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Why do people put down the WiiU

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#1 Kirby



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 04:40 AM

Iv'e asked people about the WiiU and they all say stuff like "oh it's for babies" and stuff like that IT REALLY MAKES ME MAD.




#2 Foot


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 04:46 AM

Iv'e asked people about the WiiU and they all say stuff like "oh it's for babies" and stuff like that IT REALLY MAKES ME MAD.

1. Nintendo gained that reputation with Wii
2. Nothing good is currently happening for it, however the momentum is slowly building each month with the release of a new game
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#3 Hank Hill

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 04:52 AM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.


It's cool to hate on Nintendo because it, like, proves your elite status in the gaming community or something.



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#4 Poptartboy



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:00 AM

1. Nintendo gained that reputation with Wii
2. Nothing good is currently happening for it, however the momentum is slowly building each month with the release of a new game

They've always had that reputation.

The funny thing is people that say this are not mature enough themselves to play something like Pikmin.

#5 3Dude



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:20 AM


Back in the late mid 90's Sega, hired a certain American marketer to counter against nintendos mindshare.

Sega CEO Hayao Nakayama hired Tom Kalinske to replace Katz as CEO of Sega of America. Kalinske knew nothing about videogames, but was a master of using psychological conditioning in advertising.

Kalinske unleashed a multimillion dollar psychological research campaign with thousands upon thousands of case studies, he found a huge potential market in adolescent teens, as these were the children who had been playing nes games for the past 5 years, now they were 10,11, 12, and kalinske KNOWS adolescent teens, they are desperately trying to pretend to be adults, and are horribly embarrassed of anything reminding them of their recent childishness.

Kalinske found his jugular, and went for it in one of the most brilliant and brutal psychological comparative marketing campaigns in history.

Kalinske tailor made an ad campaign for adolescents, full of rebelling against authority, sexual innuendo, and making a point of making childhood look incredibly embarrassing, and associating childhood with nintendo. Nintendo was for kids, babies. This is the source of Nintendo is kiddy, and no amount of reality could phase this perception. Not even when snes had super metroid and sega was still promoting a bright blue cartoon hedgehog. The manufactured halo effect was inpenetrable.

It worked amazingly well. Kalinske proudly released the results of his campaign to Nakayama. A final case study showing that thousand upon thousands of children 10-15 were now, at a ratio of 7-10, embarrassed to admit they owned a super nintendo, but felt cool for owning a genesis.

Some of these children inevitably became game reviewers, and clearly still under segas manufactured halo effect, and actively still perpetuating it, even though sega as a console manufacturer is now long gone.



#6 GAMER1984



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:30 AM

Back in the late mid 90's Sega, hired a certain American marketer to counter against nintendos mindshare.Sega CEO Hayao Nakayama hired Tom Kalinske to replace Katz as CEO of Sega of America. Kalinske knew nothing about videogames, but was a master of using psychological conditioning in advertising.Kalinske unleashed a multimillion dollar psychological research campaign with thousands upon thousands of case studies, he found a huge potential market in adolescent teens, as these were the children who had been playing nes games for the past 5 years, now they were 10,11, 12, and kalinske KNOWS adolescent teens, they are desperately trying to pretend to be adults, and are horribly embarrassed of anything reminding them of their recent childishness.Kalinske found his jugular, and went for it in one of the most brilliant and brutal psychological comparative marketing campaigns in history.Kalinske tailor made an ad campaign for adolescents, full of rebelling against authority, sexual innuendo, and making a point of making childhood look incredibly embarrassing, and associating childhood with nintendo.It worked amazingly well. Kalinske proudly released the results of his campaign to Nakayama. A final case study showing that thousand upon thousands of children 10-15 were now, at a ratio of 7-10, embarrassed to admit they owned a super nintendo, but felt cool for owning a genesis.Some of these children inevitably became game reviewers, and clearly still under segas manufactured halo effect, and actively still perpetuating it, even though sega as a console manufacturer is now long gone.

Exactly why I have NO respect for the industry at this point. The so called journalist are more fanboys than the gamers. Not just journalist but developers and some CEOs. There is no credibility and it has all become a money game. but I have a secret... Nintendo will be one of the ones laughing in the end.... Mark my words on that one.

Edited by GAMER1984, 19 August 2013 - 06:31 AM.

