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Becoming a Nintendo loner...

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#21 Gaymer


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 10:56 PM

Generally, the PS4 exclusives won't appeal to me. 


Naughty Dog is either working on Uncharted 4, MediaMolecule's new IP, KillZone ShadowFall, Infamous Second Son, DriveClub, and Knack.


That's their first party. I'm more into 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Zelda, Metroid, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, and Pikmin. Which are all the first titles the U will be getting. 

That's fine, but that guy made it seem like buying multiple consoles was stupid, mentioning nothing about how they have their own exclusives, which you can't find on PC.

#22 Gbird99



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Posted 03 May 2013 - 11:25 PM

I'd rather stick with nintendo consoles, the majority of consoles I have are nintendo. Though I do get a bit of heartbreak when a awesome looking game is released on another console (*coughjourneycough*) I think I can deal with it. 

#23 GAMER1984



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 12:10 AM

I'd rather stick with nintendo consoles, the majority of consoles I have are nintendo. Though I do get a bit of heartbreak when a awesome looking game is released on another console (*coughjourneycough*) I think I can deal with it. 

me also i was a Wii only owner this gen and will be a Wii U only owner next gen.... we will be fine. Wii U will have FAR better support all around than Wii did... iwill gaurantee you that... no matter how bad it might look right now.

#24 Chrop



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 01:04 AM

I have been nintendo only my whole life besides last gen, owned Snes, gameboy, N64, Gamecube, then i had a chipped Wii which ruined the experiance of all the games (So buggy... so so buggy) so sold it for a ps3 and psp and ds, after 2 years of the psp and ps3 it honestly had no games that appealed to me besides Little Big Planet and GTA, so i sold them both it for a Wii again, non chipped, loved it again.


Now i have a Wii U and 3DS and bearly any other game on the other systems are appealing enough to make me go out and buy it, (there are the 1 or 2 games, but am not going to buy a console for £150 for 2 games then have it gain dust)

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#25 alan123


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 03:05 AM

i don't see the point in building a complete library of WiiU games, also by sticking to the WiiU you will miss out on some excellent games on the PS4 & X720 the PC even.

#26 Alph


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 03:20 AM

You don't have to buy every game on the Wii U....

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#27 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 03:30 AM

More games tends to equal more fun. There's not much you can do though with a bunch of consoles and not being able to afford games because you bought all that hardware.

I was thinking about getting a PS4 or XBox 720 if a new Sonic game came out to get the best graphics. But then I thought, graphics are good enough anymore, and on the Wii U. Shouldn't I just play on the system that will probably have the most innovative games (Wii U)? To me, it truely has gotten to a point where power is enough. It won't always be enough but something like a Wii U is probably enough for now, to me anyway.

#28 AndyG


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 03:32 AM

It's a shame that so many of their main titles got delayed for such a long time, Nintendo made a big fuss about trying to make the WiiU launch run as smooth as possible after the 3DS launch. At least the added polish will make these titles much better in the long run, like Miyamoto said, "A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is bad forever".

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#29 Gamejunkie



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 04:15 AM

I'm not. There are just too many other good games on other platforms. I can't handle not being able to play a good game just because I don't own the console.

Same here. I am and will always be a multi platform gamer for this reason. I'm fortunate I can afford to own all the consoles which is great as there will always be exclusives I want to play like The Last Of Us and Beyond Two Souls on the PS3.

its stupid considering more than 1 console... Just think about all these people who say:  OH I WILL GET 720 AND WII u.. OR... PS4 AND wii U.. or all of them... hahaha
now just calculate that money  300 for wii U + 200-400 for accessories and games  and a ps4 for 400-500+400-600 in games... overall an extreme pc with loads of games and for more years than the actual console can live!.
u normally get 1 platform that has the best exclusives and a pc... I never like the idea of 2 consoles, or 3...  Today consoles cost alot of money! In the other hand people say.. PC IS EXPENSIIIIVE.. yeah right, let me ask you a question... how much money you gave the last 5 years in consoles... PC can last much longer and u play much better quality games.

Rubbish. Its not stupid in the least. Just because you can't afford all the consoles doesn't mean others who can shouldn't buy all or a combination of some oe them. You may be happy sticking with one console and missing out on quality exclusives or multi platform games which are better on other consoles but not everyone is. Gaming is my one and only hobby and I don't really spend a lot of money on other things so can and will buy more then one console.

#30 GhostDrive



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 04:35 AM

As much as I'd like to be able to buy multiple consoles, I can't. I'm fortunate enough to make my own income, but it's not enough for me to buy every game I want. I have to make sure my money is able to go into first priority things instead of games. Gaming is a luxury, it's not something I need in order to survive.

