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Sort Your carp crap Out, Nintendo

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#21 Hunter



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:59 PM

SNES and N64 were the only good consoles this company ever made





Also why are you here? This is a Wii U forum.

#22 DéliopT



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 02:59 PM

True but it does deter whether or not third-parties will hop on your bandwagon smokin.gif


It really depends where the market is: Genesis, PS1 and PS2 were the weakest consoles of their generation, yet, they - especially PS1 and PS2 - got third support... the BIG 3rd party support!


Imagine that in 1/2 years, Wii U outsells or is no par - in sales - with PS4 and Xbox3 for the same market. Do you think developers will ignore it? They won`t.

If 3rd party games sell good number on Wii U you will see developers putting effort to port games to Wii U, too.



#23 Ashurii



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:02 PM

Pretty sure people said the same thing about the 3DS and look at it now. Heck people bashed the Vita too and that is doing well now too. 


#24 Alph


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:03 PM

It really depends where the market is: Genesis, PS1 and PS2 were the weakest consoles of their generation, yet, they - especially PS1 and PS2 - got third support... the BIG 3rd party support!


Imagine that in 1/2 years, Wii U outsells or is no par - in sales - with PS4 and Xbox3 for the same market. Do you think developers will ignore it? They won`t.

If 3rd party games sell good number on Wii U you will see developers putting effort to port games to Wii U, too.

Although I agree with you completely, times were different back then.

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#25 DéliopT



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:12 PM

Although I agree with you completely, times were different back then.


They always are but that doesn`t stop the market act in it`s own way and not how gamers on webforums think the market should or will act.

For example, remembre all the hype there was for KZ2. Best looking game EVER and that it was going to save PS3. None of that happened.


Fact is, beyond all hype for graphics, gamers - even gamers on webforums - work in simple ways: people want to have fun. That`s what always mattered and always will.



#26 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:13 PM

They always are but that doesn`t stop the market act in it`s own way and not how gamers on webforums think the market should or will act.

For example, remembre all the hype there was for KZ2. Best looking game EVER and that it was going to save PS3. None of that happened.


Fact is, beyond all hype for graphics, gamers - even gamers on webforums - work in simple ways: people want to have fun. That`s what always mattered and always will.

I don't know bout any of you, but I didn't find any of the KZ or Resistance games fun AT ALL.

#27 Gaymer


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:20 PM

Pretty sure people said the same thing about the 3DS and look at it now. Heck people bashed the Vita too and that is doing well now too. 

Yeah, the same thing happened with the 3DS. Now all of those doom and gloom people moved on to the Wii U. Oh, and the Vita is doing well? O.o I remember everyone talking about how it was gonna mop the floor with the 3DS. Never heard the opposite.

#28 Dragon



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:21 PM

Yeah, the same thing happened with the 3DS. Now all of those doom and gloom people moved on to the Wii U. Oh, and the Vita is doing well? O.o I remember everyone talking about how it was gonna mop the floor with the 3DS. Never heard the opposite.


Just like how the PSP was going to destroy the DS?

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#29 Ashurii



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:23 PM

Yeah, the same thing happened with the 3DS. Now all of those doom and gloom people moved on to the Wii U. Oh, and the Vita is doing well? O.o I remember everyone talking about how it was gonna mop the floor with the 3DS. Never heard the opposite.



Well I heard it outsold the 3DS for a week just did not want to bash the Vita and come off rude 

Edited by Ashurii, 29 March 2013 - 03:23 PM.


#30 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:24 PM

Oh dear here we go again, we are a WII U COMMUNITY!!! Can't we just talk, have fun and just enjoy it for what it is, the thing hasn't even been out that long, I will start worrying in about a year or so's time if things havn't chaned at all, you have to understand all consoles have a rough start, there is still plenty of time for things to improve, as I said if things are still the same in a year, that's when we need to worry.

#31 Plutonas



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:52 PM

if nintendo fanbase gets big, all engines will run into it. The major reason, why these engines not coming to wii U, is not the hardware power... but wii U is the only console who runs on IBM cpu. So the engines must be re-written exclusively for wii U (as a next gen)...  There is a chance for it... if Sony and Ms, fail with the next consoles and online DRMs.... Wii U gets stronger and stronger, there is a chance for a wii U version of UE4.


3.5m sales is a huge risk to do that for now... but I find the devs very stupid kids... There is no mature answer to that news, they just laughed... well if the others fail, they will beg for it.

All other platforms run with x86 technology and its nothing for them to port it over xbox and sony...


