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Why EA's non-support of the Wii U will draw in third parties

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#21 Nollog


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 03:58 PM

Right, it's a no-win situation for EA as far as I'm concerned. But what do you expect from the team that had to cancel its NBA game 3 YEARS STRAIGHT! 

I also think however, this may be an chance for nintendo to fill a lawsuit. EA is running a monopoly on NFL and FIFA games, yet they are keeping the product from nintendo. however, nintendo CANT compete back even if they wanted to, because of the license agreement. THIS IS MONOPOLY to the definition. 

I'm sure someone at ninty has to be looking into this, there's no way this can be allowed.I't be on thing if they couldn't make the game, but they flat out are saying they're not trying, with possible grounds for bias reasons.

PES is an example of an unlicensed alternative which makes it not a monopoly.

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#22 DexterousGecko


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 04:06 PM

It's coming soon, but not soon enough for some!

I assume I am apart of everyone, so this question is directed towards me.

Where did I state that, exactly? I never said Ubisoft IS ONLY making games for Wii U. I did state about the exclusive deal Sega has, but that isn't called Ubisoft by any means.

So where did I state that?

It was like yesterday? Don't you remember? You were all like "Ubisoft is only supporting the Wii U"? I swear, you totally did




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Posted 20 May 2013 - 04:54 PM

We all know EA are in bed with MS. ;)

EA and MS are doing exclusive deals for tomorrow's xbox reveal.

Edited by xBASSxMONSTAx, 20 May 2013 - 04:55 PM.

#24 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:02 PM

I'm trying to remember if the Origin deal was a thing. I know I don't keep with the video game journalism because I'm too busy playing games or real lifing, but was it actually a thing.


I'd love to know if they got butthurt over something else entirely. CEO affairs sound interesting.

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#25 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:09 PM

I spy with my little eye a tomorrow with no EA, an the video game industry is thriving with non-worst company of the year companies that care about good games and not about who has the "best looking shadows" or the "best particle physics". I hate where modern gamers put their priorities.


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#26 MorbidGod


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 05:51 PM

It was like yesterday? Don't you remember? You were all like "Ubisoft is only supporting the Wii U"? I swear, you totally did

In THIS topic? I don't see that, and I don't ever remember saying that because it OBVIOUSLY is not true.

Ubisoft supports all consoles, and just as Watch Dogs is on Wii U, it will be ons PC,PS3,XBOX 360, PS4 and probably Xbox Next as well. ACIV = all systems too. So, please quote or point me to the right thread so I can re read said post. Thanks!


Can't say I'm surprised. However, this makes me want Ubisoft and Nintendo to collaborate on a game some day. That would be cool.

Here I mentioned I WISH Nintendo and Ubisoft would work together on a project. This does not mean Ubisoft is working exclusively on the Wii U.

Edited by MorbidGod, 20 May 2013 - 05:54 PM.

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#27 umegames


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 06:09 PM

PES is an example of an unlicensed alternative which makes it not a monopoly.

oh yea, forgot about that. Well NFL none the less, which I'm most upset for, really thought 2ksports was going to have a shot at coming back.


Or wait....are you saying because of games like Blitz and PES that make it not a monopoly regardless of being offical teams?

Edited by umegames, 20 May 2013 - 06:11 PM.

#28 ameritt



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Posted 20 May 2013 - 08:21 PM

Right, it's a no-win situation for EA as far as I'm concerned. But what do you expect from the team that had to cancel its NBA game 3 YEARS STRAIGHT! 

I also think however, this may be an chance for nintendo to fill a lawsuit. EA is running a monopoly on NFL and FIFA games, yet they are keeping the product from nintendo. however, nintendo CANT compete back even if they wanted to, because of the license agreement. THIS IS MONOPOLY to the definition. 

I'm sure someone at ninty has to be looking into this, there's no way this can be allowed.I't be on thing if they couldn't make the game, but they flat out are saying they're not trying, with possible grounds for bias reasons.


Let's also sue Microsoft from keeping Halo from Nintendo systems. 


What you said makes no sense. It's not a monopoly, those are their franchises. Any other company could make those type of games if they wanted to. And what license agreement keeps Nintendo from competing with them? There is no reason this shouldn't be allowed, it's their company decision to not bring those games to the Wii U. Which from a business stand point, is smart for them, as we've talked about above.


