Developer Two Tribes has said that they have discovered a hidden hardware feature of the Wii U.
Two Tribes was very happy to report that: “Today we discovered a new hardware feature of the Wii U that shaves off 100 megabytes of texture memory usage in Toki Tori 2!”
But what does this extra 100MB of texture memory allow them to do?
They explained this hidden feature’s benefits by saying: “It means we spend less time loading and have more memory available when the game is running.”
Good news to hear. It appears that the Wii U is all around a surprising console. Michael Ancel recently praised it as being very powerful, and other companies like Crytek have more than been pleased with it. Though of course the silly “it isn’t next-gen” debates will rage on until the Wii U’s generation ends in five or six years.
Saved 100mb i bet thats 50% because i bet the wiiu like the gc and wii had a texture virtual design ability to break up texture data into smaller easier chunks INCREASING TEXTURE SPACE AND THRU PUT BY 50%
so example 1mb ram = 1.5 mb textures
1mb ram with 4x texture compression = 4mb of textures but ad in virtual design its now 6mb textures
wiiu is doing this and its a upgrade improvment on wiis ability to do this combined with fast ram low latency a big texture catch and modern compression its looking like wiiu is DOUBLE the xbox 360 meg for meg in delivering textures to the screen...
i bet its a texture hsardware/software trick TYPICAL NINTENDO THE BEST WAY ALWAYS
if ps3 used 256mb for textures and wiiuused 512mb for textures and both had the same compression ratio etc wiiu would have another 256mb of textures plus compresion vs ps3 its moving 50% more all the time conbined with modern hardware being more effective and wiius custom disc drive loading much much much faster than say ps3 ITS CLEAR WIIU DELIVERS HUGE TEXTURING PERFORMANCE and theres far more actual in game ram than last generation too
wiiu can do huge textures vs last gen HD twins
I have to giggle at neogaf comunity etc they point blank will not admit this kind of thing exists ITS PC OR BUST imagine being that DUMB
Edited by cupoftea, 27 July 2013 - 12:19 AM.