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The Wii U's lack of 3rd party is largely the fault of 3rd party and I'm fed up.

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#1 Spemanig



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:17 PM

I'm sorry, but I need to vent this out somewhere.
The Wii U's lack of 3rd party is largely the fault of 3rd party developers. It's absolutely ridiculous. I don't get it. The Wii U SHOULD be getting Destiny. We haven't gotten ONE new quality multiplat yet. The first one will be Watch Dogs. There's nothing yet to base off that shows that this won't sell well. These developers are shooting the Wii U in the foot. Who would consider the Wii U a multiplat system when the only new AAA multiplats we're getting are Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed 4? We SHOULD be getting GTA V. We SHOULD be getting COD: Ghosts. We SHOULD be getting Battlefield 4. This is ridiculous. Of course people aren't going to buy Wii U multiplats! How can we when there AREN'T ANY WORTH BUYING! Why aren't we getting Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts III? ALL 3rd party have to make the Wii U look like a desirable multi-platform console. If it isn't ALL there, the console look weak because of it.
EA's comment was borderline not good. "Wii U is an offline console in an online world." Of course it is! None of your NEW online games are coming to it! What online game am I supposed to play!? Metal Gear Solid V!? Snake! You were in SMASH BROTHERS!!! How much more praise do you need!? Power is not even REMOTELY and excuse at this point. We are nowhere near the point where games can't still run on current gen. This is ESPECIALLY true when your multiplats are still coming to current gen. 
When a consumer looks at a game's library and only see's old ports of games, of COURSE they aren't going to buy them! Wii U owners aren't not good. Why do you think the mediocre ZombieU was the Wii U's best selling 3rd party game!? That's proof enough that Wii U owners are starving for good 3rd party support. You think that game would have sold any better if it were a PS4 or XB1 exclusive!? NO!!! Wii U owners went out and bought a garbage to mediocre 3rd party game because they were STARVING for 3rd party variety. I don't even think that Assasin's Creed 4 will sell that well. The hype for that series died with the 3rd game. Even still, I'll almost guarantee that it will sell at least as well as ZombieU did.
A lot of people would suggest that I just buy a PS4 or a XBone, instead or on top of my Wii U. My response is simple. I don't want to. There are both simple and obvious reasons, as well as more complex reasons. Simply put, I prefer Nintendo exclusives way more then I do Sony or Xbox exclusives. Where as many could argue the merits of buying the Wii U as a solely 1st party system, you'd be hard pressed to argue the merits of buying a Sony or Xbox for solely 1st party. Uncharted, God of War, and The Last of Us look like great franchises, but they are much more easy to live without in my opinion than Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Metroid are in my opinion. Same with Halo and Titanfall. They look great, but I can live without them much easier than I can live without Nintendo.
Another simple and obvious reason. I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I am not about to spend an extra $500+ at least so that I can buy yet another console, pay for a yearly online subscription, AND pay for games. That may not seem like a not good investment to some, and I respect those of you that DO buy more than one platform, but gaming to me is still very much just a hobby. I've already payed close to $400 for my Wii U, and I haven't even had to pay for online. I haven't even bought my first REAL game for it yet. (I just have Nintendo Land and few eShop downloads from Virtual Console and Indie Devs)
I'm not about to pay over $1000 just INITIALLY for something I consider just a hobby. To me, that's stupid.
Another simple reason. I don't agree that I should be paying a yearly subscription fee for an online experience that I am essentially already paying for. I think that's stupid. Especially when I've already payed full price for the game. I'm paying $60 for this game, and then you want me to pay an additional $50 a year to unlock an already build in feature from the game ON TOP of the fact that I'm already paying monthly for my internet connection period!? HA! You're bugging.
Here is the more complicated reason, though. I bought a Wii U because I feel that it offers a superior native gameplay experience from a hard core and casual gaming experience. Native. That mean's straight out of the box with out having to buy or do anything extra. For example, The immersion you get from playing Black Ops II with the Wii Motion+ tweaked just right and the map displayed on the gamepad simultaneously is simply unmatched natively. Playing a game about war and guns and being able to feel like you're really holding and aiming that gun and using actual war technology may seem gimmicky to some, but it's fun and immersive to others, and it's the kind of mindset that went into developing every Wii game and that currently goes into developing even the laziest of Wii U ports. If that's the standard, it gives me a great look at what developers that truly push and utilize such interesting hardware will bring. Or the fact that two people can play local multiplayer without split screen. I can play COD on the gamepad while you can play on the TV. Unparalleled natively on ANY current or next gen console. To do the same thing on the PS4, I have to buy the $250, and hope that the game I'm playing is one of the few that supports Playstation Move. With Xbox One, I'd have to buy a Windows tablet with "smart glass" and... Oh god, Kinect. Not to mention, these would be inferior experiences due to the after thought tacked on mentality in supporting features these due to the fact that most owners of PS4 or XB1 will simply never touch these features to begin with.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm no blind fanboy. There are plenty of things I find wrong with Nintendo. They have a LOT of things they need top do better. However, while I DO think that Nintendo is to blame for A LOT of the companies short comings, this had to be said. There's only so much that Nintendo can do at this point. More 1st party will NEVER entice gamers who are looking for an equal multi platform system experience. You think Sony or Microsoft would have survived generations on 1st party alone like Nindendo does? What a joke. Nintendo should have made the Wii U more powerful. I agree. Again though, the ramifications of that decision should be none existent this early in the game. Next gen isn't even in full swing yet. We're still transitioning. I have not seen one game so far that looks so unbelievably powerful and "next gen" that the Wii U has no chance of running a completely satisfying and full version. I agree that Nintendo should be aggressively pushing online play in it's first party titles so that the online community is more developed for developers. Again though, the strongest online games regularly come from third party. If you asked anyone if they'd rather play Mario online, or COD, they's most likely say COD.
If you want multiplats to sell well on Nintendo consoles, you HAVE to get consumers used to the idea that multiplats are on the console to begin with. When you base how well multiplats sell on 6 month old ports of previously unsupported franchises, what else would you expect!? Why would I, as a consumer, purchase a game that I'd either already played or owned before or already had the ending ruined after the six month wait for it to come to MY console? Why would I buy the third installment of a game I've never played before, that came out 3 months earlier (with a ruined, controversial ending I might add) at FULL PRICE, when I have no way of experiencing the prior two installments on my native platform of choice and when the entire trilogy exists on other platforms with more features for a fraction of the price you're asking for!? Would YOU as a gamer do that!? NO! But as if expecting old segregated ports to sell well wasn't enough, they aren't even fully supported! Now I'm getting a late port with less features than the originals, and no DLC of what I'm missing out on? And it's the Wii U's fault that 3rd party and multi-platform games don't sell well on the platform? Give me a break.
Put more effort into making a new, good, quality game that is built to take full advantage of the hardware it is being built on, just like with any other system. Then I'll buy your games. Stop treating Nintendo gamers like we're idiots and stop treating Nintendo gamers like we're not gamers.

