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IGN: Nintendo should look to new hardware, If Wii U doesn't pick up

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:37 PM

Nintendo Life

Yesterday's first quarter financials revealed that the Wii U sold a paltry 160,000 units in three months, giving the new system a life-to-date total of just 3.61 million units — way below Nintendo's initial projections when it launched the system last year.

The console's struggle at retail has a lot to do with a lack of games, but Nintendo itself has also admitted that it failed to communicate the appeal of the system effectively.

According to IGN UK games editor Keza Macdonald, the run-up to Christmas is going to be critical in determining the console's future, and if things don't improve then Nintendo should look at launching a new piece of hardware.

Speaking to BBC World News, Macdonald said:

"The next six months is going to be absolutely crucial for Nintendo. They're not going to release a new hardware product for at good 18 months, maybe longer...if the Wii U doesn't pick up, I think it would be sensible to think about launching a new console rather than flogging a dead horse. 160,000 units is dismal"

#2 Aiddon



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:44 PM

Ahaha...AHAHAHHAQHAHHAHAHAHA! Oh man, IGN never cease to disappoint me in how dumb they are. That's just rich.

#3 Gaymer


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:55 PM

Sounds familiar. Oh yeah...




#4 Chrop



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:17 PM


Keza Macdonald is utterly stupid, how is new hardware going to fix the problem? 

1. The people who bought the Wii u are going to be raging. Most likely won't buy the new console, leaving that to sell a ton worse than the Wii U.

2. The games for the Wii U will be canceled (screwing the people who bought the Wii U in the first place even more).

3. Cost a BOMB of money. 

4. Third parties are still going to hate it. They will find a reason

5. The hardware ISN'T THE PROBLEM!

6. A console that has no games isn't selling... OH NO! Better get new hardware! Brilliant thinking!!!

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#5 Ninty64X



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:19 PM

Why does everyone think ditching the Wii U is a good idea? That'd probably make Nintendo lose more money plus lots of people would be ticked about having their fairly new console obsolete so quickly.

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#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:34 PM

"Let's kill off our console before the big games are released! Surely this is the best plan of action!"



The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#7 Aiddon



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:39 PM

Why does everyone think ditching the Wii U is a good idea? That'd probably make Nintendo lose more money plus lots of people would be ticked about having their fairly new console obsolete so quickly.


Because Western media pundits have no attention span and can't grasp the concept of long-term thinking. Hell, Western gaming in general can't seem to think long-term as evidenced by reducing themselves to living from one AAA release to another. Not exactly a stable model to live on.

#8 TheDoritoKing



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:48 PM

"We have a console with practically no games, so let's make another one right away with even less!" is what I'm getting from this. 


Because Western media pundits have no attention span and can't grasp the concept of long-term thinking. Hell, Western gaming in general can't seem to think long-term as evidenced by reducing themselves to living from one AAA release to another. Not exactly a stable model to live on.

More and more Westerners (mostly PC games, but console users are getting better) are going for indie titles to tide them over until the next big release. Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all have indie-friendly ways to get their games onto the Live Arcade, PlayStation Store, and eShop respectively. Self-published indie games carry far less risk than their multi-million dollar big brothers; and as all three companies make a profit of each of these (numerous) self-published titles, they're loving it. 

Edited by TheDoritoKing, 01 August 2013 - 04:43 PM.

#9 nbond3040



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:59 PM

the reason there is so much hate for Nintendo in main stream media is because the majority of gamers are Microsoft or Sony fans  and to keep the majority happy main stream media poop on the minority unless it's blatantly obvious that Microsoft or Sony has messed up because if it's blatant then they would be called out for bias for example Micheal Pachter have you ever wondered why he still has a job it's because the majority, microsoft and sony fans, like him and it doesn't matter how much he is wrong, which is 95% of the time, he will keep his job as long as he tells the majority what they want to hear

#10 Julio93


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 05:22 PM

Well graphically 3rd party games aren't an improvement so I'll give them that.



#11 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 05:49 PM

I remember when Nintendo used to be popular, I really miss the early and mid nineties.  Anyway, making another console immediately after releasing a console is a stupid idea.  Its almost as if IGN as well as many others are trying to goad Nintendo into doing something stupid, not that Nintendo would actually go along with the idea or anything but it just seems like many gaming media as well as gamers who are fans of other franchises for some reason are really eager to see Nintendo go out of business.

#12 meitantei_conan



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 06:48 PM

why the hell do people want Nintendo to pull a Sega!  If I remember correctly didn't Sega do this? release new console....console fails to sell......release a newer console few months later....still doesn't sell. Its about the games people, THE GAMES! 

Edited by meitantei_conan, 01 August 2013 - 06:49 PM.

#13 Goose


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 06:51 PM

History is repeating itself. Down to the articles.


#14 grahamf


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 07:32 PM

You'd have to be a complete idiot to think that is a viable option for any company who creates products expected to last at least five years. Nintendo would have to completely write off all Wii U stock, and there will be many people stuck with suddenly obsolete hardware and would be hesitant to purchase new hardware, especially if it costs significantly more.

Ign should either grow a brain or simply not write about Nintendo.



#15 EvilMoogle



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 08:36 PM

Author just wants attention.


It's working. 


Edited by EvilMoogle, 01 August 2013 - 08:39 PM.

#16 Mewbot


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 04:06 AM

The problem is software, not hardware.


New games would make people feel like buying a Wii U.


A new console would make people realise that they might end up getting screwed over if they buy the new one, if the followup is right around the corner like it was with the Wii U.


Silly IGN.


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#17 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:48 AM

I think this guy got the situation right


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#18 Rockodoodle


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:02 AM

People make it seem like the Wii U is displaying Atari 2600- like graphics too, at least in comparison to what PS4 and XBone.  While they might ultimately have better graphics, I would imagine that it will be to the extent that only somebody with a keen eye for those nuances will be able to actually detect.




I think this guy got the situation right


#19 DéliopT



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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:19 AM

That would probably be the worst solution of them all.



#20 Hunter



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Posted 02 August 2013 - 10:18 AM

People make it seem like the Wii U is displaying Atari 2600- like graphics too, at least in comparison to what PS4 and XBone.  While they might ultimately have better graphics, I would imagine that it will be to the extent that only somebody with a keen eye for those nuances will be able to actually detect.


I totally agree. And anyway, since when has graphics been the biggest selling point of a console? People forget that your average consumer will not be looking at graphics as much as they will be looking at the games, the features, and the price of the console.

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