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Wii U impressions from older gamers?

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#1 abluehaze


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:16 PM

Just curious to hear impressions of the Wii U from any 30+ gamers out there.  

Do you find the console and games to be more or less enjoyable than the other currently available consoles?  

#2 Julio93


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:23 PM

I asked the same thing and here's what they told me: "What are you 5?"



#3 backudog



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:38 PM

I find it about the same. Good fun so far. I admit I use my 360 more though, but that's only coz I have more games for it.

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#4 DexterousGecko


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:05 PM

Honestly? it comes across more childish than the other consoles. It's just that the first party titles are all cartoony, and while I don't think cartoon = childish, a lot of people have that idea. I like Nintendo, and was excited when they were talking more about "core" gamers (whatever that means). I'm a little worried now that they seem to be slipping back into their old ways though. Wii U vs PC vs PS3? right now, PC by a mile.

#5 emmonsh


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:50 PM

well how bout over 50. cartoony?  who cares  its about the games. i play the wii u more than any other console ever.and i have owned all of them back to pong.people complain about 3rd party support?  ps3 has less than this at launch. wii u is fine and so is nintendo.  nintendo makes great games they will always be at the top. by the way not planning on buying the ps4 or new xbox at launch. they will be the first launch i dont buy in. 8 gigs ram is for videoing your game for friends. i buy consoles to play games. wii u does it and does great.as for pc ill be damned if i would sit in front of a small screen with a pc instead of my plasma.

Edited by emmonsh, 28 April 2013 - 04:52 PM.

#6 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:19 PM

I'm not over 30 I only so far use it to either play Wii games on it, use miiverse, or just run around and kill people in AC3



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#7 Nollog


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:40 PM

Just curious to hear impressions of the Wii U from any 30+ gamers out there.

Do you find the console and games to be more or less enjoyable than the other currently available consoles?

I'm in my 20's.

I grew up on Nintendo and Sega platformers.

Nintendo provide me with platformers, my favourite genre.


I play most other genre of games on PC.

The Wii U has got me to play different types of games on it though, because of the gamepad.

Rather than hunch over my keyboard I can lie on my couch and play a good game easily.

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#8 Alianjaro



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:15 PM

If someone says toony = childish, I'll go on a bloody rampage.
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#9 cannonshane


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:35 PM

Not 30+ but I'm mid 20's and play my wii u more than my 360 and ps3.

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#10 Pjsprojects


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:53 PM

The wife and i are in our 40s and as of now we play the Wiiu more than the other consoles. PC also gets a good time share but our kids use PS3 for LBP  only and 360 is the COD console but i'm hoping to drop that if/when dlc turns up on the Wiiu. 

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#11 Gamejunkie



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:44 AM

well how bout over 50. cartoony? who cares its about the games. i play the wii u more than any other console ever.and i have owned all of them back to pong.people complain about 3rd party support? ps3 has less than this at launch. wii u is fine and so is nintendo. nintendo makes great games they will always be at the top. by the way not planning on buying the ps4 or new xbox at launch. they will be the first launch i dont buy in. 8 gigs ram is for videoing your game for friends. i buy consoles to play games. wii u does it and does great.as for pc ill be damned if i would sit in front of a small screen with a pc instead of my plasma.

I beg to differ regards your comment about the 8GB of RAM in the PS4. It's not just for streaming your gameplay to your friends and has far more positive consequences then that. The PS4 and Xbox successor do have a lot to prove but I suspect they will be just fine and will likely offer a more in depth game playing experience.

#12 cannonshane


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 02:17 AM

They will offer a more hardcore experience, if your just after som the great fun every now and then you can't go wrong with the wii u.

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#13 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 02:33 AM

well how bout over 50. cartoony?  who cares  its about the games. i play the wii u more than any other console ever.and i have owned all of them back to pong.people complain about 3rd party support?  ps3 has less than this at launch. wii u is fine and so is nintendo.  nintendo makes great games they will always be at the top. by the way not planning on buying the ps4 or new xbox at launch. they will be the first launch i dont buy in. 8 gigs ram is for videoing your game for friends. i buy consoles to play games. wii u does it and does great.as for pc ill be damned if i would sit in front of a small screen with a pc instead of my plasma.

I play PC 95% of the time I spend gaming. And 100% of that time is spent in front of a 50 inch LED TV. Big screen mode man, big screen mode. I still use a keyboard and mouse though, the only good gaming controller :)


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#14 GhostDrive



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:50 AM

I'm 25 and I've been playing games for years. I like the Wii U and don't find it to be childish. The only thing that I find childish is all the noobs on Miiverse, besides that it's fine.

#15 abluehaze


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:52 AM

I play PC 95% of the time I spend gaming. And 100% of that time is spent in front of a 50 inch LED TV. Big screen mode man, big screen mode. I still use a keyboard and mouse though, the only good gaming controller :)

The problem with that though is tv's only go up to 1080p (unless you're have a 4K tv which I seriously doubt).  One of the advantages to playing games on a PC is higher resolution and higher frame rates.  You're sacrificing one of those benefits by playing PC games on a TV.  

#16 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:08 AM

I'm 28 but have been gaming since I was about 5.