#2 Rockodoodle


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:45 PM

I'm no connoisseur of games, but I've enjoyed Sonic, Madden and Injustice tremendously.  Isn't Monster Hunter on other platforms?  Granted, I'm on the casual side of gaming but there's more than enough third parties out and coming out for me.

#3 Colinx



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:52 PM

Reread it you said new. My bad

Edited by Colinx, 11 July 2013 - 01:53 PM.


#4 Chrop



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:53 PM

1. We are getting Cod Ghosts

2. Every time rockstar has been asked about GTV V on Wii U, they keep saying they are focusing the game on the 7th gen and will move onto the next gen at a later date.

3. EA are sabotaging the Wii U on purpose due to Nintendo giving them the finger about origin going on the Wii U. Thus is why they lie about the Wii U (Dice even said they could get the engine running on the Wii u if EA wanted them to).

4. Hardware does not equal a good console, take the Wii for example, worst in hardware, best sold console of last gen, take the PS2, worst in hardware, best sold console of the 6th gen. The dreamcast. best in hardware, bankrupt Sega.

5. The third party guys are the idiots, trying to sell the WORST VERSION of OLD GAMES on the console and expect it to sell, am glad they lost money doing that, how can people be so stupid that they believe the worst version of their old games would sell?

6. ZombiU sold 500,000 and didn't give Ubisoft any profit.


I agree, give me online co-op Nintendo!

Also we get Monster Hunter, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, 2 Sonic games Etc. Wii U is getting its own third party exclusives.

Edited by Chrop, 11 July 2013 - 01:56 PM.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#5 Spemanig



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 02:00 PM

I want my AAA titles. I don't mind exclusives, but when a title is a multiplat and the Wii U isn't getting it, I feel cut off as a gamer. I'm not lessening the importance of those games either. I know that we get some multiplats. It's the fact that we don't get ALL multiplats that Sony and Microsoft always get aggravates me. Think of how an Xbox fan would feel if a AAA game (or any multiplat, really) were just coming to PS4 and Wii U. You say that there's more than enough third parties out and coming out for you, and that's fine, but the thing is that for an Xbox or Playstation owner, if the title is not exclusive they're getting every game you named by default AND everything else. That is ridiculous and the reasoning these devs are giving for this lack of support is also ridiculous.


