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What I dislike about the WiiU

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#1 nbond3040



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:20 PM

So recently I have pretty much left this site because I have really started to regret my purchase of the WiiU and I didn't want to be on this forum if all I have to say is negative things but I've decided to come back for probably one of my last posts for a while I will probably come back later when X come out so I have some good to say but for now I will get onto the point of this topic


The first thing I have to mention is the lack of unique experiences it seems like most of the WiiU library that is out so far I can get on the 3ds/another console look at the games that have come out in the last two years 2 zelda remakes one for 3ds one for WiiU, 2 2-D mario games one for 3ds one for WiiU, 1 3d mario soon to be 2 though so I decided to include it, and soon to be 2 mario karts. The point of that was to really explain that most of the games that I can get on my WiiU I can get on my 3ds it seems like Nintendo is trying to copy the 3ds library onto the WiiU to me and of course the WiiU has Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 but the 3ds is just a much better deal me I would have rather just taken the money spent on the WiiU and bought more 3ds titles since I have a log of games that I need to get for the 3ds.


My second point is that the gamepad to me isn't as useful and innovative as I thought it would be, most devs including Nintendo haven't used the gamepad too its full potential yet and also I thought having a map on the touchscreen would be useful but since I've played GTA I've realized that it really isn't and that I prefer a mini map instead because I thought about it and if I'm going 60 mph on a bike in GTA I don't want to look away from the screen to look at a map I would rather look slightly to the left to see a mini map. Also the quick switching with weapons I thought would be much easier but since I've played GTA I've realized its much easier to do it the way GTA does which if you haven't played it yet you press a button and it slows down the game and you have time to select your weapon and I have to say I really like this and I haven't seen a game do better on the WiiU.


And now small complaints no connected ID's, no 3rd party support(not a big deal to me but to people who can only get one console it sucks), and the online isn't as advanced as what I have been used to which is to be expected but I thought they would have cross game voice chat by now 


Now I would like to say some good about the WiiU the internet browser is absolutely amazing and wouldn't be the same without the gamepad, Miiverse is a great Idea and I would love to see where it goes in the future.


For me the WiiU is not the best console I have ever purchased for me, meaning my opinion, I think the best home console purchase I have ever made was the xbox 360 which if someone really cares I can tell you why but thats a story for another time

#2 LinkKennedy


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:13 PM

I agree with basically everything you said except a couple of stuff but you basically hit every negative point about the WiiU that every buyer should complain about. Seriously I think the system has a ton of potential and games like X, Bayo, Mario, etc. are showcasing that games can look phenominol on it. Miiverse and the internet browser are the best thing about the WiiU and again I agree with you in that the Miiverse has a ton of potential to become something that Nintendo can sell.

Still the gamepad is not utilized at all outside of off screen play and maps and the games that are coming out soon or that have already come out seem like they would play the same with the pro controller. Which begs the question why even have the game pad? I tend to enjoy surfing the net with it but as far as games go it seems like it has not found its point of being there yet.

Also the buying games digitally and not having my stuff linked to an account is not cool and it's real bad for business. That to me is a major negative about the system and especially when the 360 and ps3 already have that and those are 7 year old systems.

Edited by LinkKennedy, 23 September 2013 - 09:13 PM.

#3 Gaymer


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:15 PM

Really, my main issue with the Wii U is that all communication is handled through Miiverse, and there is no way to invite friends to a game or chat outside of Miiverse (while playing a game). As a guy who has received three silly bans from Miiverse, it's frustrating that a ban over something miniscule removes any access I have to meeting new people or scheduling matches.

Edited by Gaymer, 23 September 2013 - 09:16 PM.

#4 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:20 PM

My most major gripe so far has been the way the internet has been integrated with the system. People don't want a Wii U to connect to Hulu Plus or whatever it is, people want to see that the internet gets used advantageously to the games on the system, something which they haven't done well at all. It's still as basic as all balls.

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#5 Rockodoodle


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 02:36 AM

Even tho there's overlap- the Wii U offers a richer experience.   

#6 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 06:59 AM

So recently I have pretty much left this site because I have really started to regret my purchase of the WiiU and I didn't want to be on this forum if all I have to say is negative things but I've decided to come back for probably one of my last posts for a while I will probably come back later when X come out so I have some good to say but for now I will get onto the point of this topic


The first thing I have to mention is the lack of unique experiences it seems like most of the WiiU library that is out so far I can get on the 3ds/another console look at the games that have come out in the last two years 2 zelda remakes one for 3ds one for WiiU, 2 2-D mario games one for 3ds one for WiiU, 1 3d mario soon to be 2 though so I decided to include it, and soon to be 2 mario karts. The point of that was to really explain that most of the games that I can get on my WiiU I can get on my 3ds it seems like Nintendo is trying to copy the 3ds library onto the WiiU to me and of course the WiiU has Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 but the 3ds is just a much better deal me I would have rather just taken the money spent on the WiiU and bought more 3ds titles since I have a log of games that I need to get for the 3ds.


