I didn't really play the Animal Crossing series as much as the rest of these Nintendo franchises, I own the first one on Gamecube because it had the NES games and it was great for a few laughs, and I have to say, Animal Crossing is a really great franchise when I gave New Leaf a chance.
The first thing that happens in New Leaf is when you arrive to your own town, the citizens of the town call you mayor and there isn't anything you can do to deny it, they welcome you as Mayor and plant a tree for the day that you showed up in town.
Its the same as any other Animal Crossing but there are new things you can do as mayor, like constricting a bridge, lamp post and other stuff to customize your town. You can play online and seek other Animal Crossing players around the world and check your home and even get to play in your town. Street Pass is used on this game for visiting a player's home and there are rows and rows that you can collect.
They have improved a lot since the Wii version, its more alive and more beautiful on the 3DS if its morning, day or night. Your villager has longer limbs instead of having a chibi version of your villager. The 3D effect is the same as any other game but it actually works well on New Leaf, also the framerate is a tad bit lower on the 3DS compared to the Wii version but its completely fine.
Replay Value
This game has a lot of replay value, every day I pop in New Leaf on my 3DS because there's a whole bunch of secret events you won't find the next day, such as a bug catching contest that I only participated in once through the weeks, they added in Nintendo furniture and clothing which you can earn by spending 2 play coins randomizing what you get. I really love that they added those, its very additive to spend on more and more to complete your collection and show off to your friends or people that you street passed. The more you spend Bells, the more you unlock.
There is not much else to say, its another life in a video game but I really love Animal Crossing New Leaf, this is coming from a person who isn't a big fan of Animal Crossing but after playing it for weeks, I really enjoy it and its worth the $35 price point.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf, gets a 9.3 out of 10.