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What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 08:26 PM

Starting with the N64, Nintendo consoles lack decent third party support and odds are the Wii U will be no different, What can Nintendo do to break this cycle with the Wii U's successor?

Personally i think Nintendo should be more aggressive with their approach like Sony and MS by throwing money at devs for ports and exclusives with no missing modes and feature, build more partnerships,design their consoles to be easy for lazy developers to get in to, and try to shed their "kiddie" image so devs will be more confident in bring their games to Nintendo consoles.

#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 08:41 PM

Starting with the N64, Nintendo consoles lack decent third party support and odds are the Wii U will be no different, What can Nintendo do to break this cycle with the Wii U's successor?

Personally i think Nintendo should be more aggressive with their approach like Sony and MS by throwing money at devs for ports and exclusives with no missing modes and feature, build more partnerships,design their consoles to be easy for lazy developers to get in to, and try to shed their "kiddie" image so devs will be more confident in bring their games to Nintendo consoles.



NOTHING under current management. Seriously anyone expecting things to change with Iwata, reggie, and Miyamoto around are delusional.

Edited by GAMER1984, 05 August 2013 - 08:50 PM.

#3 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 08:49 PM

well the only choice is to get next gen games on wii u so as a consumer why pay 400 or 500 for next gen if i can get the same games on 299 console

and also abandon the idea of gamepad because simply why do i have to add more features to a stupid gamepad if i can work with a normal controller

#4 GAMER1984



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 08:52 PM

well the only choice is to get next gen games on wii u so as a consumer why pay 400 or 500 for next gen if i can get the same games on 299 console

and also abandon the idea of gamepad because simply why do i have to add more features to a stupid gamepad if i can work with a normal controller

nope no going back on gamepad its one of the reason i brought Wii U and love it. that off-tv gameplay is worth it. i work nights so when im off and my family is sleeping and im up because im use to it... i can game on gamepad with earphones and be in my own world while my house is nice and quiet.

#5 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 08:56 PM

nope no going back on gamepad its one of the reason i brought Wii U and love it. that off-tv gameplay is worth it. i work nights so when im off and my family is sleeping and im up because im use to it... i can game on gamepad with earphones and be in my own world while my house is nice and quiet.

 i guess i should agree but to be more developer friendly i think gamepad should only be used as  a second screen only

#6 Julio93


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:23 PM

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#7 GAMER1984



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:30 PM

 i guess i should agree but to be more developer friendly i think gamepad should only be used as  a second screen only





to me a game like mass effect 3 is the defenitive version because of the gamepad. i love the way straightright used the gamepad. its not as hard as developers are making it they are just over thinking it. you can use it as hud or weapon inventory and call it a day. the ds line sold over 150 million units off of the concept alone. and look at what is happening with the 3ds.... developers need to stop being lazy and overthinking.

#8 PipoPito


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Posted 05 August 2013 - 09:47 PM

sell more Wii Us!

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#9 EvilMoogle



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 10:48 PM


#10 Aiddon



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Posted 05 August 2013 - 11:04 PM

Literally the only way Nintendo is going to get these fickle, cowardly jerks to support them is to basically HUMILIATE them and prove their initial impressions of the Wii U wrong. Like they did with the 3DS. And the only way that's going to happen is with Nintendo's unique software in order to drive sales. Nintendo is not going to throw money needlessly because ultimately it'll be money wasted since 3rd parties are, at the end of the day, mercenaries that would stab them in the back the second they got a chance.

#11 GAMER1984



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Posted 06 August 2013 - 12:08 AM

Literally the only way Nintendo is going to get these fickle, cowardly jerks to support them is to basically HUMILIATE them and prove their initial impressions of the Wii U wrong. Like they did with the 3DS. And the only way that's going to happen is with Nintendo's unique software in order to drive sales. Nintendo is not going to throw money needlessly because ultimately it'll be money wasted since 3rd parties are, at the end of the day, mercenaries that would stab them in the back the second they got a chance.



its all BS from 3rd party developers i can GUARANTEE you that. if Wii U hit a hot streak starting this month and became sold out developers would then turn to hardware and say the specs arent the same as ps4 and xb1 so games cant be ported. the 3rd party publishers and developers arent dumb... they have an excuse waiting. the people who think if Wii U was spec for spec the same as ps4 they would get the same support are delusional same as the one thinking if they were selling in great numbers every month they would get same support.

#12 AndyG


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 01:01 AM

There are quite a few things Nintendo COULD have done and STILL ABLE to do to help improve their sales.

*Advertising, it's not difficult to advertise, people need to know the WiiU is out there.

*Get popular TV shows to use/mention them. Imagine what sales would be like if they used one during an episode of Big Bang Theory (Sheldon could correct somebody who thought the WiiU was an add on, genius).

*More game stock, some stores don't even get much stock

*Late third party ports cost way to much for what they are


Also it's worth noting that many game stores only dedicate a small area for Nintendo games these days, You are lucky to see 2 shelves dedicated to the WiiU, it's practically impossible for me to find a store that doesn't have 4 entire shelves dedicated to just 360/PS3 titles. We need to find a way so Nintendo has a bigger presence inside stalls.



If Nintendo doesn't make themselves present enough during the last few weeks before the PS4/X1 go on sale, then i doubt they will have a presence for many gamers for the rest of the generation.

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#13 wombateer


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 03:49 AM

Hopefully games like Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, COD Ghosts and Skylanders sell enough copies for other 3rd party developers to see (it's worth investing some time and money into the WII U.)


