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Forza 5 runs at Native 1080p at 60fps thanks to Cloud Computing

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#1 Foot


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 10:59 AM

They just talked about this on Gametrailers, thanks to the Cloud Computing from Xbox One, Forza 5 runs in Native 1080p at 60 fps. Dang...this confirms always online!?
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#2 Hank Hill

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 11:02 AM

It might confirm always online, but it's too early to jump to conclusions right now. However, there are two questions that need to be answered about this mystical "cloud computing" function.


1. Will the game be playable without this function?

2. Is this just a rebranding of blast processing?



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#3 Desert Punk

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 12:24 PM

Another reason to avoid the xbox one. Games reliant on remote processing are going to be more expensive, have shorter lifespans and likely to have issues when your broadband capacity reduces, i.e. evenings or because other devices are using the internet in your house. Xbox one just sounds so horrifically awful on so many levels.


PS4 could probably run a similar game to the same level without external processing anyway.

#4 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 10 June 2013 - 01:44 PM

The whole section on Forza 5 at the MS conference sounded like a load of BS to me.  I mean come on, "this isn't AI" yes it bloody well is.  Even if its using your own behaviour to shape the AI, its still AI, its not a real human being playing.  Isn't the very concept of proper AI that it "learns", so if anything all they are telling is is that we finally have REAL AI whereas everything that went before was lacking in the intelligence aspect.


The only obvious use for the cloud AI is the simulating races using your own behaviour data (while our console is turned off) to shape how it plays out.  That said, do we really care about "fake" races we didn't actually take part in?  I know that's not what I buy a racing game for.


Now perhaps the cloud is needed to pre-compute the personalised AI routines, I don't know, but it certainly doesn't sound essential to me.  It better not be as I don't want my ability to play the game in a couple of years to be determined by if they kept the servers turned on or not.  The servers related to this kind of computing are likely to get switched off far sooner than the DRM servers, so we could end up with a game that is effectively unplayable due to missing the cloud generated AI.  There has to be a fallback mechanism and that puts into question the need for cloud AI at all.

Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 10 June 2013 - 01:46 PM.

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#5 cannonshane


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 03:59 PM

Good luck streaming that stuff here in aus on our terrible network.

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#6 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 10 June 2013 - 04:44 PM

If Cloud Computing isn't just fancy PR talk, then this could be worrying; If it needs Cloud Computing to run at 1080p and 60fps, then that says a lot about the power of the system, especiallt because (don't quote me on this; just from what I've heard) Drive Club and the Wii U version of Project CARS run at the same resolution and framerate without being connected.

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