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Why do you hate english dub?

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:42 PM


This mostly occurs to anime fans that they hate English dub by default just cause the JP voice actors do a 'Better job' or 'sound better' I don't believe this at all, English dub has improved tremendously after the 90s hiring professional voice actors that can actually act like they are the characters instead of reading line by line. With them i can focus on the animation instead of subtitles.


Now all of a sudden i see them complaining about English Dub in videogames in this generation......Yeah. Stupid to believe but its true.


You know what is the worst....Fan dubs......



#2 Tom


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:58 PM

A lot of the meaning gets lost in translation.


Like 99% of the jokes in Sgt. Frog.


#3 Goom


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:00 PM

Some english dubs are better then the Japanesse voice actors. I personally like FMA,FMAB, and Sgt.. Frog english dubs more then the Japanese. 

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#4 Structures


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:19 PM

When I'm watching something I don't want to completely miss it just cause I look away for the second, which is why I don't like subs.

I hate when people make up dumb excuses for liking subbed so much more, when a lot of the time the english VOs are just as good or better.

I genuinely think most of the time people like subbed more just to be elitist 


Even when I watched FMA: Conqueror of Shamballa in Japanese some of the characters that I haven't seen in the series just had voices that did not fit their looks at all and sounded so forced.

Edited by Shaved Bear of Happiness, 27 April 2013 - 08:21 PM.

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 01:38 AM

I just prefer subs because I like to have the original voice acting. Also, I'm studying Japanese.

One of the worst dubbed animes is probably Bleach. The original voice acting is much better.
I did like the English voice acting for Xenoblade though.

Edited by Zallarax, 28 April 2013 - 01:41 AM.

#6 Cozmo


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:28 AM

i f***ing hate english dubs soooo much. morst are so terrible that i cant watch more than a couple seconds. i also hate english dubbibg in most, not all, but most foreign games. its like needles digging into my ear drums. i cringe when i hear most dubs. the japanese voice action is better by far. they put more emotion into it and truely bring the characters to life while "most" not all, most dubs sound like they are just sitting in a room and reading from a script, not to mention that the voices are horrible. *cringes* 

I just prefer subs because I like to have the original voice acting. Also, I'm studying Japanese.

One of the worst dubbed animes is probably Bleach. The original voice acting is much better.
I did like the English voice acting for Xenoblade though.


 i thought bleach was ok. i watched the dub before the sub but they sounded similar so it was easy to transition to japanese. i dont watch adult swim for my anime anymore or this one on demand channel either. once i discovered the japanese versions, i quicky made the switch and never went back, and never will lol.

#7 dante👌


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:34 AM

I actually like to watch English dubs over the Japanese, mostly because i want to Watch the Anime not Read it. But if people still wanna watch the Japanese versions, that's their choice, not mine.

#8 Gaymer


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:35 AM

I'm not one of those people who complain about dubs simply because I believe Japanese acting is better. If a game or anime has a good dub, I'll play/watch it. However, you need to play jrpgs if you think that their English dubs are better than the original voice acting.


If you think this sounds remotely good, then you need help.

Edited by Gaymer, 28 April 2013 - 08:37 AM.

#9 3DS Strider

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:05 PM

I don't watch anime. However, I am a fan of Kaiju movies. I always take the subs; it just feels more natural. After all, it's supposed to be seen that way.

Also on 3DS Forums and Racketboy. I am not an iodit.

#10 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:02 PM

I grew up with DragonBall and I'm a hugely massive fan as you can tell, and apparantly I'm not a fan because I hate the Japanese dub, excuse me but I'm sorry no, just no, to me the Japanese dub is aweful, most of the males in anime are played by females in Japan, Goku is really a 75 year old woman!?!?!?!?!? The English dub is phenomanal in my opinion, Sean Schemmel is amazing as Goku he shows so much emotion, the only problem I have with the English dub is Chris Sabat's characters sound very samey, he could do with changing them up a bit. Bleach, Johnny Yong Bosh is really good as Ichigo and don't get me started on Death Note, Brad Swail is perfect as Light Yagami, he pulls it off stunningly. I hate it when people say I'm not a fan of somthing just because I hate the original Japanese dub, If that's the case why is my room stuffed up to the door with Anime and Manga stuff, I'd rather have the English dub, at least it doesn't sound like cats bieng strangled............ /rant over.