Don't let your hate cloud your brain brah

#29 ChrisTerror



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Posted 20 May 2013 - 10:23 PM

We will probably get Star Wars games since Disney is in charge. They will want to see it on all consoles and have already shown their support for wii u with Disney infinity.


Im sure it is more the fact that Disney Infinity was a no brainer for WiiU due to the fact Nintendo consoles usually have more of a younger install base over the other consoles...

#30 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 03:13 AM

Let's also sue Microsoft from keeping Halo from Nintendo systems.

What you said makes no sense. It's not a monopoly, those are their franchises. Any other company could make those type of games if they wanted to. And what license agreement keeps Nintendo from competing with them? There is no reason this shouldn't be allowed, it's their company decision to not bring those games to the Wii U. Which from a business stand point, is smart for them, as we've talked about above.

Don't let your hate cloud your brain brah

EA owns the NFL license: no other company can make a football game with NFL teams, players, and stadiums. There is no other football game on the market except for Madden: that's what he ment by a monopoly. Still no reason to sue.

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#31 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 09:06 AM

I suppose the OP makes a very good point, I'm just glad EA's games won't poisoning my Wii U.

#32 umegames


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 11:22 AM

EA owns the NFL license: no other company can make a football game with NFL teams, players, and stadiums. There is no other football game on the market except for Madden: that's what he ment by a monopoly. Still no reason to sue.

Thank you, i didn't wanna have to get into that.


Anyway I'm not saying they SHOULD SUE, I actually disagree with the whole suing proceess, but because companies do this ALL the time for every little thing, i was just stating that i don't doubt that someone at nintendo is considering this. Will they win, doubt it like most other lawsuits, but EA did just go through that settlement or whatever it was where they had to pay back gamers for madden, something like that that i dont care to look up.

#33 ameritt



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:04 PM

EA owns the NFL license: no other company can make a football game with NFL teams, players, and stadiums. There is no other football game on the market except for Madden: that's what he ment by a monopoly. Still no reason to sue.



Thank you, i didn't wanna have to get into that.


Anyway I'm not saying they SHOULD SUE, I actually disagree with the whole suing proceess, but because companies do this ALL the time for every little thing, i was just stating that i don't doubt that someone at nintendo is considering this. Will they win, doubt it like most other lawsuits, but EA did just go through that settlement or whatever it was where they had to pay back gamers for madden, something like that that i dont care to look up.

Yeah, I didn't look at the second page where the PES was already stated, so that's really what I was referring to, guess I should have been more specific.  xD


But I don't really think anyone at Nintendo would bother even thinking about suing EA. It just doesn't make sense, their argument could so easily be countered and it would just end up losing them money. Technically, by the definition of monopoly, EA does have one on NFL, but if that's the case, then Nintendo also has one on all Zelda, Mario, etc. games. I don't think it's really considered a monopoly in this case

#34 umegames


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:30 PM

Yeah, I didn't look at the second page where the PES was already stated, so that's really what I was referring to, guess I should have been more specific.  xD


But I don't really think anyone at Nintendo would bother even thinking about suing EA. It just doesn't make sense, their argument could so easily be countered and it would just end up losing them money. Technically, by the definition of monopoly, EA does have one on NFL, but if that's the case, then Nintendo also has one on all Zelda, Mario, etc. games. I don't think it's really considered a monopoly in this case

It's cool xD


but the difference is Nintendo owns the IP to mario zelda, etc, they created it. 

The NFL is not a created IP. Maybe I'm wrong and it is in some way an IP, but if so, i don't understand how any can have or be tried for monopoly.


I dont know if this is a good example, but its just like how At&t was trying to buyout T-mobile, only to be denied because At&t would have a monopoly on GSM phones (according to the courts). How is this not allowed, but EA can do this with the NFL from 2006 to now 2022??


If someone can explain that to me, please do

#35 Alianjaro



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:37 PM

Other companies also do know that EA is the most hating company in NA, you know?

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#36 ameritt



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:38 PM

It's cool xD


but the difference is Nintendo owns the IP to mario zelda, etc, they created it. 

The NFL is not a created IP. Maybe I'm wrong and it is in some way an IP, but if so, i don't understand how any can have or be tried for monopoly.


