The Bad
Some of the worst voice acting imaginable
Awful writing
Controls only occasionally function properly
Almost every aspect of the game is broken in some fashion
Poorly veiled attempt to pass off juvenile melodrama as a mature story
Every attempt at maturity devolves into shoddy melodrama. By the tale's end, provided that you haven't attempted an auto-lobotomy, you'll have been drenched in the game's pathetic, out-of-touch approach to sex, violence, and masculinity. Even if Ride to Hell could pass as a broken and buggy parody of the patently offensive, none of the characters seem to be in on the joke. Tragedy is greeted with no more subtly than a prolonged, agonizing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and sexuality is given the same level of reverence as a pornographic film.
Most of the characters sound like they were recorded in their bedrooms, moments after being woken up from a good week or two of binge drinking. The actors cannot cobble together anything like tangible human emotion.
At least some of these crimes against conscious thought might find forgiveness if Ride to Hell weren't such a technical disaster. Crashes, graphical bugs, disappearing audio, and many more issues are shockingly frequent. In some instances, enemies will appear and then die for no apparent reason. Timed missions sometimes randomly end 30 seconds or more early, and your survival seems randomly determined. When playing Ride to Hell, you exist at the whim of some of the buggiest software ever released.
That people are being asked to spend time and money on this garbage shows a profound lack of respect for consumers. All one can do is marvel at the latest entry to the list of candidates for "Worst Game of All Time."
GOTY contender forever...