My opinion is, from the time nintendo decided to be the only IBM console out there.. to invest money on their own and offer to their system a wii U version of UE4... but if nintendo dont do that, means that they dont care much.

Edited by Plutonas, 29 March 2013 - 03:58 PM.

#32 SolxBurst


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 03:58 PM


......................What? Sorry, was playing Monster Hunter 3, and Lego City: Undercover.......... Wow, I am having so much fun! Imagine if I was complaining about Nintendo not having good support or something, I wouldn't have nearly as much fun playing the exclusive games I have for the system!....


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#33 Keviin



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:06 PM

It is not Nintys fault. 3rd parties are being ignorant.
No sig.

#34 DéliopT



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:10 PM

I don't know bout any of you, but I didn't find any of the KZ or Resistance games fun AT ALL.


I didn`t like KZ too but i really liked Resistance 1 and 2.
Resistance is a good franchise, but not on the level of Halo or CoD. Too bad the franchise is pretty much dead now.



#35 Gamejunkie



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:41 PM

Fine then Mr Optimistic. I'm just getting my point out.

We have already got a million other doom and gloom posts and we don't need another.

#36 AndyG


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:42 PM

Not this topic again *sigh*


Look, i can agree with some of your points, it's pretty poor on nintendo's part to not feature any advertising. But for gods sake, the system has been out for less than 4 months, what did you expect. It was the same for Sony when they first released, the system prices were through the roof and to top it off there was hardly a single game that made the system worth buying, but look where it's at now (aside from Sony's financial issues).


Yes the WiiU could be better, yes i definitely needs more games, just don't expect that it will be perfect within the first few months.


It will be fairly important that Nintendo shows off a huge list of games and upcoming features during E3 if they want to stand out against their competition, yes it would be better if they just released another Nintendo direct for this reason but Nintendo really needs to leave a mark this year. It's most important that they stick to their promises and avoid delaying games.



Just remember that the PS4 and 720 aren't even out nor have we got much information about either, you can't expect that they will rise on top based on what we know so far. A few issues will need to be resolved quickly in order for these consoles to avoid poor sales.


*The architecture will be fairly different from their previous consoles taking developers at least a year to really understand it, this could lead to some sloppy ports (maybe).

*Price: In this economy both consoles can't afford to price themselves at anything to far off $500, add that to the cost of 24 hour online connections (if that rumour is true) as well as the Gakai servers (Which will most likely be charged) and you have yourself a very expensive machine.

*Innovation: What will they brig thats different enough other than better graphics.


I'm sure both consoles will be fine but they just need to be aware of these issues.


My suggestions for Nintendo would be:

*Hire more staff to help reduce development time and allow for much more game development.

*Advertise everywhere, wether it be showing a tv commercial, a magazine article or showing the console off on a kids tv program, DO SOMETHING.

*Instead of a massive line up of games announced at E3 just release a steady stream through Nintendo direct.

*Don't delay you're games for too long.

*Get dat third party support :)


Note this is entirely my opinion, feel free to disagree.

Edited by AndyG, 29 March 2013 - 04:43 PM.

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This is where it ends

#37 Gamejunkie



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:43 PM

If we make our voice heard, someone at Nintendo will see.

No they won't. You're wasting your time and just creating another pointless thread in the process.

#38 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:45 PM

3hface.gifDONT PANIC


#39 blu gamepad

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Posted 29 March 2013 - 05:56 PM

Well Back in my day!...  :)




On a serious note, just try out some of the old classics out there that you missed out on (there are a lot considering how old you are) You may be surprised what kinds of old gems you may enjoy during this brief drought that the Wii U currently has. Check out some of the old classics on Gamecube, see what gems are available on Wii (they are around. Honest!), and if you can, get down on some good ol' old school gaming with the 16 bit consoles of the SNES, genesis, and N64. This sort of thing isn't new for Nintendo. The games will come in due time. Nintendo Consoles are like old trees, they start out small, but come back to them in a few, and they will be blossoming aplenty; especially Nintendo's handhelds!  :laugh:


We shouldn't fret, this 3-4 month lull is a time to catch up one what you've been missing. A time to prepare for Pikmin 3! I...don't know what else to put here.



When I was a young lad in 2003 or so, I had my good chaps with 007 Nightfire on the gamecube and--



random guard: Ok, That's enough! Move it along!


blu gamepad: where do come from I'm not finished! Wait!

Edited by blu gamepad, 29 March 2013 - 05:56 PM.

#40 Julio93


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:04 PM

Ah, live and die, the strongest things in life.



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