#7 Chrop



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:31 AM

1. It's cool to hate on Nintendo, just like it's cool to hate on the xbone! XBONE! (I Keed)

2. Because of their image, majority of the people only know Nintendo for making Mario games, they have no idea about any of their other games thus they believe Nintendo is for kids only.

3. Because the Wii U has no games, thus think the Wii U is carp.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#8 LinkKennedy


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:05 AM

Cause Nintendo have not kept up with modern gaming for the most part.

#9 meitantei_conan



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:27 AM

Nintendo is different and people hate different.

#10 syks-1


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:53 AM

because theres not a single good game on the console that makes the wii u worth buying,if there was more/better games then things would be different...also because the ps4 is out soon for not much more money so why like or want a wiiu?

#11 Abcdude


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 09:04 AM

They call it that because it doesn't have halo or god of war.


#12 the gamz girnalizt

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Posted 19 August 2013 - 10:59 AM

its becauz nitedo iz nt hardcoar

gamz girnalizm all da way

#13 LinkKennedy


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:36 AM

I agree @Abcdude(even tho I think your comment was meant for laughs). Nintendo just doesn't have that game that transcends into modern gaming and that's not to say that I don't like Nintendo games as I am one of those wiiu day 1 buyers. I love Nintendo games, heck my favorite game ever is Ocarina of Time but that doesn't change the fact that Sony, Microsoft have developers making games with such fresh minds like a God of War, Last of Us, Limbo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, etc. that Nintendo just does not have that. A lot of their games are great but to me personally the top 5 best games this last generation does not include a Nintendo game and that's saying a lot Nintendo always produced 1 to 3 titles that would change the game but now it's their competition doing that. So yes I agree a lot of hate to Nintendo is just a troll being a troll but also let's not pretend like Nintendo he let us their fans down by not bringing that sense of freshness to thier games. Well that's my feeling.

#14 Nollog


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 12:13 PM


Playdead is an independent game developer and publisher based in Copenhagen. It was founded by Arnt Jensen and Dino Patti in 2006.
We’re currently 20 people in the office.

LIMBO was Playdead’s first production, but we’re working hard on bringing our next project to the masses. This is being realized with an almost intact LIMBO team and of course with Arnt Jensen as the Director.

If you're including Limbo in that list, you should include pullblox.

Edited by Nollog, 19 August 2013 - 12:16 PM.

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#15 LinkKennedy


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 01:41 PM

@Nollog Yes I should, I should rephrase I meant modern gamig developers not just Sony and Microsoft coming out with fresh, fun and intelligent ideas for games.

#16 3Dude



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 02:07 PM

@Nollog Yes I should, I should rephrase I meant modern gamig developers not just Sony and Microsoft coming out with fresh, fun and intelligent ideas for games.

I love several of those games you listed, and would call them intelligent engaging and fun. But not a single one of them was fresh or original. Not by a long shot.

But man, I have seen your exact same speech with just different games named throughout the years.... Nintendos always 'outdated' games are still here....

While their 'killers' are all but forgotten. Maybe this time will be different, but i doubt it.



#17 Nollog


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 02:39 PM

@Nollog Yes I should, I should rephrase I meant modern gamig developers not just Sony and Microsoft coming out with fresh, fun and intelligent ideas for games.

I could argue how pretty much all the games you cited aren't really that fresh, but I don't want to.
Most of them are good games, just like NSMBU is a good game or ZombiU is a good game.

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#18 LinkKennedy


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 03:39 PM

Originality is very hard to argue since most concepts have been done before like a gears of war, god of war or a halo but they do it in their own way similar to how each Zelda after OOT is similar yet different. That's why I feel their very fresh and many many games copy them that's why in hindsight they look like most games on the market but I feel they do what they do best. I agree with you all that Nintendo does unique games in the way that no one makes films like the 50s which in many ways might be great, but I just can't help but say it feels like the 90s.

#19 NintendoReport



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 04:23 PM

I think people put down the Wii U because they either have to use the bathroom, go to school, or go to work.  :D

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#20 Aiddon



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Posted 19 August 2013 - 05:33 PM

because gaming is in its awkward, teenage phase and is still highly insecure about itself. Nintendo, blatantly admitting they cater to families as a whole and thus don't shun more kid-centric fair, is the main target of ridicule as a lot of designers can't get over this simple fact: that they always have, and always will, be toymakers, not artists.

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