... If I had a dollar for every E3 prediction thread, I would have 17 dollars. And this is by far the worst one.
EDIT: In response to Mournblade, I will make my official predictions
Nintendo: 3D Mario
- Retro announces a new game in the metroid franchise, but no MP4
- Mario kart
- Zelda WW demo and trailer shown
- New zelda concept art shown
- Smash broa trailer, and Silhouettes of all tha characters, including new ones
- 2 new types announced for Pokemon, Light ( not fairy) and digital

- Sonic lost world announced to be made in partnership b/w SEGA and galaxy team
- Miyamoto announces his retirement
- Nintendo shows off new IP called Darkest Days, survival horror set in medieval times. Shows off system graphics
- monolith shows full trailer for X, announced to have long localization times ( up to a year) but Japanese version will release early 2014.
-Bayonnetta 2 trailer, release date set for holiday 2014
- No major 3rd party surprises at E3, CodG will come to wiiu, but just a 360 port.
Edited by BanjoKazooie, 10 June 2013 - 05:50 AM.