Every multiplat that doesn't come to the Wii U lessens the value of the product and lowers the potential install base. The same way just having Halo or God of War wouldn't alone drive the XB1 or PS4 install base, developers shouldn't expect Mario to be the sole driver of the Wii U's install base.



1. We are getting Cod Ghosts

2. Every time rockstar has been asked about GTV V on Wii U, they keep saying they are focusing the game on the 7th gen and will move onto the next gen at a later date.

3. EA are sabotaging the Wii U on purpose due to Nintendo giving them the finger about origin going on the Wii U. Thus is why they lie about the Wii U (Dice even said they could get the engine running on the Wii u if EA wanted them to).

4. Hardware does not equal a good console, take the Wii for example, worst in hardware, best sold console of last gen, take the PS2, worst in hardware, best sold console of the 6th gen. The dreamcast. best in hardware, bankrupt Sega.

5. The third party guys are the idiots, trying to sell the WORST VERSION of OLD GAMES on the console and expect it to sell, am glad they lost money doing that, how can people be so stupid that they believe the worst version of their old games would sell?

6. ZombiU sold 500,000 and didn't give Ubisoft any profit.


I agree, give me online co-op Nintendo!

Also we get Monster Hunter, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, 2 Sonic games Etc. Wii U is getting its own third party exclusives.


I sort of have to correct this. I don't want people getting the wrong idea and thinking that I think Nintendo is completely innocent in all of this.


1. COD: Ghosts is not confirmed. Even if it does come for the Wii U, the fact that we aren't even sure is ridiculous. If it's coming, we should know already.


2. For GTA, I was more talking about if it does come to next gen consoles.


4. While I do agree that hardware doesn't make for better games, Nintendo has to get over their elitest "our games are the only games that matter on our system" mentality. So you don't need a high power console for YOUR games. That would be fine if you were a solely 1st party console, but you're not. You have 3rd part devs to please. If they are making games that demand a certain amount of power, the excuse that "graphics don't make good games" do not apply. Bioshock Infinite was a fantastic game that wasn't graphically possible on the Wii. By limiting the Wii's power, they let their fans down in the long run and the same can happen to the Wii U in the distant future because of it. I don't condone Nintendo's choice to keep the playing field uneven, but the playing field is much more even than it was last Gen, and developers aren't letting that show in 3rd party support.


5. I don't mind that we got lazy ports. That's not what I have a problem with. I didn't get to play some of those games last gen, and I appreciate the ability to now play them on my console of choice. My problem lies in the fact that they are citing that as a good enough reason to stop supporting the Wii U. That is bull.


6. I know it didn't. It was mediocre at best. It's a niche title. It wasn't going to sell a lot on ANY console. The fact that THAT game is the Wii U's best selling 3rd party title however is a testament to just how deprived the Wii U is of quality 3rd party titles with mass appeal.

Edited by Spemanig, 11 July 2013 - 02:32 PM.

#6 GAMER1984



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 03:57 PM

Never seen anything like what is going on with Wii U and 3rd parties. EA is so blatant its not even funny. Like I said personally I want NBA 2k14 so bad it hurts. I'm a huge basketball fan and IMO that's the best basketball sim out so the fact that the publisher pulled that game saddens me. things need to change and I honestly think that change will come years from now... Nintendo is too prideful to change at this point and "MAYBE" the Wii U really failing and falling flat on its face will help with that. Thay just don't get it their first party titles are so big and so popular they fill they don't need 3rd parties. Just look at how they have courted indie devs so far with Wii U if they put the same amount of energy into big 3rd party devs this wouldn't even be an issue.

Edited by GAMER1984, 11 July 2013 - 04:01 PM.

#7 Spemanig



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:27 PM

That's not true. Courting an indie dev is a completely different ball game from courting a big 3rd party publisher. Nintendo are very aware that it needs 3rd party, but the devs are giving flakey excuses not to come. It's THEIR faults. Not Nintendos.

