Wonderful 101
Posted 16 September 2013 - 05:10 AM
Posted 16 September 2013 - 05:29 AM
Dont forget to use the mixer for the credit card. 30 each of each item is easy to round up, and you can buy any 1 item for free with it. Making these are absolute musts in the beginning.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 10:37 AM
AAhhh... Need to get this. I totally forgot this was released on the weekends.
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Posted 17 September 2013 - 04:27 PM
Picked it up.
Unite Whip is so smooth.
New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU, Darksiders II, Lego City Undercover, Little Inferno, New Super Luigi U, Earthbound, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, The Wonderful 101...
Posted 18 September 2013 - 08:58 AM
Make sure you get ukemi if you want to try and go for pure platinum. If you use it, the hit doesnt count against you in the score.
I just got blades on my hang glider, even my fricking glider is combotastic now.
Posted 18 September 2013 - 04:54 PM
Posted 19 September 2013 - 09:40 PM
just got the game yesterday, and i must confess i suck at it lol, still having tons of fun with it, but man, those consolation prizes really put me to tears
Posted 20 September 2013 - 03:47 AM
just got the game yesterday, and i must confess i suck at it lol, still having tons of fun with it, but man, those consolation prizes really put me to tears
Everyone has trouble for a little bit as you can't do real good till you bye stuff from the wonder mart. I recommend getting the unites and skills bought ASAP.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 04:23 AM
just got the game yesterday, and i must confess i suck at it lol, still having tons of fun with it, but man, those consolation prizes really put me to tears
Yeah, it was rough for everyone at the beginning.
Gotta buy them morphs and blocks, and unlock them skills. (use the mixer to make credit cards!!!)
But soon, you will bloom, like a beatiful flower of whoop a$$.
- Wonder Blue likes this
Posted 20 September 2013 - 07:57 AM
I am on Operation 003 right now.
I am really digging it. I find it best to play in short periods rather than longer play sessions, but that's just me.
I am pretty terrible at the game, but I am getting better. Unite Whip is still my favorite morph and Wonder-Green is my favorite Wonderful 100.
The action is really great and relentless. The narrative is pretty funny as well.
Some complaints: the camera sucks, some morphs get clumsy in executing, and the missions are a bit too long for high-score chasing.
I would really recommend it, though.
New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU, Darksiders II, Lego City Undercover, Little Inferno, New Super Luigi U, Earthbound, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, The Wonderful 101...
Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:27 AM
I am on Operation 003 right now.
I am really digging it. I find it best to play in short periods rather than longer play sessions, but that's just me.
I am pretty terrible at the game, but I am getting better. Unite Whip is still my favorite morph and Wonder-Green is my favorite Wonderful 100.
The action is really great and relentless. The narrative is pretty funny as well.
Some complaints: the camera sucks, some morphs get clumsy in executing, and the missions are a bit too long for high-score chasing.
I would really recommend it, though.
The levels feel a lot shorter by the time you are actually in game capable of really high score chasing (all morph types, a healthy library of stingers, risings and whirlwhinds for all types, and the must have custom blocks). In fact, by that time the challenge is keeping your victims alive long enough to get platinums in combo.
Also, indispensible, is the retry option, which starts you at the begginning of your current mission in the operation you want to pure platinum, instead of having to restart the entire operation.
What morphs are you having trouble with? It helps to quit trying to 'draw' the shapes, and think of it more along the lines of fighting game inputs. fist isnt really a circle, its simply 2 arcs the same way. Whip is 2 arcs different ways.
Hammer is sword, then fist, a future morph is fist then sword.
Gun is an angle (as opposed to an arc) and a future morph is really just 2 angles (3 lines) as opposed to the 'Z' shape people think they have to draw.
And, you dont have to draw it all in one go. You can totally let the stick recenter if it helps you make sharper angles/shape transitions.
Once you get how the input works, you can get any morph you want, everytime, even if you cant see what you are 'drawing'. Now the only time a morph doesnt work for me, is if I dont have enough/the right members to use it (if all your gun toting members are dazed, you cant form unite gun until 1 recovers)
The camera.... Is likely as good as it can possibly be for this. And that results in certain problems. Most all of which have been designed around.
Some of those design solutions you should start seeing in your wondermart pretty soon. Start mixing up those credit cards!
Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:54 AM
MY GOD DIS GAME! DIS FREAKING GAME! For all the people who based their judgement on the demo and saying it sucks, SHAME ON YOU! this game is pure fun! like most I'm terrible, though I am getting better, I got my first pure platinum I feel sorry for all the wiiu owners who aren't getting this game. I'm also more mad at Nintendo for the lack of advertising and mishandling this game. Kamyia and his team deserve better.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 11:57 AM
Of Nelson and Murdock. Avocados at law.
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Posted 20 September 2013 - 12:12 PM
my sister is getting disney infinity this weekend and I decided i'll get w101 with that B2G1 free deal and selling the free game to make a profit
better be worth the price of free
Posted 20 September 2013 - 02:49 PM
- Wonder Blue likes this
Posted 22 September 2013 - 09:52 AM
Whoever claims this game is for children, needs to reach the mission where this lady appears
- uPadWatcher2 likes this
Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:49 AM
Edited by Aplg8, 23 September 2013 - 08:50 AM.
Posted 23 September 2013 - 02:36 PM
Posted 23 September 2013 - 02:43 PM
Will there be DLC for this?
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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:24 PM
This game is cool but I'm awful at it. Half the time I can't tell if I'm doing damage to my enemies or not. And why isn't that dodge available right away?
If you have hundreds of thousands of Ps, head on over to Wonderful Mart and purchase at least a dodge or block move against your opponent.
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