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What happens if we see nextgen graphics from Wii U at E3?

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#41 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:37 PM

The extra GPU logic is probably mainly used on a bit of fixed function stuff and backwards compatibility, nothing too overly impressive.

The Wii U is likely more powerful than the 360/PS3 but probably mainly +0-50% so.

#42 routerbad



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Posted 19 May 2013 - 06:25 PM

The extra GPU logic is probably mainly used on a bit of fixed function stuff and backwards compatibility, nothing too overly impressive.

The Wii U is likely more powerful than the 360/PS3 but probably mainly +0-50% so.

Nah, even if they had a Wii GPU in there, transistor for transistor, it would account for less than 5% of the logic at 40nm.


The extra logic is more than just backward compatibility, and just because fixed functions cannot be calculated to a FLOP count as easily as programmable shaders, does not mean they are useless.  Far from it in fact.  Also, we know from various leaks that it isn't "fixed function" logic, it's more extensible than that, while still taking functions away from the shader units to free up cycles there.


The Wii U is actually quite a bit more powerful than PS360, not just because of the SIMD performance on the CPU or GPU, it also has a much more modern architecture and featureset, that benefits from the advancements made in the last seven years. 


Also, it isn't just "extra GPU logic" its literally half of the GPU logic.  Inferring that 50% of the GPU does things that "aren't that impressive" while the other half does all of the "impressive" stuff is beyond ridiculous.

Edited by routerbad, 19 May 2013 - 06:26 PM.

#43 TheDoritoKing



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Posted 19 May 2013 - 06:44 PM

The Wii U will most likely be the PS2 to the PS4/720's XBOX/Gamecube powerwise, and be the Gamecube in sales and reputation (they'll laugh at the "kiddie console", then see all the awesome games the missed).

#44 Cloud Windfoot Omega

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 07:49 PM

If we were to show great graphics,  everyone would knitpick on things that are not perfect


if ps4 where to show the same thing, they would not.

#45 GAMER1984



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Posted 19 May 2013 - 07:59 PM

If we were to show great graphics, everyone would knitpick on things that are not perfect

if ps4 where to show the same thing, they would not.

I agree

#46 dante👌


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 11:35 PM

I Agree with cloud, Even if it did look good, You have all the other console Fanboys saying stupid stuff. They would think of the most horrible excuses to say it doesn't look good, And for them to end it all off.... wait for it.... Say nintendo is for kids.

#47 djlewe78



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:41 AM

I would love it, but i think developers who have been working on all 3 next gen consoles will all tell us the wii u just cant keep up. Im sure 3d mario will look great but look at killzone on ps4 , if wii u games look like that at the end of its life id be happy. Plus surely as a marketing campaign we would have seen at least one game with next gen graphics if it were possible. Its like launching a 3d tv with no 3d content to show it off, lol i can picture it at e3 nintendo stepping up saying, "here is the next generation", playing clips from zombie u, nsmbu, and tank tank tank, everybody saying "where? what the.." and every now and then a voice bellowing through the speakers saying "behold".

#48 routerbad



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 08:53 AM

I would love it, but i think developers who have been working on all 3 next gen consoles will all tell us the wii u just cant keep up. Im sure 3d mario will look great but look at killzone on ps4 , if wii u games look like that at the end of its life id be happy. Plus surely as a marketing campaign we would have seen at least one game with next gen graphics if it were possible. Its like launching a 3d tv with no 3d content to show it off, lol i can picture it at e3 nintendo stepping up saying, "here is the next generation", playing clips from zombie u, nsmbu, and tank tank tank, everybody saying "where? what the.." and every now and then a voice bellowing through the speakers saying "behold".

Killzone was not that impressive, technically or visually.  This illustrates the problem quite well, Killzone looks great to you based on what other people have said and based on your confirmation bias, when in reality it looks pretty much like what we've come to expect from current gen hardware.


Sure the textures will be crisper, sure the framerates will be smoother (than PS3), but it doesn't really amount to a whole lot at the end of the day.


Developers working on all three consoles (Ubisoft, SEGA, WB Interactive, etc) have had exactly zero complaints about the Wii U hardware, and in candid interviews (not Sony, Nintendo, or MS paid marketing, like the recent developer diaries were) they have stated that all three next gen versions look identical for games like Watch_Dogs.


Interesting that you mention 3D tv and marketing.  Sony made the claim that PS3 would fully support 3D gaming, that it would support 1080p 60fps as a standard, and that it had 1.8TFLOPS of GPU performance.  Now they are making claims, showing clips of "gameplay" at 4K resolution at their reveal, and everyone believes them.  Fool me once, shame on me.


Nintendo have stayed intentionally quiet on that front for a very good reason, the hardware, no matter how powerful, no matter how much you market the specs, will not sell without software that drives a point home.


Nintendo will be showing some amazing things at e3.

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