#8 Colinx



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:41 PM

It actually is Nintendo's fault, games will not sell if the 1st party company does not give the consumer a reason to purchase the machine in the first place. Pikmin 3 will help, but its not a game people buy a system for.. same with 2D Mario and Donkey Kong. People buy the system for Metroid, Zelda, 3D Mario ect. Plus, if they actually had some compelling hardware in the system.. that also attracts consumers. Poor marketing, lack of software and price point at are problems with the Wii U that are Nintendo's fault. Its quite clear Nintendo does not try to even get games. Why doesn't Nintendo give rockstar a couple million to make GTA V on the Wii U?


#9 Expansion Pak

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 06:52 PM

3rd parties are lazy and biased. Nintendo comes to the company and asks for their game on the Wii U. On the outside the developers are very enthusiastic and happy. On the inside they are wondering why they are wasting their time putting their game on a Wii with a tablet controller. So they make the game and oh look it is half-assed. Then the company says that they are disappointed with the sales of the game and decide not to support it anymore. I still remember when BLOPS 2 came out and I was happy with it...until I saw the other versions. They were so polished and well done. The Wii U version was just scraps of those versions. Then Treyarch had the nerve to say they won't support it because not enough people play it. That was when I finally got my head out of the clouds and realized that (again) 3rd parties are just lazy and biased toward Nintendo.

Btw nice rant Spemanig :)

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#10 AndyG


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:01 AM



1. COD: Ghosts is not confirmed. Even if it does come for the Wii U, the fact that we aren't even sure is ridiculous. If it's coming, we should know already.


Actually im pretty sure it was.

It is a little confusing though, there was the dev that wasn't sure a while back and now we supposedly have confirmation through a game magazine. I wouldn't be surprised if Activision decided not to port it after relativly poor sales. However i do agree with you, developers can't expect to release a game on WiiU much later and for a much higher cost with no DLC or poor optimisation  Seriously they can't expect to get $50 from Arkham City WiiU if they are selling the superior versions for as low as $5 with all the new DLC. I know developers are being lazy but i can asure you there would be developers that would love to get there game on the WiiU but know there won't be much profitability. Anyway would you rather play a yearly shooter/sport/racing sim franchise with little change or play something brand new and unique (not to mention exclusive) games on the WiiU like "X" and "Mario 3D world". Having games with darker graphics or mature settings doesn't mean a good game.

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#11 Nintyfan86



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:12 AM

Actually im pretty sure it was.

It is a little confusing though, there was the dev that wasn't sure a while back and now we supposedly have confirmation through a game magazine. I wouldn't be surprised if Activision decided not to port it after relativly poor sales. However i do agree with you, developers can't expect to release a game on WiiU much later and for a much higher cost with no DLC or poor optimisation  Seriously they can't expect to get $50 from Arkham City WiiU if they are selling the superior versions for as low as $5 with all the new DLC. I know developers are being lazy but i can asure you there would be developers that would love to get there game on the WiiU but know there won't be much profitability. Anyway would you rather play a yearly shooter/sport/racing sim franchise with little change or play something brand new and unique (not to mention exclusive) games on the WiiU like "X" and "Mario 3D world". Having games with darker graphics or mature settings doesn't mean a good game.

Right you are. However, in the case of something like Watchdogs or Assassins Creed IV:


We do not have a clue what it will be like on the Wii U. we have a possible clip for Watch Dogs, which could be XBone footage (it isn't PS4 because of the buttons used). AC IV has not been shown either. However, neither have been shown for PS360 either. This makes me think that Ubisoft has so much invested in the next gen versions, or rather, they are being payed to only feature those versions. Since they are cross gen and PC, you can bet that the PC features will be beyond the PS4 anyway, or at least equal to it unless they intentionally screw the PC port. 


Back on track, I think Nintendo and third parties thought the gamepad would win hardcore fans, as you could now have these classics for off screen play, and fans of the Wii brand would be buying these games for the first time. Somehow, I do not think this whole thing was thought through. 


Currently, I believe there is an intentional withholding of information. Nintendo is rebalancing stock, preparing for a release blitz, and probably, a forthcoming direct schedule to further showcase stuff. Nah, that makes too much sense. Hopefully Ubisoft is at least thinking of letting people know that the Wii U versions exist if they hope to sell copies. 

#12 AndyG


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:25 AM

Right you are. However, in the case of something like Watchdogs or Assassins Creed IV:


We do not have a clue what it will be like on the Wii U. we have a possible clip for Watch Dogs, which could be XBone footage (it isn't PS4 because of the buttons used). AC IV has not been shown either. However, neither have been shown for PS360 either. This makes me think that Ubisoft has so much invested in the next gen versions, or rather, they are being payed to only feature those versions. Since they are cross gen and PC, you can bet that the PC features will be beyond the PS4 anyway, or at least equal to it unless they intentionally screw the PC port. 


