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Thinking about selling my Wii U guys...

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#1 BlackBookillusion



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:37 PM

I really enjoyed this system but Tbh I bought it mainly for Super smash bros and Mario Kart 8. Being that they wont be out for quite some time now, I wanted to sell it and put the money towards a PS4. I am not a console fanboy but I am really impressed with the PS4 features. Live game streaming and recording mainly. I also was debating if I should just buy a PS3 for GTA V! that game is just around the dang corner!!! anyways what is your opinions on this and If you had to choose, what would you go for, PS3 or PS4?





#2 Chrop



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:49 PM

Why did you buy a entire console for 2  games that haven't even been shown when you bought it and expect them to both come out this year?? Also what's the point selling your Wii U for a PS4 literally a few months before Mario Kart 8 comes out? You're just going to sell your Wii U for a PS4, play a few games, then sell it back for a Wii U. You might as-well keep the Wii U and save up for a PS4. Also check the games for the PS4 first, you might go (ya those features looks nice) but they're useless when you aren't really into the games out for it. 

Also Selling a Wii U for a PS3 is overkill seeing as a PS3 is only £50 now days.

Edited by Chrop, 11 July 2013 - 10:51 PM.

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#3 Wolfy



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:50 PM

I would do it... I'm not a fanboy either but I did the same thing... although I don't think I want a PS4 either anymore right now, might just stick with PC gaming and the 3DS...

#4 Alph


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:55 PM

Just save up for a PS4. I think you can get GTA 5 for PC so just get that if you have a PC.

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#5 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:06 PM


Edited by BrandedSwordsman, 20 May 2018 - 02:05 AM.

#6 BlackBookillusion



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Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:21 PM

Why did you buy a entire console for 2  games that haven't even been shown when you bought it and expect them to both come out this year?? Also what's the point selling your Wii U for a PS4 literally a few months before Mario Kart 8 comes out? You're just going to sell your Wii U for a PS4, play a few games, then sell it back for a Wii U. You might as-well keep the Wii U and save up for a PS4. Also check the games for the PS4 first, you might go (ya those features looks nice) but they're useless when you aren't really into the games out for it. 

Also Selling a Wii U for a PS3 is overkill seeing as a PS3 is only £50 now days.

I know what you mean man. At the time, buying the wii u early, made me think I will for sure be prepared for smash and MK. I also have never played a battlefield game before but wow.. BF4 looks amazing! I also played Black Ops 2 a lot on the wii u, so having it for a ps4 will guarantee DLC. I am also jobless at the moment lol. None the less I still plan to somehow earn money for a wii u when those games are close to release. Im just not sure if this is the way to go.

Last of Us and God of War Ascension just came out... Grand Theft Auto V and Gran Turismo 6 are coming soon... The PS4 has no backward compatibility. Most of the PS4 games at launch such as Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, and Watch Dogs will also be on PS3. Why would you get the PS4 at launch over PS3? For Killzone and Knack? 



Check this out 

Battlefield will be on PS3!? I didnt know that at all! I also heard something about, Sony plans to support the ps3 for a couple of years even after ps4 launch. Btw that video is funny and true... but imo smash and GTA are on the same level.. hands down my favorite type of games. Tbh GTA is another big reason I need cash to get it and the system =/ and that game is sooo close.

Just save up for a PS4. I think you can get GTA 5 for PC so just get that if you have a PC

My PC can't play any good games and im jobless atm lol..



#7 Plutonas



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 12:26 AM

if ur not a fanboy, why buy a ps4 at release date and may end up with a problematic hardware. All consoles have hardware flaws at the start... Wii U fixed most of its problems, ps4 havent...


Only the core fans buy a ps4 at release date. I will consider ps4 to, but after a year or two..

Edited by Plutonas, 12 July 2013 - 12:26 AM.

#8 Nintyfan86



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:01 AM

I would wait to be honest, and it has nothing to do with games. 


Wait until December. Possibly January. Get as much as you can for the Wii U, or better yet, sell it privately. 


The worse thing you could do is sell it now. It would be like selling Nintendo stock right now. 

#9 AndyG


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:28 AM

Streaming a recording footage will become pointless once everyone uses it, there will just be an even bigger stream of garbage of lets play videos from people young and old. Just think about how many people really want to watch your gameplay footage. I don't want to imagine how many 12 year olds will abuse the privilege of having this feature. Also as other people have stated before, you should wait at least 3-4 months after launch before making a purchase. The PS4 may look good but it too will share some form of difficulties during launch whether it be a server over load, bricked consoles, little or no stock available in stores, games being delayed, the list goes on. If you love your Nintendo exclusives you should wait for them to be released, there are plently of other games for you to play in the meantime. Not to mention that a lot of those super hyped up titles on PS4 and XB1 are multiplats.