I dont know if this is a good example, but its just like how At&t was trying to buyout T-mobile, only to be denied because At&t would have a monopoly on GSM phones (according to the courts). How is this not allowed, but EA can do this with the NFL from 2006 to now 2022??


If someone can explain that to me, please do

Well I wasn't calling the NFL an IP, because it's not. Madden is an IP. But that's beside the point.


And I don't think that example exactly fits the situation here. In your original post, it seemed like you were saying that it was illegal for EA to have the rights to NFL, thus having a monopoly on the Madden franchise, AND THEN not bringing it to the Wii U... (please correct me if I'm wrong)


If that is what you were talking about, then the situation is very different. The AT&T example was them trying to own another company, thus having a monopoly over GSM phones, like you said. This EA example is them withholding a franchise from Nintendo's system. Even though it's the only NFL franchise out there, that still isn't illegal in any way, as the company can put the game on whichever system they choose. It would be just like all the other 3rd party games Nintendo systems doesn't get. Not necessarily cool for us, but not illegal in any way.


If you were talking about why they can be the only company to own the rights to the NFL franchise, I don't know about laws to really get into that, because I would just be making stuff up, and I don't want to do that, so yeah. Hope you were talking about my first example 

#37 umegames


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 05:42 PM

Well I wasn't calling the NFL an IP, because it's not. Madden is an IP. But that's beside the point.


And I don't think that example exactly fits the situation here. In your original post, it seemed like you were saying that it was illegal for EA to have the rights to NFL, thus having a monopoly on the Madden franchise, AND THEN not bringing it to the Wii U... (please correct me if I'm wrong)


If that is what you were talking about, then the situation is very different. The AT&T example was them trying to own another company, thus having a monopoly over GSM phones, like you said. This EA example is them withholding a franchise from Nintendo's system. Even though it's the only NFL franchise out there, that still isn't illegal in any way, as the company can put the game on whichever system they choose. It would be just like all the other 3rd party games Nintendo systems doesn't get. Not necessarily cool for us, but not illegal in any way.


If you were talking about why they can be the only company to own the rights to the NFL franchise, I don't know about laws to really get into that, because I would just be making stuff up, and I don't want to do that, so yeah. Hope you were talking about my first example 

 oh no no, i wasnt saying you were saying that. 


I honestly don't know whats' illegal or not when it comes to monopoly, not so much because EA is withholding it from wii-u, but the mere fact that they are allowed to have exclusive NFL rights for what will be almost 15 years by 2022, that just doesnt make sense to me. 


again i really don't understand all the fine details of monopoly, but that plus the fact they're coming out saying they wont bring it to wii-u, SOMEHOW i just can't help but think there''s some validity in court against either the NFL or EA, because for Wii-u consumers they made a madden game 1 year, then decide not to make one the following year. 


bah....its all non-sense, at the end of the day, i dislike EA and they need to change everything about their business, starting with the people in charge and their SOP (standard operating procedures). 

#38 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:47 PM

EA owns the NFL license: no other company can make a football game with NFL teams, players, and stadiums. There is no other football game on the market except for Madden: that's what he ment by a monopoly. Still no reason to sue.



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#39 ameritt



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 09:23 PM

 oh no no, i wasnt saying you were saying that. 


I honestly don't know whats' illegal or not when it comes to monopoly, not so much because EA is withholding it from wii-u, but the mere fact that they are allowed to have exclusive NFL rights for what will be almost 15 years by 2022, that just doesnt make sense to me. 


again i really don't understand all the fine details of monopoly, but that plus the fact they're coming out saying they wont bring it to wii-u, SOMEHOW i just can't help but think there''s some validity in court against either the NFL or EA, because for Wii-u consumers they made a madden game 1 year, then decide not to make one the following year. 


bah....its all non-sense, at the end of the day, i dislike EA and they need to change everything about their business, starting with the people in charge and their SOP (standard operating procedures). 

Well I honestly don't know enough about that kind of stuff to say anything about it, so yeah, sorry!


But I agree. I think a lot of big name developers need to change their view on the industry as of recently, but EA is definitely very high up there on the list

#40 ZombiCarolyn



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Posted 22 May 2013 - 05:17 PM

i'm not into sports games but maybe with the wiipad it would be more fun...

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