Posted 15 July 2013 - 06:52 AM
But the fact is 3rd parties are dumping big game releases for wiiu heres another eexample do to and read about F1 not being ported to wiiu from 360 and ps3 because basically it cant handle it and the game would have to be changed to much. All im saying is if third parties are your preference when choosing a console (we have one, its new customers we need) why choose wii u?
Also the main and unfortunate truth is that nintendo didn't listen to 3 party devs. I've said it before when designing the wiiu nintendo MUST have spoke to EA, rockstar in fact all the big names in games and asked about their new games and what the console required to smoothly run the new engines that will be used in big titles for the next 5 years! But clearly didn't listen and took a different route. which is fine! BUT, nintendo PROMISED us a powerful machine that would win back gamers with big 3rd party games. Now if you own an xbox or ps3 and have been happy with all the games over the last 5 years, and your deciding weather to upgrade to ps4 or xone or choose a wiiu, would you choose it? So unfortunately for us, nintendo have messed up there idea of a big new console that will win back the core gamer, in fact im not sure wii owners are wanting to upgrade.