My second point is that the gamepad to me isn't as useful and innovative as I thought it would be, most devs including Nintendo haven't used the gamepad too its full potential yet and also I thought having a map on the touchscreen would be useful but since I've played GTA I've realized that it really isn't and that I prefer a mini map instead because I thought about it and if I'm going 60 mph on a bike in GTA I don't want to look away from the screen to look at a map I would rather look slightly to the left to see a mini map. Also the quick switching with weapons I thought would be much easier but since I've played GTA I've realized its much easier to do it the way GTA does which if you haven't played it yet you press a button and it slows down the game and you have time to select your weapon and I have to say I really like this and I haven't seen a game do better on the WiiU.


And now small complaints no connected ID's, no 3rd party support(not a big deal to me but to people who can only get one console it sucks), and the online isn't as advanced as what I have been used to which is to be expected but I thought they would have cross game voice chat by now 


Now I would like to say some good about the WiiU the internet browser is absolutely amazing and wouldn't be the same without the gamepad, Miiverse is a great Idea and I would love to see where it goes in the future.


For me the WiiU is not the best console I have ever purchased for me, meaning my opinion, I think the best home console purchase I have ever made was the xbox 360 which if someone really cares I can tell you why but thats a story for another time

1. The Wii U versions of Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda WW are best on the Wii U so I don't see a problem there.

2. The Gamepad is innovative in games like Zombi U and Lego City. You are playing the wrong games.

3. 3rd party titles will appear after a decent ammount of 1st party titles succeed. I can't believe I still have to say that to people.

4. I agree.Miiverse is cool.

I just debunked your concerns.


#7 Jeremygts



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Posted 24 September 2013 - 07:31 AM

So how would you use the Gamepad? I mean everyone gripes about it not being innovative but I dont hear anyone suggest new ways to use it...

#8 Happy Monk

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:52 AM

What I like about the Wii U:


The fact that Nintendo is making similar games to those on the 3DS; the games available on the 3DS are some of my favourite games, does it matter if Nintendo are trying to replicate the quality and success of their 3DS games in bigger and better sequels for the Wii U?


The fact that there are other games; Pikmin 3, Game and Wario, Nintendo Land and Wonderful 101 are truly unique (I know Pikmin is the third game in the series).


Miiverse is fantastic, and Nintendo still choose to update and improve it over time.


It has games that I could never play on the Wii such as Batman and Assassin's Creed.


The gamepad is genius, playing games like Nintendo Land, Lego City, Batman, Zombi U, Rayman Legends or actually just anything else is fantastic.


I like simplified internet, all I wanna do online is just that. Go online, all the extras are extras. I have never had a problem going online.


The account system actually works (I'm not even bothered about unified accounts as the 3DS and Wii U are different machines with different things going for them).


Finally, I have not played a bad game on the system.


All in all I am very, very pleased with my decision to purchase the Wii U and have never even come close to regretting it.

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#9 alan123


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 11:44 AM

i agree with the OP.

#10 Aplg8


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 12:48 PM

Agree with the OP only I don't really regret the purchase as I've wasted money on worse things. But this does feel a bit like a waste. Reminded of that when I'm in a store and walk by the games section only to see 10-15 wii u games off in the corner. I'm almost to the point I'd like to see them kill the wii U now instead of this slow death. The idea I should be excited about a 10 year old game being released in HD is something I cannot fathom.

#11 nbond3040



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Posted 24 September 2013 - 12:54 PM

1. The Wii U versions of Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda WW are best on the Wii U so I don't see a problem there.

2. The Gamepad is innovative in games like Zombi U and Lego City. You are playing the wrong games.

3. 3rd party titles will appear after a decent ammount of 1st party titles succeed. I can't believe I still have to say that to people.

4. I agree.Miiverse is cool.

I just debunked your concerns.

1) my problem with those titles is that they are focusing way too much on mario all the mario series and zelda along with the 3ds counterparts coming out not too long ago they refuse to make any games that people want more than those like Metroid or f zero or star fox they are spamming these titles in hopes to make the WiiU sell more which would be way easier if they just spent more time on titles people want more like the ones mentioned above 

2) I've played ZombiU and I may have done a review on this sight for it can't remember but in the article above I'm pretty sure I think I said that the gamepad is unnecessary because honestly it isn't practical in a lot of gaming situations like for most fighters and fast paced action games its just not practical 

3) I disagree for many reasons I even think I did a topic specifically on this if I can find it I will link it because I don't feel like condensing one whole topic into one reply

4) Miiverse is very cool

So how would you use the Gamepad? I mean everyone gripes about it not being innovative but I dont hear anyone suggest new ways to use it...

yeah but really the point was that I don't think it's practical for most gaming situations and that in a lot of situations a controller would do just fine

#12 Kermit


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 03:36 PM

You've raised some very interesting points to be fair. I won't ever regret the purchase because there will be lots of exclusive 1st party games on Wii U, and Nintendo games are my favourites. Though I do regret buying the console at launch. If I'd bought one now, it would be cheaper and there's a good run of 1st party titles on the way. My Wii U spent most of it's time gathering dust since launch.


