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I need some positivity to curb my WiiU disappointment :(

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#21 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 09:18 PM

Can't take you seriously, Basically the main reasons you don't want the wii U is because

1. The Xbox one and PS4 is more powerful, even tho reality has proven time and time again that better hardware does not equal better console

2. Because they had a bad launch... so did the 3DS, look at it now

3. You hate the fact that Nintendo is having a hard time making HD games, By the way, THEY HAVE NEVER MADE AN HD GAME BEFORE, Obviously it shouldn't come as a surprise they have a hard time. GIve them some slack ffs. None of the Third parties complained, wanna know why? because they have had experience making HD games...

4. The fact 3rd parties aren't jumping on the Wii U... You bought a Nintendo console, what did you expect? Seriously you did own most of their past consoles, you should have easily known what was going to happen.

5. "I regret buying a Wii U now because it's gathering dust" No!!!! Really? i mean if you actually bought games for it instead of canceling pre-orders then maybe it wouldn't.

6. "the playing the full game on the gamepad is also pretty pointless in my view" Opinion, a very 1 sided opinion. I BEARLY ever get the chance to have the T.V to myself, it is one of the most convenient features any console has ever had for me. Ooh and I can actually play my games in my own bed instead of being stuck downstairs. 


If you are being serious with all of these things, i have a simple answer, Sell the Wii U and never buy it again. I'm serious if you are having such a bad time with it and pointing out stupid and idiotic things wrong with it, then just sell it. There is no point in having it if you are complain about these things about it. 

Dude, seriously wtf? You stole my post :( lmao j/k ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1,000,000% THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

#22 ChrisD


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:00 AM

Well, people keep on quoting Chrop here with complete agreement, so let me just make a one-swoop post addressing his rebuttals instead of replying to each person's post. 



Can't take you seriously, Basically the main reasons you don't want the wii U is because


Can't take you seriously... What an excellent way to lead in to a good post. Spot-on; two crumpets, and a lovely cup of tea to thee.


1. The Xbox one and PS4 is more powerful, even tho reality has proven time and time again that better hardware does not equal better console


Power would be a silly thing to have issues with... If the Wii U wasn't so expensive in comparison to the more powerful consoles this go-round. With the Wii it was justified and fully acceptable to be weaker -- It was WAAAAAY cheaper. But the fact of the matter is, the Wii U is not cheap. Also, his point on the Hard-Drive space is completely valid. You either make your game with the limit in mind, or you limit your audience by bypassing it. This is a huge issue.


2. Because they had a bad launch... so did the 3DS, look at it now


They had a bad launch with the 3DS because nothing was out there quite yet. They've had a bad launch with the Wii U because some clown in their release department decided that pushing back all of those, "Launch Window," games was a good idea. May I remind you that Pikmin 3 was a Launch Title? And it was this way until a month or so before the system's release if I remember correctly. Same for Wonderful 101. These titles alone would have remedied the launch woes of having nothing to play if they were actually, you know, released in Launch Window like we were told.


The 3DS situation is arguably worse, but at least there we didn't have any, "broken promises." (For lack of better words.)


3. You hate the fact that Nintendo is having a hard time making HD games, By the way, THEY HAVE NEVER MADE AN HD GAME BEFORE, Obviously it shouldn't come as a surprise they have a hard time. GIve them some slack ffs. None of the Third parties complained, wanna know why? because they have had experience making HD games...


Said it before, will say it now. The, "HD DEVELOPMENT IS HARD WORK, GIVE THEM A BREAK!" argument is ridiculous. Nintendo didn't have any games to work on for around two years at the end of the Wii's life-cycle. They could have been prepping for this moment the entire time. But they didn't. (For all intents and purposes, they may have been, but if they were... Well they didn't prepare enough. >_>) And if they knew that it would be so hard (By paying attention to Sony and Microsoft's issues with the same thing...), they could have pushed the system back another year -- When it is actually ready! At least by then all of the games we're looking forward to now would be done and being released in a steady flow.


4. The fact 3rd parties aren't jumping on the Wii U... You bought a Nintendo console, what did you expect? Seriously you did own most of their past consoles, you should have easily known what was going to happen.