#11 AegisReflector



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:16 PM

Some English dubs that are in my opinion better than the Japanese originals are Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, all 3 Dragon Ball series, Fooly Cooly, FMA, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (even though I despise that series), and Inuyasha.


Like Gaymer pointed out, I don't criticize English dubs simply because I think the Japanese are masters of voice acting. You have to consider the fact of: what company dubbed the series, cultural references the show may have trouble translating to Western audiences, emotional differences with translation, and the character's personality translating to pull in Western audiences better.


I also don't like reading subtitles in flicks (I love to read, just not when sentences appear on screen for like 2 seconds >.>) so I generally stay away from anime subs unless there is no English version of one.

#12 dante👌


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 10:16 AM

Oops, posted the same thing twice, didn't see my last post, But Also for Dragonball z, the American english version is by far the Best version IMO

Edited by Miltonius, 02 May 2013 - 10:17 AM.

#13 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:39 AM

Because respectively, the original voice acting is considerably better. Mind you, I will watch dubs sometimes and only if the're good. I just like the Japanese language in general, because it sounds pretty to me.

#14 Azure-Edge


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:02 AM

Honestly, I think all the hate for English dubs is pretty stupid, and I'm both a long time anime fan and someone who knows Japanese to the point where I can almost go without subs (depending on the content of course). There was a time when a LOT of dubbing was pretty awful, mostly I'd say in the 90s when they were trying to edit a lot of anime to make it more G rated for kids. And I don't mean editing as in just changing meanings around, but as in they would actually cut up and doctor up episodes. Some shows had entire episodes that would never be shown, some had orders changed around, some were combined, etc. If you knew this was going on, it was pretty easy to hate any anime done in English. Bad voice acting was just the cherry on the cake.


Nowadays though English dubs have come a LONG way. Funimation's series have consistently put out VERY good dubs throughout the past several years and there are a lot of English voice overs that have gone on to surpass the Japanese originals. So really, I think there are a lot of people who hate on the dubs just for hating on the dubs. Now, if you just prefer the Japanese voices, then that's your thing. But to act as if most dubs are still crap is pretty shallow. Oh, and to the people who mention that there are sometimes things lost in translation, that happens regardless. You can't blame them for changing references when translating for a culture that would never understand the references in the first place. A straight copy/paste translation is NOT a good translation. In fact that is where you will have the most meaning lost. A really good translation comes when you have people who not only understand the cultural references/subtexts but also are able to figure something comparable in the language they're going to. That's a good dub job.


As for me personally, it really depends on both the show's content/context, AND the quality of the voice work. Things that are meant to take place in the west with western characters and names. Those are the ones that I DEFINITELY want to watch in English. It's not that the Japanese voice overs are bad, but it just doesn't fit well with the context, and unfortunately the Japanese butcher our language just as badly as we do theirs. I hate hearing them try to struggle to say a western name right and there are vowel sounds that shouldn't be there. It's not their fault, it's just that there are so many sounds in the English language that aren't in Japanese, so they just do their best. 


Hellsing Ultimate is a perfect example. This show is not only about vampires, but it literally takes place in England and everyone in the show is European. I mean hell, they have Nazis! In Japanese, not only do I have to listen to them try to use English names and phrases accurately, but now they've thrown German in to the mix. It just pulls me out of the show. The dub on the other hand is well done. It flows better, the English fits in the context and they're even able to have accurate accents (well most). A few other notable mentions that I think are better in English would be Panty and Stocking, Fullmetal Alchemist (either one), and Code Geass. On the other hand, I think shows like Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, and Sailor Moon are more fun in Japanese. Then there are those that I can go either way on such as Baka and Test. 


#15 grahamf


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 09:51 AM

I'm half deaf so sometimes I can't make out the words anyways. I like having subtitles so I can read what they're saying, and you don't get those in dubbed shows.

And I like to listen to the inflection, and how the words were intended to sound like. Not to mention sometimes I pick up some of the words. Yosh?



#16 Waller


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:02 PM

I don't hate dubs, I just don't care about them. More likely than not, I already grew accustomed to the Japanese VA's, and it feels weird to hear the same character with a different voice. That's pretty much it.

As for people complaining about dubs, it's mainly because JAPAN IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS CRAPPY CONTINENT I LIVE IN! Weeaboos.


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