Let me try, too:
1 - Monolith Software is making a remake/original Earthbound for Wii U aswell as X (Xenoblade 2).
2 - Retro is making a Startropics game aswell as a FPS like Halo. After one being finished the team will make a Metroid game and then a DKCR 2!
3 - Nintendo is making not one but two Pokémon games. That is, the same as the 3DS versions of X and Y allowing for the game to be purchased on one console and downloaded to another for a small fee. That or Pokémon U.
4 - Metal Gear Solid V
5 - Final Fantasy remake exclusive to Wii U
6 - CoD Ghosts exclusive DLC for Wii U/ also coming to 3DS
7 - Sega bringing old classics to eshop
8 - More N64 games aswell as GC, Saturn, Arcade and Dreamcast games coming to VC
9 - Dead Rising 3 exclusive to Wii U
10 - DQ XI exclusive to Wii U and 3DS (special features for each version)
11 - Nintendo Direct is broadcasted directly from Bowser`s castle and every new door is a new game. While making the quest Iwata, Reggie and Shibata adquire Mario`s powers and kill hords of koopas. Two blue shells sent to Japan and the States!