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What GTA V Means To The Wii U, Nintendo And The Entire Gaming Industry

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 05:50 PM


Reports have been flying that suggest Take-Two could announce a major statement regarding Grand Theft Auto V next month. The announcement is aimed on discussing what additional formats GTA V will be coming out for besides the already confirmed PS3 and Xbox 360. On May 16th, Take-Two will most certainly confirm GTA V for the PS4 and Xbox 720, but there is also a high chance for the Wii U as well. In fact, a number of sites within the last 24 hours have all but decided based on leaked information, that the Wii U version is “highly probable”.


Last year, I, as well as staff members and friends, decided that once again we were going to purchase a console on its launch day. That console was Nintendo’s Wii U. Fast forward six months and I absolutely do not regret my purchase in the slightest. Just as I have done before, when adopting a new piece of technology, one must endure the kinks and slow momentum of a console’s build up. It is now almost May of 2013 and my hopes for the Wii U couldn’t be more optimistic. With a system firmware releasing soon that will dramatically improve the system’s OS, as well as a confirmed list of triple A titles releasing on the console within the coming three months, I am pleased. It clearly seems Nintendo is thoroughly committed to making the Wii U a success. To the outside or even early Wii U adopter, it may seem as if the system was an unworthy purchase because of the lackluster line in the previous months. All of this is about to change drastically.


For the past month, I have been engaged in promoting my hopes for Nintendo, via the Miiverse community on the Wii U. In promoting these hopes, one thing has remained constant throughout: The hope that Take-Two and Rockstar would bring Grand Theft Auto V to the Wii U. Being a fan of GTA since the early days isn’t my reasoning for wanting this either, as I can simply buy GTA V on my Xbox 360 or PS3. My motivation is that Nintendo needs this opportunity to shine in a different light, a brighter one that is. Grand Theft Auto represents the pinnacle of adult-rated gameplay and a revolutionary franchise. It is also being created by one of the biggest and most respected third-party developers in the industry. If on May 16th, Take-Two indeed states GTA V is coming to the Wii U, I believe Nintendo, and the Wii U specifically, will set sail into a brave new land of endless possibilities and success. GTA V coming to the Wii U will send a shockwave through the industry. A tiny ripple of hope that Nintendo needs. It is my belief that if third party core developers get to witness Rockstar’s behemoth game run on the Wii U, there will then be a flood gate of third-party developers pouring into the Wii U filled with eager, creative minds. These past months of naive statements from developers who are passing on the Wii U to develop for Microsoft and Sony platforms will reevaluate their business decisions. This will put tremendous pressure on companies like EA, SEGA, Epic Games, and etc. to start developing their upcoming triple A’s for Nintendo. Industry analysts (who will remain silent for fear of giving them more credit than they already don’t deserve) will have to eat their own miscalculated statements regarding the Wii U.

In closing, I leave you off with this. Nintendo has always been a company that takes the lead, while the other two guys scramble, mimic and follow them. After all, Nintendo has been in the game for longer than anybody else. They know what they’re doing “most of the time” that is. If Take-Two has Rockstar create GTA V for the Wii U, the industry will change. This move will signify Nintendo entering a new era of expanding their audience. Yes, Nintendo has had violent third-party games in the past, but this is different. GTA V is expected to technologically and economically change the gaming industry just as GTA 3 had done 12 years ago. Just the idea of a GTA running on and coming to a Nintendo home console will sell in vast amounts, both for the game and the console. Developers from every walk of life will be closely observing just how powerful the system is and what its strengths are. They will then monitor the sales of the Wii U version. If both prove successful, all of the third party doors will finally unlock, and the Wii U will have truly entered the next generation fight. The only difference being that Nintendo will have a strong shot to take the lead by September due to the already ten month install base, and now enormous title coming to their machine. As of now, it seems May 16th will be an important date for Nintendo and the industry.






Mark your calendars guys. Something is about to happen in May 16th.



#2 Zinix



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Posted 01 May 2013 - 05:54 PM

My hype meter is rising, I can't wait! 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#3 meitantei_conan



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Posted 01 May 2013 - 06:42 PM


#4 Dragon



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Posted 01 May 2013 - 07:20 PM

GTA V for Wii U..? Sounds like a time waster for me. ;)

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#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 01 May 2013 - 07:56 PM

I really hope this happens I really do, after the 3 seperate character trailers 2 days ago this game looks too fun to miss, please R* make my dreams come true.......

#6 Alianjaro



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Posted 03 May 2013 - 12:57 PM

Is this truly happening?..
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#7 GhostDrive



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Posted 03 May 2013 - 01:45 PM

Even though I won't get this, I hope its released on the Wii U. If it will help sell the system, then by all means please come to the console!

#8 Azure-Edge


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 02:21 PM

Can't wait for this game to come out just to watch the hype train crash and burn. People are seriously blowing this game out of proportion. 


#9 PyroKinesis



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Posted 03 May 2013 - 02:30 PM

Excellent article, and hopefully we will be looking at GTA 5 for the Wii U this Fall. I'm more of a Saints Row guy myself (even though everything after the original was terrible), so I won't be picking this up, but still, if it comes to the Wii U, that's excellent news.

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