He was probably just, y'know, expecting Third-Party games since they were toted so much at E3 2012. The Wii U was a true switch-up; it was launching with Third-Party's taking front seat. It appeared that this was finally the console that Nintendo was giving a true effort in getting Third-Parties with. The thought that it actually wouldn't happen this time is... Pretty reasonable.


5. "I regret buying a Wii U now because it's gathering dust" No!!!! Really? i mean if you actually bought games for it instead of canceling pre-orders then maybe it wouldn't.


Yeah can't really say anything on cancelling all his pre-orders. That's just silly. Sorry, alan. =P


6. "the playing the full game on the gamepad is also pretty pointless in my view" Opinion, a very 1 sided opinion. I BEARLY ever get the chance to have the T.V to myself, it is one of the most convenient features any console has ever had for me. Ooh and I can actually play my games in my own bed instead of being stuck downstairs. 


Opinions, how do they work? I love Off-TV Play more than you'd believe, but calling his opinion one-sided then not saying the same about yours is senseless. With that said, Protip: Using the opinion card as a rebuttal is never a good idea since it, quite literally, can't work.


If you are being serious with all of these things, i have a simple answer, Sell the Wii U and never buy it again. I'm serious.


Said it in my last post, but selling consoles is generally a bad idea. Unless you literally have zero interest in upcoming games, selling your console is just a massive cut into the wallet. Before giving him a, "simple answer," how about you present him with reasons not to? Such as the positivity he was asking for in the first place. (This goes for the whole post -- none of it is positive -- but it fit here best.) Giving advice just for simplicity isn't giving good advice.


]if you are having such a bad time with it and pointing out stupid and idiotic things wrong with it, then just sell it. There is no point in having it if you are complain about these things about it. 


Nothing he pointed out as an issue is stupid. (Or idiotic, but that's a synonym... You said the same thing twice, lol.) As for the, "No point," statement, I think that's the reason he posted this thread in the first place. He wanted a point to keep it. He wanted positivity. Not... This.




In a month Pikmin 3 will get the ball rolling! Game looks great in the latest trailer; really sharp on the Gamepad as well! Strongly suggest you check it out to build up some hype or something.


Two months from now, The Wonderful 101 will be released. The game looks so ridiculous that I can't help but get excited. Again, the latest trailer is a strongly suggested watch. Got me hyped up for it, and I wasn't even interested before now.


Three months from now, Sonic Lost World will be here! I don't think I've even gotta' say much here. It's like Super Sonic Galaxy. How can you not get hype for this?


Four/Five months from now, November/December, with a Holiday blitz of Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Plenty here to keep you set 'til...


Next year. Bayonetta 2. X. Possible Zelda U... And... It's 3 AM. My mind is dead. I'm sorry.



#23 Chrop



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 12:44 AM

Well, people keep on quoting Chrop here with complete agreement, so let me just make a one-swoop post addressing his rebuttals instead of replying to each person's post. 



Can't take you seriously... What an excellent way to lead in to a good post. Spot-on; two crumpets, and a lovely cup of tea to thee.


1. The Xbox one and PS4 is more powerful, even tho reality has proven time and time again that better hardware does not equal better console


Power would be a silly thing to have issues with... If the Wii U wasn't so expensive in comparison to the more powerful consoles this go-round. With the Wii it was justified and fully acceptable to be weaker -- It was WAAAAAY cheaper. But the fact of the matter is, the Wii U is not cheap. Also, his point on the Hard-Drive space is completely valid. You either make your game with the limit in mind, or you limit your audience by bypassing it. This is a huge issue.


2. Because they had a bad launch... so did the 3DS, look at it now


They had a bad launch with the 3DS because nothing was out there quite yet. They've had a bad launch with the Wii U because some clown in their release department decided that pushing back all of those, "Launch Window," games was a good idea. May I remind you that Pikmin 3 was a Launch Title? And it was this way until a month or so before the system's release if I remember correctly. Same for Wonderful 101. These titles alone would have remedied the launch woes of having nothing to play if they were actually, you know, released in Launch Window like we were told.


