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Why are people saying Wii U doesn't have good third party support?

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#1 lucario23


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 09:29 AM

This is a question I'm really not understanding. I know there are not any games out for it right now, but moving forward, how can we complain about the content we are getting even by Christmas?


First Party:

Pikmin 3

Windwaker HD


Super Mario 3D World


Third Party Exclusive:

Wonderful 101

(am I missing more? I'm just doing this off the top of my head)


Third party multi plat:


Watch Dogs

Batman Arkham Origins

Assassin's Creed 4

Call of Duty Ghosts

Deus Ex (ok it's an old port, but it is still support)

Rayman Legends



(more stuff I can't think of off the top of my head)



I guess I'm looking at these games and asking one question: What third party games are being released this Christmas as MULTIPLATFORM titles other than Battlefield 4 that Wii U is not getting? I can't think of a single one. The Division and The Crew don't have release dates and are slated for next year so they don't count. 


What I'm trying to say is are we just blowing this "no multiplat's on wii U" out of proportion? There are a good number of games coming, especially considering Nintendo just went through a generation with next to no support at all. If this stuff is actually successful, we will eventually get more. 


Now I may be forgetting about something big, but from what I can see, there is actually a lot of support coming to the console. Anyway, use this thread for discussing this and correcting me if I am forgetting something.






#2 Gnomishek



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 09:48 AM

Why are people saying Wii U doesn't have good third party support?





Metro: Last Light

Bioshock Infinite

Tomb Raider

Crysis 3

Borderlands 2

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#3 Keviin



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 10:41 AM



Metro: Last Light

Bioshock Infinite

Tomb Raider

Crysis 3

Borderlands 2


Likely to miss out on BG&E2


Etc. Etc. too lazy to come up with more, but it's missing out on quite a lot and I can honestly name no third party game I want to buy on Wii U, even though I would prefer Rayman Legends on Wii U. A game which should have been long out by now.

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#4 Gnomishek



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:38 AM


Likely to miss out on BG&E2


Etc. Etc. too lazy to come up with more, but it's missing out on quite a lot and I can honestly name no third party game I want to buy on Wii U, even though I would prefer Rayman Legends on Wii U. A game which should have been long out by now.


Exactly. That's what I was talking about.

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#5 IvyT



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:50 AM

Either way, I don't think people buy their Wii U for these third-party titles we're missing out on. Most of us have a PS3 and/or a PC too, and we buy the Wii U for the amazing exclusives and occasionally for those ports that get better features on the Wii U port.


Those of us who don't own another console are usually not interested in most third-party games anyway. Is it so hard to believe not everyone likes AAA games? Most of them are overrated; graphics aren't everything. Nintendo games are fun.


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#6 xile6



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:58 AM

Because its early in the game and other systems have more games out.

Someone that wants gta 5 will get a ps3 or xbox because that's all it's on.
Same for bf4.

But if you give it a year you will see more 3d party. It's just was a little late in the game and most of the 3rd party games where already made for other systems. And some devs hate doing ports of an old game months after its been releases on other systems.
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#7 storabajskorven



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 12:28 PM

But if you give it a year you will see more 3d party. It's just was a little late in the game and most of the 3rd party games where already made for other systems. And some devs hate doing ports of an old game months after its been releases on other systems.


There will be 3rd party games if enough people will buy them. The developers will put the games on Wii U if they think they earn more money by doing so than it costs. It's as simple as that, it has nothing to do with gaming companies being "greedy" or "loyal to a system" or anything like that. 

#8 Nollog


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 12:29 PM

Third Party Exclusive:

Wonderful 101

(am I missing more? I'm just doing this off the top of my head)


Meanwhile: http://www.neowin.ne...exclusive-games


Third party multi plat:


Watch Dogs

Batman Arkham Origins

Assassin's Creed 4

Call of Duty Ghosts

Deus Ex (ok it's an old port, but it is still support) not worth mentioning.

Rayman Legends delayed for ports.

Scribblenauts not in europe.


(more stuff I can't think of off the top of my head)



I guess I'm looking at these games and asking one question: What third party games are being released this Christmas as MULTIPLATFORM titles other than Battlefield 4 that Wii U is not getting? I can't think of a single one. The Division and The Crew don't have release dates and are slated for next year so they don't count. 


What I'm trying to say is are we just blowing this "no multiplat's on wii U" out of proportion? There are a good number of games coming, especially considering Nintendo just went through a generation with next to no support at all. If this stuff is actually successful, we will eventually get more. 


Now I may be forgetting about something big, but from what I can see, there is actually a lot of support coming to the console. Anyway, use this thread for discussing this and correcting me if I am forgetting something.

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#9 Zinix



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 12:37 PM

Because the Wii U isn't getting the latest Battlefield, GTA, or EA Sports title. The Wii U  has decent 3rd party support for a Nintendo console. The third party support will come when the Wii U sells more units, which is strange since the XO and PS4 haven't sold one unit yet, and they have to compete with Mario and Donkey for the holiday season. 

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#10 xile6



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 01:19 PM

There will be 3rd party games if enough people will buy them. The developers will put the games on Wii U if they think they earn more money by doing so than it costs. It's as simple as that, it has nothing to do with gaming companies being "greedy" or "loyal to a system" or anything like that.


