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EA flip flopping at Nintendo, yet again.

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 01:12 PM

You know, ever since that guy stepped down, I thought everything would be alright for the Wii U, turns out its not. All we keep hearing that its a risky business, that it should be focusing on current gen consoles, yet its confirmed to be on PS4 and maybe the next Xbox, but didn't EA said themselves that Wii U is not a next gen console? Exposed.


Just come out and say it for god sake, i didn't know EA were a bunch of little kids playing pretend. Just this one little deny that Nintendo made and now they are screwed with EA games not coming to their console. Hell when you heard Madden isn't coming to Wii U, you know there is a problem right there.




#2 Nollog


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 01:28 PM

I don't get it?

Another I don't like ea :'( thread?

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#3 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 02:44 PM

You know, ever since that guy stepped down, I thought everything would be alright for the Wii U, turns out its not. All we keep hearing that its a risky business, that it should be focusing on current gen consoles, yet its confirmed to be on PS4 and maybe the next Xbox, but didn't EA said themselves that Wii U is not a next gen console? Exposed.


Just come out and say it for god sake, i didn't know EA were a bunch of little kids playing pretend. Just this one little deny that Nintendo made and now they are screwed with EA games not coming to their console. Hell when you heard Madden isn't coming to Wii U, you know there is a problem right there.


I thought EA would be more liberal without their old CEO also but I guess they are still not good.


#4 DexterousGecko


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 06:00 PM

Alright, I've been lurking here for awhile now, but I just had to respond to this finally.


I've been reading this over and over again, how EA is an evil company and they just hate nintendo. Let's be honest. There are about 150 million ps360 owners out there. There are about 4 million Wii U owners.


Nintendo fans do not historically enjoy realistic violent first person shooters like the Battlefield series. However, realistic first person shooters do very well on Sony/Microsoft consoles.


The decision to leave the Wii U out is purely business. If they thought they could sell 2 million copies of Battlefield 4 on the Wii U, have no doubt that they would do whatever they could to bring it to the Wii U.


Oh, and who in their right mind would believe that a company whose CEO stepped down because of finance trouble is going to take a risk on an unproven console with a small install base!! EA is going to be keeping it as  risk free as possible.

#5 umegames


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Posted 28 March 2013 - 06:18 PM

I thought EA would be more liberal without their old CEO also but I guess they are still not good.

i didn't, because the apple never falls to far from the tree. all those desk sitting, suit wearing  people are just alike, and together, they elected for a new CEO, just for face value. nothing will change. Kinda like U.S. presidents, actually, it's exactly like that.

Edited by umegames, 28 March 2013 - 06:18 PM.

#6 tboss



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Posted 28 March 2013 - 06:26 PM

Alright, I've been lurking here for awhile now, but I just had to respond to this finally.


I've been reading this over and over again, how EA is an evil company and they just hate nintendo. Let's be honest. There are about 150 million ps360 owners out there. There are about 4 million Wii U owners.


Nintendo fans do not historically enjoy realistic violent first person shooters like the Battlefield series. However, realistic first person shooters do very well on Sony/Microsoft consoles.


The decision to leave the Wii U out is purely business. If they thought they could sell 2 million copies of Battlefield 4 on the Wii U, have no doubt that they would do whatever they could to bring it to the Wii U.


Oh, and who in their right mind would believe that a company whose CEO stepped down because of finance trouble is going to take a risk on an unproven console with a small install base!! EA is going to be keeping it as  risk free as possible.



dude, for me atleast, thats y i didnt care aslong as same went for PS4/720. that has shown itself as BS. wiiU is almost garnteed to sell more copies of than PS4 or 720, to the point your better off combining them. were looking at around 15-25 mil wiiUs vs 0 of each, in the launch peroid we may see 5-6mil each to 20-30mil wiiU's. now if you look at % of what sells on wiiU, its the same as PS3/xbox. so chances are it will sell better on wiiU than PS4.720 combined. for good chances of switching that, you will need a game taht sells well years after release, and BF doesnt do that. 

#7 routerbad



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Posted 28 March 2013 - 07:35 PM

Alright, I've been lurking here for awhile now, but I just had to respond to this finally.


I've been reading this over and over again, how EA is an evil company and they just hate nintendo. Let's be honest. There are about 150 million ps360 owners out there. There are about 4 million Wii U owners.


Nintendo fans do not historically enjoy realistic violent first person shooters like the Battlefield series. However, realistic first person shooters do very well on Sony/Microsoft consoles.


The decision to leave the Wii U out is purely business. If they thought they could sell 2 million copies of Battlefield 4 on the Wii U, have no doubt that they would do whatever they could to bring it to the Wii U.


Oh, and who in their right mind would believe that a company whose CEO stepped down because of finance trouble is going to take a risk on an unproven console with a small install base!! EA is going to be keeping it as  risk free as possible.

It wasn't about sales at all.  Read into the history of Nintendo and EA's relationship.  If it was purely business EA would not have had Crytek discard finished code for Crysis3 on the Wii U.  They had already spent all of the resources on development of the game.  They had Medal of Honor Warfighter running on WIi U with the Frostbite2 engine.  Madden 14 was in development for Wii U.  They have now wasted all of the resources they were putting into the platform over a failed services deal.


Don't underestimate what an Origin based Nintendo Network would have meant for EA.  Imagine one publisher collecting a royalty for every game published digitally for a platform (other than the console manufacturer).  Imagine Activision, Ubisoft, Square, having to pay 30% to EA when they publish for Wii U digitally.  This would have kept EA afloat while other publishers struggle to remain relevant.  Now, they lost that deal, which could cost them big going forward.  Do you really think it was just Sim City that caused a CEO to get fired?  That would have been the deal of a lifetime for a publisher.

#8 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:51 PM

I hate EA, why people still give them money I don't know, companies like EA, Activision and Capcom will be the ones to bring this industry to it's knees, that's why they don't get a penny off me, anyone who disagrees come see me in 5 to 10 years, we'll see who's right.

#9 cannonshane


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:11 PM

Peoples number one mistake is thinking a ceo controls the entire company and its business decisions.

Staff Writer at http://www.allagegaming.com/


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#10 Penguin101


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:15 PM

Crapcom used to be great, but they lost their spark completely after 2004. I hope they one day get new management and start taking risks on new IPs. Activision I don't know much about, and EA were terrible until Dead Space, and now they ruined that too....

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