nothing from last gen

RIP the Wii U (ー_ー)

Maybe i was wrong

I was hoping this wouldn't be another Wii situation but seems Nintendo learned nothing from last gen

RIP the Wii U (ー_ー)

Maybe i was wrong

I was hoping this wouldn't be another Wii situation but seems Nintendo learned nothing from last gen

RIP the Wii U (ー_ー)

#13 Gamejunkie



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:06 PM

To me Everything shown at the PS4 conference doesn't look much different than the PS3's graphics and with Epic Games, Crytek and Nvidia unimpressed with it's specs i don't see the PS4 blowing the Wii U out of the Water, correct me if i am wrong somebody

That's a matter of opinion. Not to mention what we've seen so far only scratches the surface and as time goes by we will see much more impressive content on the PS4. Also can you link to where the companies you've mentioned are unimpressed with the hardware as far as I'm aware none of them or any others have said any such thing. Judging by the specs revealed so far the PS4 has every chance of out performing the Wii U.

#14 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:09 PM

Ps4 is more powerful.

It will outperform wii u.

But it won't be by a large amount.

#15 routerbad



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:16 PM

It would have Helped Nintendo if they add at least 4 gigs of Ram, And made it GDDR5, Would have made the loading times A lot better.

That really doesn't have that much to do with the loading times we are experiencing, that is due to immature software, not hardware at all.  They put even faster memory on the GPU die than GDDR5, and went with a more traditional general purpose RAM pool.  The RAM setup is actually very sophisticated, and there is enough of it to do what it needs to do.

That's a matter of opinion. Not to mention what we've seen so far only scratches the surface and as time goes by we will see much more impressive content on the PS4. Also can you link to where the companies you've mentioned are unimpressed with the hardware as far as I'm aware none of them or any others have said any such thing. Judging by the specs revealed so far the PS4 has every chance of out performing the Wii U.

As time goes on we'll see much more impressive content on both of them, not just the PS4, and the differences between the two will be negligible. 

Ps4 is more powerful.

It will outperform wii u.

But it won't be by a large amount.

True.  I cringe everytime I see that word "outperform" because of the connotations attached.  It will outperform in some aspects, it won't in others.  The hardware is good, but it doesn't make the difference everyone assumes it does.

#16 Julio93


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:53 PM

...........No. Just stop, this is embarrassing.



#17 3Dude



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:02 PM

I dont think the difference is that minimal. Someparts of killzone (gameplay scenes) looked almost ps3 bad, but other parts, like the on rails helicopter scene were very noticably better.

The ps4 is very noticably better than ps3 already, and it will only get better.

But thats also the big problem. Its nowhere near the jump we had last time. Its just very noticably better.

Last time was holy crap better, (with the exception of a handful of xbox games) we went from really low res textures to much higher res textures, from a couple dozen particles to hundreds of particles, almost no shaders, to uber shaders everywhere, we went from alpha blending to real time unified lighting and shading, we went from barely any games with physics to physics galore everywhere.

And we we went from mostly 480i to hd 720 and 1080p.

This time its just going from decent textures to better textures, going from physics everywhere to slightly better physics everywhere, the illusion of millions of particles (layering a couple dozen 'group of particles' among a couple hundred/thousand individual particles) to millions of particles. From great unified lighting and shading to incrementally better lighting and shading.

And its costing tons and TONS more power for less and less noticable effects and improvements, any of which uninformed joe schmoe can claim is for some reason WORSE because he simply notices a difference.

Like how ps2 fanboys tried to claim the removal of geometry, poly counts, bump layers, real time per pixel lighting, the entire water effect, and shadow maps gave the ps2 port of re 'more realistic lighting and graphics'.

Until we replace silicon in insulator technology and get dennard scaling and moores law back in full swing... Its going to continue like this.



#18 tboss



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 07:05 PM

PS3.5 sounds best then. 3.2 is a bit low. but both sony and MS shot well below their fanboy rumored specs, which is what EPIC and others based there builds on. (mid-high end PC specs)


PS4 will top wiiU graphics wise, but wont be enough to effect gameplay. wiiU will likly benefit more from optimization(lower power= more noticable buffs+ stranger/custom harderware=more room to optimize). CPU wise, both should be about even, AI and similar will be even, unless PS4 wants to use GPGPU on stuff, in which case graphics will be on par with WiiU. more RAM means better textures, and less loads, but wont do much else. faster ram will help PS4, but morly do to the limited(even though high) Edram catch on wiiU, wiiU is overall faster but cant put everything on that high speed. 


the KZ3/4 pics showed a difference in poly count and texture res mostly.


neather can hope to match a PC.  


PS4 will probly have the largest early lead, easeist to develop for(based on logic and dev claims), most breathing room before optimization is needed, and most hyped by fanboys. 

#19 xile6



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 09:49 PM

O no not again. Lol
The graphic wont be a big jump until the coding is done better so your have to give it about a yr or so. Same with the wii u.
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#20 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 11:44 AM

Consoles always get better over time, that's just how it works, anyone remember how the 360 looked when it first came out? The graphics were almost identical to the original Xbox, look at what the 360 can do now, never judge a console on the way it performes at launch.

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