Games aside, I just don't understand the Wii U in general. The selling point is a huge, bulky controller with a standard definition screen built in?


So I can check my inventory by looking down? Big deal. So I can play games by looking at a SD screen instead of a 50in HDTV? Why would I?


The other part I don't get is... what market is the Wii U trying to attract?


Obviously the original Wii was marketed to kids, fat people, and old ladys to get them off the couch and active. It was a great idea and it sold amazingly well.


The Wii U?


Well, first of all... 97% of the population still thinks the Wii U is an add-on to the Wii that's currently collecting dust in their living rooms. And since the Wii U's selling point is a tablet controller, it loses the "get up and move" appeal that the Wii had... so there goes that demographic.


Then there is the "hardcore" crowd that favors more 'FPS" and third party games. Well, do I really need to go into this point on how the Wii U has failed with that demographic so far?


So the Wii U has basically shunned both the casual and hardcore crowds. An amazing feat really when you think about it.

Edited by Cyanotic, 29 April 2013 - 05:10 AM.

#17 Falconberg



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:46 AM

While I resent being called an "older gamer" I've gotta chime in on how Nintendo won my personal console war. I had a Wii and nothing else and i was pretty happy. Them came an opportunity to get a 360 for free. I had a hankering to play the dead space games cause i really liked the Wii one. It was probably a year or two before i ever touched the Wii again. I was playing all the awesome bad a$$ games for 360.
But then Skyward Sword came out and i decided to dust off the old Wii before i played it, get used to the controller again.
That's when it hit me. I've been playing/buying all these high graphics intense games, pouring hours into them, and none of them were fun for me. Nintendo is still stuck in the 90s, back when people played video games for fun.
Some people may want to play super intense games where you're an awesome space dude who shoots everything that moves to progress to the next level, but I'd take Metroid's isolated environment and clever puzzles any day.
When Wii u came out i did away worth my 360 and I've never regretted it. there's nothing i find fun on the other consoles anyway. (with some small exceptions eg Portal, LBP, L4D)
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#18 DexterousGecko


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 11:52 AM

While I resent being called an "older gamer" I've gotta chime in on how Nintendo won my personal console war. I had a Wii and nothing else and i was pretty happy. Them came an opportunity to get a 360 for free. I had a hankering to play the dead space games cause i really liked the Wii one. It was probably a year or two before i ever touched the Wii again. I was playing all the awesome bad a$$ games for 360.
But then Skyward Sword came out and i decided to dust off the old Wii before i played it, get used to the controller again.
That's when it hit me. I've been playing/buying all these high graphics intense games, pouring hours into them, and none of them were fun for me. Nintendo is still stuck in the 90s, back when people played video games for fun.
Some people may want to play super intense games where you're an awesome space dude who shoots everything that moves to progress to the next level, but I'd take Metroid's isolated environment and clever puzzles any day.
When Wii u came out i did away worth my 360 and I've never regretted it. there's nothing i find fun on the other consoles anyway. (with some small exceptions eg Portal, LBP, L4D)

Yah, I get your point, but you do realize that not all of the games on xbox are space shooting games right? For me, it's not just about graphics. It's the immersion. I love being immersed in a games world. Thats why one of my favorite game types are open world games. The graphics are part of the immersion as it feels more real. For example, with fallout, even though things are in game that aren't real, they feel plausible. I actually feel terror when i spot a deathclaw (on hardest difficulty at low level) and wonder "sh**, did he see me?" Those moments of intense immersion are harder to come by with a Mario or Zelda game. It's not that one is more fun that the other, it's more as i get older, my idea of fun is less "yay!!! this is sooo fuun!" (no sarcasm intended there) and more 4 hours just went by and I was completely IN the game.


It's similar to watching the movie zoolander vs drive. If you know these movies, you'll know they're both AMAZING ^^, but they are both VERY different and elicit different emotions and level of "fun" from the viewer.

#19 dustinb12


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 12:56 PM

30+ here to say i was just discussing this with the wife yesterday. she bought me a pro controller for xmas and i've yet to use it at all. we only have a couple of games for it. here are the issues for me: just now getting VC which i play more than anything on my 3ds and things are a little pricey (understandably so). for injustice with the guide was nearly $100. for me thats way too steep for a game that only i will play. there also just isnt much going on with it yet, like they said "here is the wii u. its HD". my score is 7/10 for now, but after i get my mario kart/party and zeldas and hopefully something fresh im sure the score will go up to a 10. being an "older" gamer, i have seen this many times from nintendo over the years. Id blame ipads and iPhones for the way gaming is going nowadays, not nintendo

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#20 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 01:50 PM

The problem with that though is tv's only go up to 1080p (unless you're have a 4K tv which I seriously doubt).  One of the advantages to playing games on a PC is higher resolution and higher frame rates.  You're sacrificing one of those benefits by playing PC games on a TV.

My PC still plays skyrim on my 1080p tv on ultra settings with around 80FPS. Skyrim on 360 is 600p upscaled to 720p at 25-30 FPS. So..... I like PC better. However I don't care about graphics at all really, I just like skyrim on PC because of the mods, the graphics are just a plus!


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

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