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How Nintendo can win third party support

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#1 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 27 March 2013 - 02:13 PM

I'm here to prove how easy it would be for Nintendo to win over third parties.


1.Prove it's easy to develop for: A myth by many devs is that the Wii U is too daunting when in fact indie devs are flocking to this. Nintendo need to be more emphatic on how to easy it is.


2.Give the facts to the developers: Nintendo fears a tiny little number would scare people off when in fact more third party support would likely come if more devs new the stats.


3.Strong IPs: If a system has killer IPs it just may convince over devs that it's good property to work on.


4.Make more and better ads to increas profits: You seldom see the Wii U advertised and if it is it's just family's playing. I miss the badass commercials like the GCN commercial with White Zombie playing. Broaden your audience to boost sells and prove your worth.


5.Don't be afraid to promote and do presentations: Nintendo always acts too passive and submissive in the industry. They need to make their presence known.


6.Discourage shovelware: If they wish to have a core audience like they want they need to put their foot down on this.


7.Take advice from Microsoft and Sony: It's good to be origional but Nintendo loves to take this way to far. You don't want to lose touch with the general gaming population.


If they follow any of these steps it would be a lot easier. Comments pleez :)


#2 DéliopT



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Posted 27 March 2013 - 02:51 PM

There`s so much Nintendo can do.
Advertising and promoting 3rd party games is a good start. Making partnerships with 3rd parties or giving them more royalties is another.


But what matter after all that can be done to put a game on a Nintendo console, is pretty simple: the game needs to sell on the console. Period.

If 3rd party games don`t sell, there´s nothing Nintendo can do. It`s up to gamers to actually live up to their wishes (for 3rd party support).


Also, mistakes that you make in one generation will most certainly affect you on the next. So, watch out!



#3 Julio93


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

Hey that's not bad, i agree on this 100 percent.



#4 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:28 PM

Credit where credit is due, I agree with you 100% on this.

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