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USA is no longer the fattest country in the world

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 09 July 2013 - 03:06 PM

We did it, America!

According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the United States is no longer the world's fattest developed nation―Mexico is.

Nearly a third of Mexican adults (32.8 percent) are considered obese—people aged 20 and older whose body mass index (BMI) is 30 and above. That edges out the United States, where 31.8 percent of American adults are considered obese.

Syria at 31.6 percent, is the third fattest among developed countries, while Venezuela and Libya are tied for fourth at 30.8 percent.

Mexico's urban lifestyle and rising income levels coupled with malnourishment among the country's poor have helped it claim this unhealthy title.

“The same people who are malnourished are the ones who are becoming obese,” Abelardo Avila, a physician with Mexico's National Nutrition Institute, told the Global Post. “In the poor classes we have obese parents and malnourished children. The worst thing is the children are becoming programmed for obesity. It's a very serious epidemic.”

Diabetes kills an estimated 70,000 people a year in Mexico—"or roughly equal to the deaths authorities say are caused by more than six years of the country's gangland wars," the Post noted.

About 12 percent of the world's total population is obese, according to the U.N. report.

The world's fattest nation overall is Nauru, a South Pacific island where a staggering 71.1 percent of its 10,000 inhabitants are obese.

The U.N. report does not include data for American Samoa, which has been tabbed in the past as the world's fattest country. According to a 2010 World Health Organization report, nearly all of that Pacific island's inhabitants (95 percent) are considered overweight.

On the other end of the scale is Japan, the thinnest developed country. Just 4.5 of Japanese adults are considered obese, the U.N. says.



Yikes. I'm glad the US fell from the top, but obesity is no joke. I would  say that these people need a proper understanding of nutrition from their government, but they would just ignore it anyway. 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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#2 Mignaga



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Posted 09 July 2013 - 03:10 PM



Oh wait, this is pretty pathetic that this is news, isn't it?


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#3 Julio93


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 03:47 PM

Where's the wii fit trainer when you need her, she should be Nintendo's mascot to change their weight. And have a Yoga Rainbow of Death.



#4 Tom


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 03:48 PM


Checkmate, Atheists.


HL3 confirmed.


#5 Foot


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:08 PM

All I see is fat people everywhere that it makes me feel abnormally skinny at 125 lbs! Lol
I am the foot. I do not like you. You smother me with socks and shoes, then step on me thousands of times a day.

We foot will rebel one day.

#6 Blake



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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:30 PM

I dunno, the USA is pretty fat... I mean, it has to be at least twice the size of Japan.

#7 nintendo3DS


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:41 PM

Good job, 'Murica!

#8 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:47 PM

I find people telling others what to do anoying because sometimes it's not our fault, for instanse I'm 20 years old, almost 21, I'm 6ft 4inches tall and I'm almost 20 stone, I'm also kinda starting to get a beer belly, BUT I can't see why, I walk and run nearly 2 miles every other day, I eat a very balanced diet AND I don't eat that much either, I drink water like a fish though, but I don't know where my beer belly has come from because I only go out for an alcoholic drink about once a month, maybe longer. In the last three years since I was 17 I've put on nearly 4 stone for absolutly no reason whatsoever, I went to the doctors as I was worried, I had a load of tests done and guess what, I'm fine, nothing wrong at all, so I'm stumped. This is why I get annoyed at the world calling people fat and having ago about fat people, because I'm getting fat and I don't know why, it's just happening for no reason and it's not my fault!

#9 White Trite Chronicles

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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:48 PM






PSN ID: TranceKujo. 


#10 KingBoo



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Posted 09 July 2013 - 05:21 PM

WAIT! does this mean we have to give our "land of the McDonald's" title to mexico? ;(

or they get the "Land of the Taco Bell"

Edited by Princeboo, 09 July 2013 - 05:23 PM.


#11 SPG


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 05:34 PM

WAIT! does this mean we have to give our "land of the McDonald's" title to mexico? ;(

or they get the "Land of the Taco Bell"

taco bell is american made mexican food, mexico shall never get our knock offs that taste better to some, and taste bad to others

Edited by SPG, 10 July 2013 - 10:46 PM.


#12 Chrop



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Posted 10 July 2013 - 02:25 AM

I find people telling others what to do anoying because sometimes it's not our fault, for instanse I'm 20 years old, almost 21, I'm 6ft 4inches tall and I'm almost 20 stone, I'm also kinda starting to get a beer belly, BUT I can't see why, I walk and run nearly 2 miles every other day, I eat a very balanced diet AND I don't eat that much either, I drink water like a fish though, but I don't know where my beer belly has come from because I only go out for an alcoholic drink about once a month, maybe longer. In the last three years since I was 17 I've put on nearly 4 stone for absolutly no reason whatsoever, I went to the doctors as I was worried, I had a load of tests done and guess what, I'm fine, nothing wrong at all, so I'm stumped. This is why I get annoyed at the world calling people fat and having ago about fat people, because I'm getting fat and I don't know why, it's just happening for no reason and it's not my fault!

Well is your family fat? People have a gene called "Fat gene" (not joking it IS A REAL THING, google it) basically if you have the fat gene, you will gain more fat easier than other people thus making it harder for you to lose it, not your fault, just genetics. If no one in your family is fat then i have no idea what happened to you :s

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#13 Mewbot


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 05:13 AM

I remember the time Australia overtook America in fatness.


Yeeeah, that pretty quickly gave us the kick required to start working out again.


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#14 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 05:30 AM

I'm 5'11" and weigh 124lbs.. I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. See, not all Americans are obese, just a very large percentage. I'm surprised it is Mexico that beat us, very surprised.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#15 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 18 July 2013 - 05:47 PM

I don't know whether I should be happy or even more horrified at this news...

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