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Reggie Says “Worried About Used Games Sales? Make Better Games!”

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 04:08 PM






Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has concluded that the best way to make sure gamers don’t trade in your video games is to make them so good that they simply don’t want to trade them in. Fils-Aime also reiterated that it was vitally important to support used games. Here’s what Reggie had to say on the matter.

“We have been very clear, we understand that used games are a way for some consumers to monetize their games. They will buy a game, play it, bring it back to their retailer to get credit for their next purchase. Certainly, that impacts games that are annualized and candidly also impacts games that are maybe undifferentiated much more than [it] impacts Nintendo content. Why is that? Because the replayability of our content is super strong.”

“The consumer wants to keep playing Mario Kart. The consumer want to keep playing New Super Mario Bros. They want to keep playing Pikmin. So we see that the trade-in frequency on Nintendo content is much less than the industry average – much, much less. So for us, we have been able to step back and say that we are not taking any technological means to impact trade-in and we are confident that if we build great content, then the consumer will not want to trade in our games.”

“I don’t see [Nintendo stopping the sale of game discs] in the future, certainly not the near-term future. For us, retail is a key part of our overall business. Retailers play a huge role in driving awareness. Their stores play a large role in consumers having an experience with their interactives. We couldn’t do a program like what we are doing with Best Buy without the power of retail and letting consumers play four games that haven’t been released yet. The only place you can see these games is either here at E3 or at a 100 best buy locations in the U.S. and in Canada. So we see a very strong role for physical product in the near-term.”




He's right, instead of making a 4 hour long campaign with no bonus content you have to make sure your customer is happy keeping it instead of trading it in. Which is why you see so many delays on Wii U games.



#2 Cozmo


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 04:19 PM

Agreed. Even tho I'm annoyed at the push backs, I'm very happy that they are taking their time.

#3 Nintyfan86



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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:40 PM

I made a few posts arguing the validity of this in the other thread. It is the only clear answer.

#4 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:09 PM

I think it is true. I never trade in Nintendo games or any game really, but that's the collector in me. I do agree that Nintendo has the best replay value since even the Super Nintendo.


I also believe that it is because companies are popping out games in their series so quickly it's ridiculous. I'll use Assassin's Creed as an example. They have released five main series games since it's original in 2007, and plenty more side stories and the like. That is a lot. It has to do with anticipation. Releasing so many games in such a small amount of time barely leaves enough time to fully want the next game and be completely impacted by it. The more time in between a sequel the more the player will be moved by the game as opposed to a new game in the series coming out every year or so. And it will allow developers to put more content and write an even greater story. I hate how everything now is like let's pump out as many games as quickly as we can before people stop caring. To me the more frequently something comes out leads to it not being cared about much faster.

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#5 Alianjaro



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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:56 PM

I think the reason why I never traded or sold a game is because my first console was a Nintendo console. Not fanboyism, simply blunt truth.

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#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 08:14 PM

If I'm completly honest, I keep all of my games, I never buy second hand and I never trade in, so tecnically Microsoft's used game policies don't affect me, the only reason I oppose it is out of principal, if I ever find myself in a spot of bother where I need money or I can't afford a game new the option is there to trade or sell, I can do this with any other product so I should be able to with games too. Reggie is right though, the better the game the more you will want to hold on to it :)

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