The 3rd party games coming up are the make or break time for Wii U 3rd party support. It's just a pity, the games coming up are lacking some features, but you never know, patch or two may follow.


If the moneys there, they will come back that simple, if not, they will make up any kind of excuse. That's how I see it anyway. 

Edited by wombateer, 06 August 2013 - 03:50 AM.

#14 GAMER1984



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Posted 06 August 2013 - 04:06 AM

there are things that could be done right now that arent being done. Im 50/50 on Nintendo's silence...nothing wrong with being confident in what you have lined up. i just dont know whats going on with them right now and i have a good feeling i know what it is. internal conflict as much as people might not believe there are two mindsets with Nintendo right now. there is a younger more core lets go after the fps crowd and take more risk, and the old casual family lets focus on being conservative and not taking risk.

Edited by GAMER1984, 06 August 2013 - 04:08 AM.

#15 Sargiel


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 09:33 AM

I'm not sure there is much else Nintendo can do other than release games and increase the number of systems out there. While support for third parties was a bit sketchy at launch developers like Criterion spoke highly of Nintendo's support for them in getting Most Wanted running well etc. so I don't think you can say Nintendo aren't playing ball and helping studio's get the most out of the Wii U. http://www.eurogamer...hind-the-scenes

Edited by Sargiel, 06 August 2013 - 09:34 AM.

#16 umegames


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 11:38 AM

I personally don't think they've done anything wrong, 3rd party developers (mainly publishers) just need to get there act together as a whole, despite the platform. 

#17 Foot


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Posted 06 August 2013 - 12:16 PM

  • Make the console more powerful, and developer friendly
  • Establish a better online infrastructure
  • Pay them
  • Desmond and Penny!

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#18 Lunity


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 03:47 PM

well the only choice is to get next gen games on wii u so as a consumer why pay 400 or 500 for next gen if i can get the same games on 299 console
and also abandon the idea of gamepad because simply why do i have to add more features to a stupid gamepad if i can work with a normal controller

Even if that's possible I mean see it from their point of view the PS4 and Xbox One have similar specs the Wii U does not to get certain games onto the Wii U third party company's need to spend more time and money to adapt it and to somehow make the game work on the Wii U again if this is possible given the hardware constraints and It makes no business sense to try and do this on a console which to be honest is selling poorly and any software sales would not adequately compensate them for the hassle it's just pure business sense to not bother with the Wii U at the moment it's not being cowardly at all also another thing that seems to be true with nintendo consoles is 3rd party games never sell well anyway as well.

#19 LaserSWE



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:40 AM

They gotta pay up. They have a very un-international way of thinking regarding partnerships, but I dont think that will ever change because this is the way the company have always been. Looking at the Nintendo consoles that havent been commercially succesful (N64, Gamecube and Wii U), Nintendo have gotten third-party support by basically making games with them as if they were outsourcing projects. Instead of paying for exclusives, time-exclusives or even just having multiplat-games on their platform, such as both Microsoft and Sony have done, they make collobration projects such as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Lego City Undercover and Ridge Racer 64 - to name some)..


What I would have done is to keep it more simple. I would have listened to the market - not only in terms of sales - but regarding what the fuzz is about. Are there some loose rumours about a Wii U version of Grand Theft Auto V? Hey, lets pay it up. Ubisoft being dissapointed with ZombiU sales and are thinking of making Rayman Legends multiplatform? Hey, lets pay it up. You get the idea?


This have worked for both Sony and Microsoft in the past with establishing both themselves and their platforms.. Nintendo have to stop working as a game-publisher and instead as a hardware-producer and seller.


With the current situation at hand however I think that a idea would be to give indie-devs a pleasing way to distrubite their games as retail. I know Telltale took their first retail-steps with the Wii and It wouldnt be impossible for Nintendo set up shop for indie-devs to print their games on a disk and widen the shelves that way.

#20 Aiddon



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:05 AM

They gotta pay up. They have a very un-international way of thinking regarding partnerships, but I dont think that will ever change because this is the way the company have always been. Looking at the Nintendo consoles that havent been commercially succesful (N64, Gamecube and Wii U), Nintendo have gotten third-party support by basically making games with them as if they were outsourcing projects. Instead of paying for exclusives, time-exclusives or even just having multiplat-games on their platform, such as both Microsoft and Sony have done, they make collobration projects such as Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Lego City Undercover and Ridge Racer 64 - to name some)..


What I would have done is to keep it more simple. I would have listened to the market - not only in terms of sales - but regarding what the fuzz is about. Are there some loose rumours about a Wii U version of Grand Theft Auto V? Hey, lets pay it up. Ubisoft being dissapointed with ZombiU sales and are thinking of making Rayman Legends multiplatform? Hey, lets pay it up. You get the idea?


This have worked for both Sony and Microsoft in the past with establishing both themselves and their platforms.. Nintendo have to stop working as a game-publisher and instead as a hardware-producer and seller.


With the current situation at hand however I think that a idea would be to give indie-devs a pleasing way to distrubite their games as retail. I know Telltale took their first retail-steps with the Wii and It wouldnt be impossible for Nintendo set up shop for indie-devs to print their games on a disk and widen the shelves that way.

Except if they DID pay up, other 3rd parties would pitch a fit and demand to ALSO have money thrown at them. Not gonna happen, especially when 3rd parties have shown to be untrustworthy anyway. They're nothing more than mercenaries. Though oddly not particularly good ones.

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