Back on track, I think Nintendo and third parties thought the gamepad would win hardcore fans, as you could now have these classics for off screen play, and fans of the Wii brand would be buying these games for the first time. Somehow, I do not think this whole thing was thought through. 


Currently, I believe there is an intentional withholding of information. Nintendo is rebalancing stock, preparing for a release blitz, and probably, a forthcoming direct schedule to further showcase stuff. Nah, that makes too much sense. Hopefully Ubisoft is at least thinking of letting people know that the Wii U versions exist if they hope to sell copies. 

Exactly, theres no point in a devloper (or publisher) complaining about poor sales if they don't even try to market it. I saw one advertisement on Youtube once for Arkham city Armoured edition and that was it, why not have an advertisement to show the new gamepad features, that could drive sales up pretty high if people know the WiiU version exists and looks to be the dominant version.

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#13 Nintyfan86



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 02:02 AM

Exactly, theres no point in a devloper (or publisher) complaining about poor sales if they don't even try to market it. I saw one advertisement on Youtube once for Arkham city Armoured edition and that was it, why not have an advertisement to show the new gamepad features, that could drive sales up pretty high if people know the WiiU version exists and looks to be the dominant version.

I was looking at a trailer for the new one (looks amazing), but, it looks sponsored by Playstation. I guess the companies have to pay for those, and Nintendo appears to avoid doing that, but again, that is the problem in a way. 


Microsoft and Sony will work with these third parties in 2 ways. 1) They have games like Halo and Killzone that fall into the strengths of these third parties. This pulls in the demographic they need in the install base. 2) They will utilize third party products to increase the install base. 


Of course, Nintendo does not have the luxury of losing money on a 'entertainment division' that is a Trojan horse for the rest of the firm's holdings. However, by having more Bayonetta, Metroid, X, and the like on the system, they can act like true partners to where awareness on this level, from a financial resources perspective, makes sense. 


Right now, we have:


Pikmin>Wonderful101>Zelda>DK>Mario and The new Sonic is somewhere in there. Those games bring the install base, but, I am not sure it brings it in the fashion where Nintendo is really able to profit from helping third parties. 


Third parties hurt themselves though. With that line up above, the cinematic clones that come out, that everyone wants, would sell horribly. For every Bioshock or GTA V, you have 5 clones that plummet in price a week later. 

#14 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:25 AM

I agree with the OP, it's completely stupid, 3rd parties need to grow up.

#15 Elem187



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 11:24 AM

Third parties are not charities... Its Nintendo's responsibility to make the system attractive to third parties.. the only way to do that is to release their big games to build the install base.

#16 Spemanig



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 12:38 PM

It actually is Nintendo's fault, games will not sell if the 1st party company does not give the consumer a reason to purchase the machine in the first place. Pikmin 3 will help, but its not a game people buy a system for.. same with 2D Mario and Donkey Kong. People buy the system for Metroid, Zelda, 3D Mario ect. Plus, if they actually had some compelling hardware in the system.. that also attracts consumers. Poor marketing, lack of software and price point at are problems with the Wii U that are Nintendo's fault. Its quite clear Nintendo does not try to even get games. Why doesn't Nintendo give rockstar a couple million to make GTA V on the Wii U?


This. This is the kind of ignorant thinking that pollutes the minds of third parties. Sony and Microsoft NEED to pay millions get third party. People bag on Nintendo for being a "1st party system" and don't realize that Xbox and Playstation are the opposite evil. They are 3rd party systems. Yeah they have 1st party, but just try to imagine PS4 or XB1 with as little 3rd party support. The result is much grimmer than Nintendo's situation will ever be.


"Why doesn't Nintendo give rockstar a couple million to make GTA V on the Wii U?"


Because Nintendo is a game publisher. It's can't afford to just toss around the same kind of money to 3rd party that Sony and Microsoft must do to survive. That's like asking Bungie to pay a couple million to get some other game under their development team. They have to prioritize the money they spend on developing THEIR games first. Sony and Microsoft spend the money they COULD be spending on a strong 1st party line-up on 3rd party games, instead. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a shift in asset placement. Nintendo simply can't afford to spend the same kind of money they spend on 1st party games on 3rd party without it taking a detrimental tole on the company.