I still meet people that aren't really sure what the Wii U is, because Nintendo just never seemed to push it. Everyone knows that the Xbox One and PS4 are on the way, even my mother, because you can't escape the advertising and hype that Sony and Microsoft generate pre-launch. I think that 3rd party interest will increase after more 1st party titles are released, but heaven knows what the future will be like for Wii U. 

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#13 Rockodoodle


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 04:32 PM

Well said....


I've logged 300 plus hours on my Wii U since April.  I've spent about $900 total- giving me 18 games.  This was a great investment- I still have a lot of games that I haven't even really played all that much.


What I like about the Wii U:


The fact that Nintendo is making similar games to those on the 3DS; the games available on the 3DS are some of my favourite games, does it matter if Nintendo are trying to replicate the quality and success of their 3DS games in bigger and better sequels for the Wii U?


The fact that there are other games; Pikmin 3, Game and Wario, Nintendo Land and Wonderful 101 are truly unique (I know Pikmin is the third game in the series).


Miiverse is fantastic, and Nintendo still choose to update and improve it over time.


It has games that I could never play on the Wii such as Batman and Assassin's Creed.


The gamepad is genius, playing games like Nintendo Land, Lego City, Batman, Zombi U, Rayman Legends or actually just anything else is fantastic.


I like simplified internet, all I wanna do online is just that. Go online, all the extras are extras. I have never had a problem going online.


The account system actually works (I'm not even bothered about unified accounts as the 3DS and Wii U are different machines with different things going for them).


Finally, I have not played a bad game on the system.


All in all I am very, very pleased with my decision to purchase the Wii U and have never even come close to regretting it.

#14 Happy Monk

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:20 AM

Well said....


I've logged 300 plus hours on my Wii U since April.  I've spent about $900 total- giving me 18 games.  This was a great investment- I still have a lot of games that I haven't even really played all that much.

300 hours since April? that's a lot. I doubt I've used it as long as that, and I've had it since Christmas... I personally have 8 games on the Wii U (10 including eShop games) but there are 16 in my house as I share the console with my brother.

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#15 Rockodoodle


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Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:32 AM

That's with my brother...... Comes out to be around an hour a day for each....



300 hours since April? that's a lot. I doubt I've used it as long as that, and I've had it since Christmas... I personally have 8 games on the Wii U (10 including eShop games) but there are 16 in my house as I share the console with my brother.

Edited by Rockodoodle, 25 September 2013 - 05:36 AM.

#16 NintendoReport



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Posted 25 September 2013 - 06:16 AM


yeah but really the point was that I don't think it's practical for most gaming situations and that in a lot of situations a controller would do just fine


Most games allow alternative controllers and control schemes. I like being able to choose how I want to play.

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#17 Marcus Noer

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 01:43 PM

When i bought my Wii U in the beginning of the summer, i had the choice of either Wii U, or an Xbox 360, i chose the Wii U because that one was new and would properly last many years ahead, but with the other console. there will be a new Xbox just around the cornor. 


I ended up buying both consoles, after having my Wii U collecting dust for 2months. 



And the Xbox is better in many ways. You can just see what your friends are doing, join their games or simple invite them or be in a party while being in same or different games. There is no party option on the Wii U. If you want to get in touch with your friends then you have to open Miiverse and you cant write long messages, its slow and frustirating. You dont get any notifications if you get a message, or your friends plays the same game or are comming online.


However the Wii U will be mine next gen console for a few years ahead, and i will be getting Watch dog, COD ghost, X and other titles that i like, that will be comming to Wii U. Things that aint arriving to my Wii U, i will just use my Xbox 360 :)


But the system on Xbox is SO mutch better than the Wii U. Dont know about PS3, properly also far better.


Poor english  :rolleyes:


Another fun thing about the Xbox was, for my Wii U, i had spent around 250EURO the first month i had it, on games. When i got the Xbox i just went to gamestop and picked up used 10 games for around 20EURO

Edited by Marcus Noer, 25 September 2013 - 01:48 PM.

#18 nbond3040



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Posted 25 September 2013 - 01:52 PM

Most games allow alternative controllers and control schemes. I like being able to choose how I want to play.

is that feature worth $100 dollars. They could have spent the money getting a better cpu, more ram, better gpu or just made the console $100 cheaper all of those options I would have preferred over the gamepad but thats my opinion

#19 NintendoReport



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Posted 25 September 2013 - 02:37 PM

is that feature worth $100 dollars. They could have spent the money getting a better cpu, more ram, better gpu or just made the console $100 cheaper all of those options I would have preferred over the gamepad but thats my opinion


I don't have a problem with money so that does not apply to me.

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#20 Nollog


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Posted 25 September 2013 - 03:16 PM

I dislike that I want to buy so many games for it. :(
I can't afford them all.

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