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#10 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:26 AM

Iwould never sell my Wii U, I love it too much :D

#11 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:50 AM

No man just keep the WiiU. When you sell it you and those games you really want start getting closer and closer to their release dates you will be itching to sell that Playstation for a WiiU. I don't sell my games anymore because when I was younger I used to sell a lot and noticed I always bought them again not too far in the future because I missed them. Just stick it out and wait for Smash and Mario Kart, you most likely will not be disappointed and it will feel great having your hands on the game after waiting so long. Plus remember we have Super Mario 3D World coming out in a few months and Pikmin out next month. Oh and Wind Waker. I am sure these games can hold you over and once you start getting new and great games it will cure that need to get another system quick. I know exactly how you feel I have been like that many times but after I just held onto everything I have it helps. I started making collections for my systems instead of selling to get new games I was dying for. And that is a real satisfying feeling. So just hold out dude, you won't regret it.
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#12 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:52 AM

Keep the Wii U and get a PS4. It's unlikely you'll get what you paid for it anyway, with the way the market is.

#13 IvyT



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:04 AM

No man just keep the WiiU. When you sell it you and those games you really want start getting closer and closer to their release dates you will be itching to sell that Playstation for a WiiU. I don't sell my games anymore because when I was younger I used to sell a lot and noticed I always bought them again not too far in the future because I missed them. Just stick it out and wait for Smash and Mario Kart, you most likely will not be disappointed and it will feel great having your hands on the game after waiting so long. Plus remember we have Super Mario 3D World coming out in a few months and Pikmin out next month. Oh and Wind Waker. I am sure these games can hold you over and once you start getting new and great games it will cure that need to get another system quick. I know exactly how you feel I have been like that many times but after I just held onto everything I have it helps. I started making collections for my systems instead of selling to get new games I was dying for. And that is a real satisfying feeling. So just hold out dude, you won't regret it.


I've definitely regretted selling many games when I was younger, games that are really hard to find now. Just build a good collection, it's a really satisfying feeling. And yeah, the Wii U doesn't have a lot going for it now, but neither won't the PS4. If I recall well, the PS3 struggled a lot for the first 2/3 years between solving some hardware issues and getting a decent game lineup. The Wii U is definitely going through that phase now and to fool ourselves into thinking the PS4 and Xbox One are somehow 'superior' to those issues is just silly.


Yeah, the PS4 looks good now but I bet it'll look even better in a couple years with a hardware revision and a more robust game lineup. Meanwhile, you get to enjoy your Wii U and all the amazing Nintendo exclusives that are coming this year and in 2014.


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#14 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 06:16 AM

Dont sell it the games start rolling in soon

#15 tubagodd



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 06:58 AM

Something I've learned, never buy  playstation until they release the slim. Generally the release console is always buggy from Sony and more likely to fail down the road.
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#16 Rockodoodle


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 08:01 AM

Exactly.... Best is yet to come for Wii U and it's approaching rapidly.....


Along those lines in reverse (might create a post on this), should I buy some of these discounted titles on their way out- Need for Speed, Zombie U, AC3 or save for all the new releases.... will prolly go the "value" route and cross the new releases bridge later.




Dont sell it the games start rolling in soon

Edited by Rockodoodle, 12 July 2013 - 08:03 AM.

#17 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 08:55 AM

No way in hell will I ever sell my Wii U to a new console that may soon having issues.  Remember what happened to the PS3's PSN hacking and stealing personal information?  Think about the future.  The Wii U will deliver more games from Nintendo, Ubisoft, WB Games and indies starting next month.



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#18 BlackBookillusion



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 10:31 AM

Good point guys, I have decided to keep the system! Wind waker was my fav zelda game and the new graphics look good enough to play it again! plus I forgot about splinter cell. Big fan of those games. Man I just wish GTA came to the Wii U, then I would definitely get a ps3 in a year or 2 or 3. Btw I am still stuck in that fase of selling systems... I sold my laptop for a 3ds and games, then my 3ds for a vita... then for a 360... funny.. but really bad habbit lol



#19 Elem187



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Posted 12 July 2013 - 10:38 AM

I read your OP and still do not see the logic in selling something you might not get much more than $200 usd/eur for, only to repurchase next year for $250 eur/usd (if there even is a price cut)


You would be losing quite a bit of money by selling it now before the parade of games start releasing (next month here in NA) or in a couple weeks in Europe.


The PS4 isn't so drastically expensive that you absolutely have to sell the Wii U to afford it, no? Unemployed will make the diliemna much harder, because how are you going to afford the ps4 even after selling the Wii U?


Hold on to it, as the PS4 is going through its growing pains of a new console, the Wii U will already be coming out of them....


Personally i'm looking to buy a new gaming PC sometime this year, but I wouldn't sell my Wii U to afford any component of my new PC because the Wii U is just on the cusp of coming out of the dreaded software drought.

#20 alan123


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 12:41 PM

you won't get much money for it now, nobody wants a WiiU, not sure you could give it away, just realise you made a mistake & take it on the chin, thats what i have done, my WiiU will only end up having a couple of games for it, i have cancelled all my orders for WiiU games i had placed & will buy them cheaper used, Nintendo are going to get as little of my money as possible, i regret buying a WiiU, i won't make the same mistake again, this will be the last Nintendo console i ever buy at launch, if i ever buy a Nintendo console again.

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