#31 caryrae73


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:19 AM

I have a Wii U and a PS3. I bought the PS3 years ago mostly for using it as a Blu-Ray player because at the time people where saying it was the best blu-ray player. I have bought a couple games for it over the years. I am not as big a gamer as I used to be but have been having a lot of fun playing the Wii U. Right now I am playing Lego City which is an awesome game.

#32 coolsarahkry



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 06:05 AM

Each of the three kids in my family has a console. My brother has 360, my sister has PS3, and I have wii u. So I guess you could say we've got it covered. But I don't think we will be getting nextbox and ps4 very soon.

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#33 PyroKinesis



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 06:38 AM

Amazon is even worse, you ever run to the hundreds of trolls in the review section? Exactly.


I don't read the reviews for games, because I know exactly what I want going in. So no, Amazon is not worse because you can skip right over those reviews, as opposed to a real person at GameStop with a trollface on.

#34 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 06:39 AM

I don't read the reviews for games, because I know exactly what I want going in. So no, Amazon is not worse because you can skip right over those reviews, as opposed to a real person at GameStop with a trollface on.

lol, trollface on...

Edited by PotatoHog, 04 May 2013 - 06:39 AM.

#35 DéliopT



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 07:43 AM

This past generation i was a bit let down with Wii. having many 3rd parties absent from the console, meant i couldn`t play all the things i wanted.

So i eventually bought a Dreamcast, than a Xbox 360, than a PS3 and again a Xbox 360. Now i only have a PS3, mainly because my brother is always playing CoD and since he helped me buy a Wii U i won`t sell the PS3... for now!


I mainly bought 1st party games from MS and Sony and although i loved Halo, Gears of War, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six Vegas, Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet, none of these games will make me buy a new console... well, except Halo. If there`s one game i think is worth buying a console for, it`s Halo.

Besides that, i will stick with Wii U, with pleasure. Not only will i save lots of money, i will have more time to play the games and not feel in a rush to play something else!



#36 Alianjaro



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 08:26 AM

Time will tell for me...
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#37 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 01:29 PM

I own all three last gen consoles.
I guess I need to "wake up" and "get a life".

#38 Hank Hill

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 02:17 PM

 I wouldn't say this is a great idea. I mean, at the very least, stick with Sony/Nintendo/PC. A good deal of Microsoft exclusives find their way to PC/PS3 at some point, so just do that. 


Unless, of course, you don't care much for Sony or Microsoft stuff. Then just go Nintendo/PC. :P



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#39 Plutonas



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Posted 04 May 2013 - 02:30 PM

PC/nintendo for me... but with a small chance for sony to... PS3 didnt appeal to me at all, I like journey but its a waste to pay that money for 2 hours of game play (I saw it on Youtube HD video) lol.  If they give me all ff6 ff7 ffx remakes with extra content and HD remakes... I may give it a chance...


The only games I think about ps3 are:


Journey, uncharted, kratos, beyond.. (mostly journey)..

Edited by Plutonas, 04 May 2013 - 02:31 PM.

#40 Desert Punk

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:14 AM

I did the PC thing for a few years, constantly upgrading to maintain a fast PC and spent time optimising it and the games to work at their best level and realised I spent more time doing that than playing the games. It was also a serious financial investment. I realised I wasn't interested in doing this anymore and stopped. My PC hasn't been upgraded for about 4 years and it wasn't high performance at the time. It can run Skyrim at low levels but its not great. The selection of PC games wasn't amazing either and there was only a few exclusives worth having of the type of games I like. I realised gaming wise it was very poor value.


I have numerous consoles and enjoy them all. I do try to save money by buying pre-owned games though and resist buying until they are much reduced in price.


I have to say though gaming is incredible value as entertainment. If I buy a game for £4 pre-owned which I often do and spend something like 10hrs with it and still get to resell the game its amazing value.


It really depends on how much entertainment gaming gives you but i love the escapism and exploring of gaming. Feeling immersed in another environment or world is very enjoyable. My job is mainly writing manuals for power tools and marketing text.


As a hobby gaming is very cheap I think and depending on how much you enjoy it will probably govern how much of your income you wish to spend in that area.


The thing is though if you don't buy new games on release but delay purchasing to 3-4 months after release gaming gets a lot, lot cheaper anyway. It depends on how you play games. I tend to like to re-visit games and only really sell games if I find I dislike them or feel their is no re-play value. I have a huge amount of games I haven't even started yet anyway.

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