The 3DS situation is arguably worse, but at least there we didn't have any, "broken promises." (For lack of better words.)


3. You hate the fact that Nintendo is having a hard time making HD games, By the way, THEY HAVE NEVER MADE AN HD GAME BEFORE, Obviously it shouldn't come as a surprise they have a hard time. GIve them some slack ffs. None of the Third parties complained, wanna know why? because they have had experience making HD games...


Said it before, will say it now. The, "HD DEVELOPMENT IS HARD WORK, GIVE THEM A BREAK!" argument is ridiculous. Nintendo didn't have any games to work on for around two years at the end of the Wii's life-cycle. They could have been prepping for this moment the entire time. But they didn't. (For all intents and purposes, they may have been, but if they were... Well they didn't prepare enough. >_>) And if they knew that it would be so hard (By paying attention to Sony and Microsoft's issues with the same thing...), they could have pushed the system back another year -- When it is actually ready! At least by then all of the games we're looking forward to now would be done and being released in a steady flow.


4. The fact 3rd parties aren't jumping on the Wii U... You bought a Nintendo console, what did you expect? Seriously you did own most of their past consoles, you should have easily known what was going to happen.


He was probably just, y'know, expecting Third-Party games since they were toted so much at E3 2012. The Wii U was a true switch-up; it was launching with Third-Party's taking front seat. It appeared that this was finally the console that Nintendo was giving a true effort in getting Third-Parties with. The thought that it actually wouldn't happen this time is... Pretty reasonable.


5. "I regret buying a Wii U now because it's gathering dust" No!!!! Really? i mean if you actually bought games for it instead of canceling pre-orders then maybe it wouldn't.


Yeah can't really say anything on cancelling all his pre-orders. That's just silly. Sorry, alan. =P


6. "the playing the full game on the gamepad is also pretty pointless in my view" Opinion, a very 1 sided opinion. I BEARLY ever get the chance to have the T.V to myself, it is one of the most convenient features any console has ever had for me. Ooh and I can actually play my games in my own bed instead of being stuck downstairs. 


Opinions, how do they work? I love Off-TV Play more than you'd believe, but calling his opinion one-sided then not saying the same about yours is senseless. With that said, Protip: Using the opinion card as a rebuttal is never a good idea since it, quite literally, can't work.


If you are being serious with all of these things, i have a simple answer, Sell the Wii U and never buy it again. I'm serious.


Said it in my last post, but selling consoles is generally a bad idea. Unless you literally have zero interest in upcoming games, selling your console is just a massive cut into the wallet. Before giving him a, "simple answer," how about you present him with reasons not to? Such as the positivity he was asking for in the first place. (This goes for the whole post -- none of it is positive -- but it fit here best.) Giving advice just for simplicity isn't giving good advice.


]if you are having such a bad time with it and pointing out stupid and idiotic things wrong with it, then just sell it. There is no point in having it if you are complain about these things about it. 


Nothing he pointed out as an issue is stupid. (Or idiotic, but that's a synonym... You said the same thing twice, lol.) As for the, "No point," statement, I think that's the reason he posted this thread in the first place. He wanted a point to keep it. He wanted positivity. Not... This.



1. It's £100 cheaper than the PS4 and £200 cheaper than the Xbox One, even more if you count all the shops discounts on the console. It's expensive, yes, but not compared to the other 8th gen consoles. Also you can buy a external hardrive for the Wii U, that will last you up to the 9th gen consoles.


2. Those games were delayed because of the problem they had with HD Graphics, which brings us to my 3rd point


3. They was spending those years getting the 3DS up and running, and... oh look, they brought the 3DS to life! If they stopped on the 3DS and carried on with the Wii U, ya the Wii U might have been a little bit more successful but the 3DS would have been another Vita, just sitting their dying.


4. They didn't promise anything, they said they created to Wii U to be third party friendly compared, they never said anything like "Yes we will now have all the third party games on this new console!" So no matter who you are, if you knew Nintendo, you would know they wouldn't have had much luck with them.


