There's a few things that I won't from Kirby Wii U and I've put it in a nice list for you:
- Back to the hardcore: Epic Yarn was nice and all and it really brought something different to the Kirby franchise but in a way I'm glad the next game has gone back to the style that made me love the Kirby series in the first place. So, being able to die, flying and more copy abilities are a must.
- Needs to be longer: One of the main criticisms of Kirby is the goodness just doesn't last long enough so I'm hoping that Kirby Wii U gives us a longer experience
- Meta Knight: I think it would be great to have Meta Knight playable through a lot of Kirby Wii U as he's a really interesting character.
-Platform: I think I'd want it to stay a straight or 2.5 platformer, I'm not sure I'd enjoy Kirby Wii U as a 3D platformer but if it's made really well then who knows.
I don't think we'll be seeing a Kirby game on the Wii U for a bit of time seeing as Kirby Wii isn't out yet, Epic Yarn didn't long come out, then there's Kirby Mass Attack. I'd even bet we'd see one on the 3DS before we actually saw one on the Wii U.
So what would you like to see in Kirby Wii U?