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For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

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#41 routerbad



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Posted 02 May 2013 - 01:35 PM

People underestimate the wiiU because the friggin Devz, the people who actually make the game, don't support it. It's quite easy to see..the millions of 360/ps3 players who haven't bought a wiiU are not going to buy a wiiU next year if the 720/ps4 are out. Nintendo failed to get a head start with next-gen gaming. They will be playing catch up..

The friggin Devz have had nothing but positive things to say about the platform, maybe you are referring to friggin EA, who despite their grudge still have developers in their stable that praise the hardware.


No, the devs have supported it, Crytek built Crysis3 for it, other developers are building other things for it, indies are praising it all over kickstarter, it's EA, and EA alone, that has been bashing the console, and we know the reason for it.

#42 backudog



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 08:49 PM

I really hope we get to see some wiiU gameplay footage soon, wanna see how it compares to the others. I'm getting it for wiiu maybe rent it on 360, and possibly buy it for whichever of the other next gen consoles I get (if they've got any added extra stuff).

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