6. What i meant was that he was that he was saying it was pretty pointless, i was just telling him that there are people who love the feature, sure useless to him, but amazing for others. Yes i agree my opinion is also 1 sided, but that means am showing him a second side of opinion about the feature (I will give you 1 internet cookie if you managed to understand this point :s),

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#24 alan123


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 05:21 AM

a few positive comments :)


what i was getting at is the principal of the WiiU & what Nintendo said about it, they had issues with the 3DS & they did not learn from this in regards to the WiiU, they must of known they were having problems with the HD when they started making the games, as for it being a big jump, come on everyone says that Nintendo boffins are the best in the business, yet other third party devs & not had problems making HD games for the 360, PS3 & even arguably much more detailed & higher resolution games for the PC, this issue is one reason why the games have been delayed & instead of looking at it as "awww Nintendo will get it right in the end" that is not the point, in a way it is like a car being sold without a engine, & the manufacturer saying "oh we haven't got used to building engines yet, but we will get there", tis games that sell consoles, i spent £300 on a WiiU & i want some games to play on it, is that a wrong thing to ask, i don't think it is.


yes i admit as i did in the OP but 99% of the time i have backed myself up, i haven't trolled anywhere, but i'm not going to sit back & stay silent when everyone is saying that everything is rosy in WiiU land, i'm just looking at the bigger picture, i am lucky, i can afford to buy a WiiU & even if i have no games to play on it i can get over it, i have the money to buy a X1 & PS4 at launch if i want (i'm not going to) but as i said it's about the principal & Nintendo have wronged us all, its no good feeling disappointed & then spouting off to others that it will be ok, thats just being hypocritical, what will happen if the games don't turn the WiiU around this xmas ? sometimes you have to know when to call it a day, the WiiU as a console will be finished if all we get is a couple of Nintendo first party games a year, the trust will of evaporated, it already has for me in regards to Nintendo, i won't be buying a Nintendo console again at launch & many others will do the same & that will hurt Nintendo as the next console will have a even smaller user base.


also someone posted a list of games, which as i said in the OP is pointless, i could post a list of the same number of games for the X1 & PS4, i want proper full retail games, small time indie games that you get on Live, PSN, eShop are not really valid, other than things like Trine 2 for example, many of the games are games that are on other systems that do not cost £300 & many indie games are available for Droids & ios, i am not talking about just exclusives either, games like Zelda, Mario are not enough anymore to sustain the Nintendo console, mock FIFA & CoD all you like, but they are updated sequels just like every Mario & Zelda game.


i have since reconsidered & because i received a discount code, have now ordered, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2 & also 101 (don't bother saying i have pre-ordered & then cancelled etc, because i have the proof to back up what i have said).


abbHT3yB.jpg abmSDf8k.jpg 


people need to back their posts up, no good saying the WiiU is rubbish & neither no good saying the WiiU is fantastic & as far as i am concerned Nintendo & the WiiU have a hell of a job putting what they have done right, even now i don't think they can do it, the release of the PS4 & X1 are going to have a huge impact on the WiiU, it makes no difference that the install base will be small to start off with, all consoles have this issue but the WiiU has continued this issue, the third parties won't abandon the X1 & PS4 because they know they will have the games coming that people want to play, yes thats GTA, CoD & FIFA, MS & Sony have signed up the major third party dev's & pub's, something Nintendo fails to do every single time, & one day this issue will bite them on the ass.

#25 ThePopiPenguin


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 08:15 AM

a few positive comments :)


what i was getting at is the principal of the WiiU & what Nintendo said about it, they had issues with the 3DS & they did not learn from this in regards to the WiiU, they must of known they were having problems with the HD when they started making the games, as for it being a big jump, come on everyone says that Nintendo boffins are the best in the business, yet other third party devs & not had problems making HD games for the 360, PS3 & even arguably much more detailed & higher resolution games for the PC, this issue is one reason why the games have been delayed & instead of looking at it as "awww Nintendo will get it right in the end" that is not the point, in a way it is like a car being sold without a engine, & the manufacturer saying "oh we haven't got used to building engines yet, but we will get there", tis games that sell consoles, i spent £300 on a WiiU & i want some games to play on it, is that a wrong thing to ask, i don't think it is.