Also, again, this mentality that more 1st party sales is what will make 3rd party money is completely stupid. Yeah, you're building the install base, but you're building the WRONG install base. More 1st party isn't going to get people who want more 3rd party games to buy the Wii U. That much is completely evident in the Wii. Why didn't 3rd party games sell on the Wii? The install base was the largest of the generation. It had plenty of first party games. It's because the 3rd party presence was so lacking that anyone who wanted 3rd party games that badly just bought a system where the 3rd party was more prevalent ie. the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. If 3rd party want their games to sell on the Wii U, THEY have to make it known that the Wii U is a console where consumers can get their fix of 3rd party games without fear that they are missing out on multi-plats. No amount of Mario or Zelda is going to convince someone that doesn't want to miss out on Destiny and Kingdom Hearts of that.


Like you said, "People buy the system for Metroid, Zelda, 3D Mario ect." If there were actually 3rd party games on the console, people would come for Mario AND Bioshock. THAT is the fault of 3rd party. They built the idea that if someone want 3rd party, they should buy a Nintendo because you won't find any, so the 3rd party that actually IS there suffers.


The hardware is compelling. The things you can do with the gamepad are things you can't do on any other console without paying hundreds of dollars extra and the experience will be less polished and optimized since it's being developed for a system that doesn't have the hardware natively in every box. AND it's an HD box. The graphics that can be produced are beautiful and one does not need much more. If the graphics from The Last of Us aren't detailed enough for you, then you need to get your priorities straight because we've reached a plateau in how important and how much more realistic a video game can look. It has an install base that is used to and embraces motion control. Any developer can make a game that solely uses Wii Remote+ and be confident in it's possibility to sell well. That can't be said for Kinect, PS Move, and PS Eye (or even cross platform play with the Vista) where the install base either doesn't own the hardware or doesn't want to use or buy software that uses it.


The lack of marketing is Nintendo's fault. Partly. Where are all the trailers showing how unique Watch Dogs will be on the Wii U? Where is ANY Wii U gameplay of Watch Dogs on the Wii U? Or Assassin's Creed IV? Any multiplats that actually ARE coming to Wii U and next Gen? The best I've seen is Splinter Cell Blacklist, but I had to deliberately look for that one. Who's job is it to advertise their games? Nintendo's? Partly. Publishers have a part to play too, and they are not doing it. The lack of software is PARTLY Nintendo's fault. No one would notice the lack of first party titles if there were a plethora of 3rd party tittles to keep us occupied. No on complains to Microsoft or Sony at their 1st party dry spells. I wonder why that is...


The price point is fair. You're getting an HD game box with a $100 gamepad and free online multiplayer for $300-$350. That is fair. If the PS4 had a similar bundle, it would need the Vista, Playstation Plus, and PS Eye, which would be significantly higher in price. If the Xbox One did the same thing, it would need a Smartglass enabled tablet and Xbox Live, which would, again, be significantly higher in price. The Wii U's price is more than fair for what you're getting.


All you're doing is mindlessly repeating everything the media is saying about the Wii U without critically thinking about it. You're just being a mindless drone. I hate that. I respect people with a different opinion then me, but I hate when they don't have a good back up to those ideas and my respect wavers from there.


If 3rd party want their games to sell on Nintendo's console, they have to do their part in making games for the system and making them known. The fact that that isn't the case is THEIR fault.

Edited by Spemanig, 12 July 2013 - 12:42 PM.

#17 TheDoritoKing



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 02:09 PM

Third parties seem to have a system for Nintendo platforms: 


1.) Release a gimped/late/sloppy port for Nintendo's platform

2.) Gamers refuse to buy your sub-par offering 

3.) Blame Mario for taking their sales

4.) Rinse and repeat, maybe vomit an exclusive spin-off game as a show of goodwill

#18 alan123


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 02:01 AM

This whole issue of being able to play a game on the pad while someone else watches the TV is pointless, i cannot see why anyone would need this or Nintendo think this is a pro of buying a WiiU.


It's not the third parties fault, the WiiU has been announced for a few years now & the dev's/pub's had the development kits, after the problems Sony had with games for the PS3 being hard to develop for Sony listened to what the dev's wanted, Microsoft went their own way but still listened to what the dev's wanted, it seems that Nintendo didn't learn nothing from what happened with the PS3 nor with what happened with the launch of the 3DS.


The WiiU ok has the ability to have a HDD connected to it, but there is no base limit or minimum spec like the X360/PS3 & X1/PS4 has so the ability to install parts of the game is limited because dev's have to think about the people that don't have a HDD with their WiiU & also the face that the storage that comes with the WiiU will also have other 'stuff' installed on it.


