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Rayman Legends release date changed, coming in August 30th

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:39 PM



Ubisoft has finally announced a firm release date for Rayman Legends, and it's slightly earlier than expected - the game will launch in Europe for PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 on 30th August.

Rayman Legends was previously given a September launch date after its delay earlier this year to become a multi-platform title.

Prior to that, the game was due just for Wii U, to be released back in February.

A late August launch keeps Rayman Legends well clear of September's big releases - namely Grand Theft Auto 5.

The game's earlier delay and the ensuing fan outcry that followed is the reason that Ubisoft has today released the free Rayman Legends Challenges app on the Wii U eShop.

The download contains four levels, each of which will be altered in daily and weekly challenges.

Intriguingly, the announcement of Rayman Legends' new August release date may add weight to a report that a PlayStation Vita version of the game is in development.

Legends was recently listed for Vita by the Spanish arm of retailer FNAC, with a release date of 29th August.

Details of the game's listing have been partially removed since it was discovered, although the page is active. A Vita version wouldn't be too surprising, either - Legends' forerunner Rayman Origins also had a Vita release.




Eurogamer has questioned Ubisoft about a Vita release, but the publisher refused to comment.


^ LOL!



#2 Blake



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:44 PM

Great, what could be more pleasant than a game coming out a week after school starts? -_-

Edited by Blake, 25 April 2013 - 08:44 PM.

#3 Cozmo


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:54 PM

played the demo. it was pretty cool. the art work was nice, the touch screen things were ok, but was fun when you had a lot going and was able to use it a lot in a short period. the music was actually not bad either. ill probably get it, if i have the money.....maybe. the earlier release date is nice to hear. it was also really nice to hear that they added 30 more levels instead of just focusing on porting :)

#4 Happy Monk

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 03:22 AM

I was always gonna get this game, but since the delay for porting, it has moved back to christmas for me. Shame really.

Just you wait until it gets delayed for a PS4 and 720 port, as well as the complimentary IOS and Android games. Maybe a Vita and 3DS version as well.

Bring the noise.

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