yes i admit as i did in the OP but 99% of the time i have backed myself up, i haven't trolled anywhere, but i'm not going to sit back & stay silent when everyone is saying that everything is rosy in WiiU land, i'm just looking at the bigger picture, i am lucky, i can afford to buy a WiiU & even if i have no games to play on it i can get over it, i have the money to buy a X1 & PS4 at launch if i want (i'm not going to) but as i said it's about the principal & Nintendo have wronged us all, its no good feeling disappointed & then spouting off to others that it will be ok, thats just being hypocritical, what will happen if the games don't turn the WiiU around this xmas ? sometimes you have to know when to call it a day, the WiiU as a console will be finished if all we get is a couple of Nintendo first party games a year, the trust will of evaporated, it already has for me in regards to Nintendo, i won't be buying a Nintendo console again at launch & many others will do the same & that will hurt Nintendo as the next console will have a even smaller user base.


also someone posted a list of games, which as i said in the OP is pointless, i could post a list of the same number of games for the X1 & PS4, i want proper full retail games, small time indie games that you get on Live, PSN, eShop are not really valid, other than things like Trine 2 for example, many of the games are games that are on other systems that do not cost £300 & many indie games are available for Droids & ios, i am not talking about just exclusives either, games like Zelda, Mario are not enough anymore to sustain the Nintendo console, mock FIFA & CoD all you like, but they are updated sequels just like every Mario & Zelda game.


i have since reconsidered & because i received a discount code, have now ordered, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2 & also 101 (don't bother saying i have pre-ordered & then cancelled etc, because i have the proof to back up what i have said).


abbHT3yB.jpg abmSDf8k.jpg


people need to back their posts up, no good saying the WiiU is rubbish & neither no good saying the WiiU is fantastic & as far as i am concerned Nintendo & the WiiU have a hell of a job putting what they have done right, even now i don't think they can do it, the release of the PS4 & X1 are going to have a huge impact on the WiiU, it makes no difference that the install base will be small to start off with, all consoles have this issue but the WiiU has continued this issue, the third parties won't abandon the X1 & PS4 because they know they will have the games coming that people want to play, yes thats GTA, CoD & FIFA, MS & Sony have signed up the major third party dev's & pub's, something Nintendo fails to do every single time, & one day this issue will bite them on the ass.

Glad you're back (somewhat). I'm reconsidering getting a PS4  this year since InFamous and KZ are coming out but I'll be buying most of my 3rd party stuff on the U nonetheless. CoD: Ghosts is coming out for the Wii U and GTA might too. 

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#26 vampyren



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:00 AM

Hello all, this is my first post and hopefully not preceived as very negative. I know i been really pissed at Nintendo specially during Wii time but i'm slowly finding the way to forgive them even if i think they could have done much more even this time around.

Also i should mention i buy all consoles usually but i did sell my Wii sense i did not get to many games for my taste and i just couldnt stand the low resolution when i had PS3/X360 with so so many great games.

I'm also realistic and dont expect all that many games from WiiU but i did buy it since its atleast HD and i wanted to play some of the games i had missed on Wii like Zelda and Metroid.

This time around i'm more true to the fact that i wont be getting that many games on the WiiU but rather a selected number of games i want to experience like pikmin, Zelda U, X , Watch dogs and maybe a few more. So the list above with tons of old ports and many cute games are not for me. I will also get PS4 so i can get all the "other" type of games i like.

So in my view WiiU is a complement to get the best from both worlds.

Could it be more powerfull? hell yeah but atleast the games now looks good on a LCD/LED tv's.

Lastly i actually think Nintendo did the right thing not to add an HD, this way you dont need to open the console but rather hook it up to a usb HD which is much better. The user have to learn to read from the box what is required. But Nintendo was to damn cheap to add USB3 so i have to use 2 usb ports to powerup my WD HD since newers drived use USB3 so that was a crappy decision really but anyway beside that i do like the WiiU and enjoy MH3 right now.

#27 Zinix



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:23 AM

:( This topics is depressing.

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#28 alan123


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 09:45 AM

Pkimin 3 was posted today, it's on its way now :)

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