There is then the property disc format that Nintendo uses, the capacity & the read speed is also a factor & then you have to consider the amount a dev/pub has to pay Nintendo for the property discs.


Games take years to make so the dev's/pub's would of been working on WiiU titles before they worked on PS4/X1 titles, maybe they found initially not enough extra oomph in the WiiU to allow them to do what they wanted for next-gen titles & while working on the games for the WiiU, the dev kits for the PS4/X1 came out & these did offer much more of what the dev's wanted, whatever way you spin it the WiiU is not as powerful as the X1/PS4, Sony has said that it listened to the dev's, yet Nintendo have even come out themselves & said they found the leap into HD tough, how can Nintendo who designed the WiiU come out & say they found the HD games on the WiiU they they themselves developed/made hard to do, has Apple ever said that they have found coding/writing/developing a Apple product hard to do for a Apple hardware product, no & neither has any other company i can think of, so for Nintendo to say they found it tough & then moan about how third parties are not developing for the WiiU is just hypocrisy.


Nintendo focused too much on the pad/screen that is one reason i think nobody is bothering with it because it is just a place for a menu/map like on the DS/3DS, the 3DS Nintendo claimed was going to be great for Augmented Reality games, well where are these AR games then for the 3DS ?


The WiiU should of had a name without Wii in it, more RAM, a standard HDD (upgradable), a normal blu-ray disc format.


The X1/PS4 are going to have all the CoD & FIFA games, now like them or not, ten's of millions of gamers do, these games will be on the PS4/X1 so other dev's/pub's know that there will always people buying the the PS4/X1 for these games so they know there will be a install base, people who go on about Nintendo having all these exclusives, Mario, Zelda etc need to actually think about what they are saying, there is no difference between Mario & FIFA, each game in the series is just a update of the same basic theme, CoD = Zelda, Metriod = Halo/Killzone, Mario Kart = Gran Turismo/Forza etc the list goes on.


Even if the WiiU sales spike when Mario Kart & Pikmin 3 comes out, it's too late, if a dev/pub looked & thought "yeah lets do a couple of WiiU games" these games would take time to make & to cover themselves the games would be multiplat, i think that the WiiU is just going to get skipped this gen, well whichever gen the WiiU is, i don't know which it is really, is it seven or eight, the dev's/pub's are placing it in the seventh gen it seems, Nintendo a few years ago took themselves out of the generational cycle, the WiiU is a console out of time, the next Nintendo console will be to, i think that the only game that could of helped really save the WiiU is GTA5 , with the power advantage the WiiU has over the X360/PS3 it would of attracted gamers from all quarters, but they didn't, the fact remains that like  have just done, people keep comparing the WiiU with the PS3/X360 & there is the biggest problem Nintendo has.

#19 JaylisJayP



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 04:11 AM

I'm guessing it's simply a matter of weighing how much the port would cost vs. the expected sales given the low install base and deciding it's not worth the effort.  I'm sure if there were money to be made, EA would be trying to make the money.


There's no hidden agenda.  And it's 100% Nintendo's fault.  They didn't realize AT ALL that creating HD games takes longer than creating SD games (as they claim)?  Then they should've just waited to release the system until more games were in the pipeline and ready for the launch.


I have a Wii U and I do enjoy it, but I'm starting to question legitimately if Nintendo has missed the boat here, even when the "big" games do start hitting.  Nintendo has completely squandered it's lead into this generation, and I question how interested kids will be even when Mario/Smash Bros/Mario Kart, etc... hit.  Especially with a $400 PS4 sitting next to it on the shelves.


I've said this from the beginning the ONLY thing that made the Wii a success AT FIRST was the word of mouth from Wii Sports.  That's it.  That was the system seller.  And personally (just my opinion) I think Nintendoland sucks.  I couldn't wait to sell it.  My point is there's nothing selling this system, and I don't see people dropping $350 for a slow, slow trickle of games.


In this day and age of failling video game companies and struggles to make money if you're not a hugely popular AAA title selling millions of copies, I can't see how anyone who isn't blinded by fanboyism could argue with the business decision of the third parties avoiding the Wii U.

This whole issue of being able to play a game on the pad while someone else watches the TV is pointless, i cannot see why anyone would need this or Nintendo think this is a pro of buying a WiiU.