Yea I know that. But it's kind of a give and take.
They make a wii u ver of one game but cut out alot so people don't buy them which in turns make them not port or make games for the wii u.
Then some people just get the ps3 or xbox ver simply because there scared the wii u ver won't the the same or they just stick with what then been doing.


Because the Wii U isn't getting the latest Battlefield, GTA, or EA Sports title. The Wii U  has decent 3rd party support for a Nintendo console. The third party support will come when the Wii U sells more units, which is strange since the XO and PS4 haven't sold one unit yet, and they have to compete with Mario and Donkey for the holiday season.

Sorry to say but the ps4 and x1 won't have much to fight. The main thing going n for the wii u is price and Nintendo games.
But I know alot of people that will get the ps4 or x1 simply because its the new system of there old one.
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#11 Gamejunkie



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:15 PM

This is a question I'm really not understanding. I know there are not any games out for it right now, but moving forward, how can we complain about the content we are getting even by Christmas?
First Party:
Pikmin 3
Windwaker HD
Super Mario 3D World
Third Party Exclusive:
Wonderful 101
(am I missing more? I'm just doing this off the top of my head)
Third party multi plat:
Watch Dogs
Batman Arkham Origins
Assassin's Creed 4
Call of Duty Ghosts
Deus Ex (ok it's an old port, but it is still support)
Rayman Legends
(more stuff I can't think of off the top of my head)
I guess I'm looking at these games and asking one question: What third party games are being released this Christmas as MULTIPLATFORM titles other than Battlefield 4 that Wii U is not getting? I can't think of a single one. The Division and The Crew don't have release dates and are slated for next year so they don't count. 
What I'm trying to say is are we just blowing this "no multiplat's on wii U" out of proportion? There are a good number of games coming, especially considering Nintendo just went through a generation with next to no support at all. If this stuff is actually successful, we will eventually get more. 
Now I may be forgetting about something big, but from what I can see, there is actually a lot of support coming to the console. Anyway, use this thread for discussing this and correcting me if I am forgetting something.

I find it baffling you have to make a thread on this let alone think this is not the case when it clearly is. The games you mention are just a small fraction of the third party games that have come out and have been announced for release over the next year or so. So many of the big titles are missing from your list and it is clear that third party support for the Wii U whilst there is very poor compared to the existing and up coming Sony and Microsoft consoles.

#12 ChrizAkaTheMole



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Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:29 PM

Off the top of my head



Saints Row IV

DBZ battle of gods

WWE 2k14

Kingdom hearts

Final Fantasy XV

Doom 4

Elder Scrolls online

Diablo III

and as lack of EA suport Star wars Battlefront is unlikely.



I'm getting all of those on ps3 or ps4

#13 Captain Marvelous

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:56 PM

Wii U could have more third party suport at this stage, i remember seeing Sony showing a list of third party producers ready to work on Ps4....



Yes is nice to have more that one console....but really the selling point of a console have to be a good list of first party games, but also a strong third party games....not a list of absence third party games.



For instante i want to buy a ps4...yes i love Nintendo classics, Super Metroid, Zelda etc...but if can chose one console with full support of third partuy games and a really good first party games like Sony why i would buy a Wii U "only" for the first party games??


But i hope for a wiiu boost on sales so more third party can work on the console.

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:57 PM

Third parties aren't 100% in with the Wii U, and Nintendo fans want them to be 100% into it, not exactly fair ground there.


That said, my most looked forward to third party game right now is Sonic Lost World, followed by Watch Dogs.

Edited by SDDMN, 04 July 2013 - 02:58 PM.


#15 Happy Monk

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 03:10 PM

Yeah, Sonic Lost World is exclusive to Nintendo.


I think the disturbing thing is the lack of sports games, they never miss out on anything... The world I grew up in is gone I suppose.

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#16 Julio93


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 05:56 PM

Can you make the Wii U sell? Then go forth and do it and once they know how many units they sold they'll do it. Just like Call of Duty, they'll make it run no matter what because of the huge install base.



#17 lucario23


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 06:43 PM

I think either I didn't communicate this clearly in my post or you guys misread the OP, but I was asking more about what third party support wii u was missing between now and Christmas/ holiday season in general. I was then trying to imply that this is actually pretty good for a Nintendo console. I apologize if I didn't make that clear, I was posting in a bit of a rush.

#18 Chaos


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 10:29 PM

From what I see, it's not too much about TWU having no good 3rd party support, but not having enough good 3rd party support. There are some 3rd party games that I like, although they are also for other consoles so I'm not missing out on them by buying a Wii U.

#19 Keviin



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:21 AM

TBH, for 2012-2013, it still lacks a blockbuster firstparty title. Sure, I want SM3DW, NSMBU, WWHD... but they're not like 'omg day 1 buy, I'm gonna buy a console entirely for these games'. The games look good, but we've seen NOTHING actually mindblowing. WW is a remake, Bros. reuses an age old formula, 3DWorld is a continuation of a handheld game, DKCR2 looks almost exactly the same as DKCR1 to me (biggest difference being HD and more depth to levels), Mario Kart never changes that much (even though it looks amazing, I'm gonna want that game but it's 2014.. just like Smash Bros., but I didn't really see new gameplay mechanics in that either).


I know they have more unnanounced titles in development and I'm sure they won't dissapoint in the end, but there's just... not enough reasons for me to buy one yet. I see myself not buying even one announced 3rd party title until they're on discount for 50% off.

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#20 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 05 July 2013 - 07:19 PM

Because developers................

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