It's not the third parties fault, the WiiU has been announced for a few years now & the dev's/pub's had the development kits, after the problems Sony had with games for the PS3 being hard to develop for Sony listened to what the dev's wanted, Microsoft went their own way but still listened to what the dev's wanted, it seems that Nintendo didn't learn nothing from what happened with the PS3 nor with what happened with the launch of the 3DS.


The WiiU ok has the ability to have a HDD connected to it, but there is no base limit or minimum spec like the X360/PS3 & X1/PS4 has so the ability to install parts of the game is limited because dev's have to think about the people that don't have a HDD with their WiiU & also the face that the storage that comes with the WiiU will also have other 'stuff' installed on it.


There is then the property disc format that Nintendo uses, the capacity & the read speed is also a factor & then you have to consider the amount a dev/pub has to pay Nintendo for the property discs.


Games take years to make so the dev's/pub's would of been working on WiiU titles before they worked on PS4/X1 titles, maybe they found initially not enough extra oomph in the WiiU to allow them to do what they wanted for next-gen titles & while working on the games for the WiiU, the dev kits for the PS4/X1 came out & these did offer much more of what the dev's wanted, whatever way you spin it the WiiU is not as powerful as the X1/PS4, Sony has said that it listened to the dev's, yet Nintendo have even come out themselves & said they found the leap into HD tough, how can Nintendo who designed the WiiU come out & say they found the HD games on the WiiU they they themselves developed/made hard to do, has Apple ever said that they have found coding/writing/developing a Apple product hard to do for a Apple hardware product, no & neither has any other company i can think of, so for Nintendo to say they found it tough & then moan about how third parties are not developing for the WiiU is just hypocrisy.


Nintendo focused too much on the pad/screen that is one reason i think nobody is bothering with it because it is just a place for a menu/map like on the DS/3DS, the 3DS Nintendo claimed was going to be great for Augmented Reality games, well where are these AR games then for the 3DS ?


The WiiU should of had a name without Wii in it, more RAM, a standard HDD (upgradable), a normal blu-ray disc format.


The X1/PS4 are going to have all the CoD & FIFA games, now like them or not, ten's of millions of gamers do, these games will be on the PS4/X1 so other dev's/pub's know that there will always people buying the the PS4/X1 for these games so they know there will be a install base, people who go on about Nintendo having all these exclusives, Mario, Zelda etc need to actually think about what they are saying, there is no difference between Mario & FIFA, each game in the series is just a update of the same basic theme, CoD = Zelda, Metriod = Halo/Killzone, Mario Kart = Gran Turismo/Forza etc the list goes on.


Even if the WiiU sales spike when Mario Kart & Pikmin 3 comes out, it's too late, if a dev/pub looked & thought "yeah lets do a couple of WiiU games" these games would take time to make & to cover themselves the games would be multiplat, i think that the WiiU is just going to get skipped this gen, well whichever gen the WiiU is, i don't know which it is really, is it seven or eight, the dev's/pub's are placing it in the seventh gen it seems, Nintendo a few years ago took themselves out of the generational cycle, the WiiU is a console out of time, the next Nintendo console will be to, i think that the only game that could of helped really save the WiiU is GTA5 , with the power advantage the WiiU has over the X360/PS3 it would of attracted gamers from all quarters, but they didn't, the fact remains that like  have just done, people keep comparing the WiiU with the PS3/X360 & there is the biggest problem Nintendo has.


I don't think GTA5 on the Wii U would matter.  People who are interested in it already have a 360 or a PS3 and nobody is buying a Wii U for it when you can get a 360 for $200 or less these days.  I honestly don't know what would sell the Wii U these days....maybe a 3DSesque price cut? 


Also, with the COD crowd, they're pretty used to the way their controllers feel and that's a big deal in those games.  The gamepad feels quite different, and in my opinion is not fun to use for FPS.  I tried BO2 with it and hated it.  I know the pro controller exists, but again, why put out these expenses to get the game on the Wii U?  There's no benefit. 


I think the bottom line is Nintendo tried to innovate with the Wii and were wildly successful based on the initial craze over Wii Sports.  Nintendo thought they were innovating with the Wii U but it was just a perfect storm for failure.  I'll tell you what, though, if they had just allowed that tablet to exist as its own portable gaming device/tablet, it would be selling MUCH better. 

#20 Envy



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Posted 13 July 2013 - 04:42 AM

Well, sadly I've come to the conclusion that I will have to buy a PS4 on top of the Wii U. It's so bleak that absolutely no third party titles I have wanted have come to the Wii U, not even one. I had to give in. =(




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