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#1 Garolymar



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Posted 03 October 2011 - 12:50 PM

Hello everyone, I'd thought I'd hang out around here for awhile as we wait for the launch of the WiiU and discuss stuff with you guys. Just finished reading the rules and decided to make a little intro so yeah... I'm GaroIymar nice to meet all of ya.

I'm a big Pikmin fan and I'm pretty psyched about Pikmin 3 coming to the WiiU.
Also got my preorder in for the bundle that comes with Skyward sword.
I'm not the wealthiest person so I tend to stick with just Nintendo, but I've owned a ps1 and an original xbox in the past. I dunno why I brought it up but it makes the post longer and seem meatier I guess...

Err What else? I'm a big smash brothers fan and used to play with a lot of members on Brawl central back when that site was still alive. Also love Suda 51's No more heroes titles and really hoping there is a third one. I'm also into quite a bit of anime like; Welcome to the NHK, PSG, Desert Punk and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. I really like animated movies from Pixar too. I'm really into animation in general when it comes to television and movies.

So yeah I've pretty much said as much as I could think about at the moment.

I don't really have much else to say, but I kinda wanna have a good ending to my intro so can you guess what three names are used to make up my own? the Hint: the first two are from the games Majora's mask and Pikmin and the last one is my name so yeah it's kinda easy but that's a neat way to end things I think. Anyways, Glad to be apart of the community and I look forward to discussing stuff with you.

TL;DR Hai there.

PS: if you notice down at the visitors list my name appears twice. Something happened with my Email address and the verify email wasn't showing up so I made this account with a different address and it worked. I just thought I'd tell you to make sure you guys know I don't have any plans to use the account nor can I because of an email error.

Edited by GaroIymar, 03 October 2011 - 01:13 PM.

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#2 Andy


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 01:08 PM

Welcome to the Wii U forums Garolymar. I'm Andy, biggest Zelda fan on this site, and one of the guides here. Glad to know you've already read the rules. If you need any help with anything, just ask a guide. If your having technical issues with the site, speak to our admin Feld0(currently going by the name Twilight Sparkle, but should be changing back soon) or mod AMAC.
So, are there any other games your looking forward to?
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#3 PK-Gaming



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Posted 03 October 2011 - 02:28 PM

Welcome to the Wii U Fourms.I like Pikimin alot too.No More Hereos might be coming to the Wii U in this Link:http://mynintendonew...aybe-for-wii-u/I am an EarthboundFreak.If you have questions ask the guides.
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#4 Garolymar



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Posted 03 October 2011 - 02:32 PM

Oh, the Mother series is really good to, I gotta say that's a nice Sig Mother 3 is one of the first games to get me teary eyed at the ending. As for games I'm looking forward too besides skyward sword. Those would be; Pikmin 3, NMH3, and hell why not maybe someone at Nintendo will finally make another mother game, or at least release all three games over here. other then that it's all quite a mystery since not much has been announced. I might also get that new kirby game if I have enough cash this holiday season.

Edited by GaroIymar, 03 October 2011 - 02:33 PM.

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#5 Elric


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 02:49 PM

The golden albino wizard welcomes you to this forum. If you seek wisdom, or have any questions just let me know.

My question: Whats your favorite thing to listen to?




#6 Garolymar



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Posted 03 October 2011 - 03:40 PM

Favorite thing to listen to eh? Hm... Well most of the music I listen too from the music industry comes from 70s to the 90s most of it is what my grandpa listened too when I was a kid and I guess I've grown rather fond of those songs.
But as for what I listen too on my own is just VGMs and themes from anime. I don't really have any favorite bands but I like a lot of songs by The Beatles.

So the quick version would be I like a lot of Video game songs and not all much else.
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#7 Brian6330


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 04:06 PM


Nice to (finally) see a Pikmin fan here.

I never actually got to try a game in the series, but heard a lot of good stuff about it. If they ever make a game for the 3DS, I'll surely check it out.

music: For me it's similar. video game music and some music that my dad listens to often. (Like Queen, etc.)

Regarding your intro post:

Nice length! (Not even mine was that long)
I didn't preorder Skyward Sword, but I will get it sometime this year.

Weirdly, I also own an Xbox :D (Rarely use it nowadays though)

I still play SSBB, but some of my friends who I used to play with moved away, so it's gotten less -_-

Have you ever heard of Clannad? It's a really nice anime, but it's more of a drama kind then fantasy, but it's still very nice. It was made/published by Kanon (Ring any bells? Didn't for me.)

Anyways, I'll see ya around, and look forward to seeing lots n' lots of posts from you :D


P.S. You're name: gar=boss from Majora's Mask, oly=Pikmin, mar=part of your name.

Edited by Brian6330, 03 October 2011 - 04:08 PM.

#8 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 04:09 PM

I LIEK SUPER SMASH BROS!!!!!! That aside, welcome! If you need any help, contact AMAC or Twilight Sparkle.
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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#9 Garolymar



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Posted 03 October 2011 - 04:18 PM


Nice to (finally) see a Pikmin fan here.

I never actually got to try a game in the series, but heard a lot of good stuff about it. If they ever make a game for the 3DS, I'll surely check it out.

music: For me it's similar. video game music and some music that my dad listens to often. (Like Queen, etc.)

Regarding your intro post:

Nice length! (Not even mine was that long)
I didn't preorder Skyward Sword, but I will get it sometime this year.

Weirdly, I also own an Xbox :D (Rarely use it nowadays though)

I still play SSBB, but some of my friends who I used to play with moved away, so it's gotten less -_-

Have you ever heard of Clannad? It's a really nice anime, but it's more of a drama kind then fantasy, but it's still very nice. It was made/published by Kanon (Ring any bells? Didn't for me.)

Anyways, I'll see ya around, and look forward to seeing lots n' lots of posts from you :D


P.S. You're name: gar=boss from Majora's Mask, oly=Pikmin, mar=part of your name.

You're actually pretty close, you got the first two partially with Garo and oly, but my actual name starts with the G.
I guess I'll just give it away though; Garo the ninja guys, Olimar Pikmin's MC and Gary is my name.

Also I watched the Clannad movie and my gosh was it depressing, have you ever watched Air? It's by the same guys I believe and it's one of my favorite downer anime's. both have a very good soundtrack too.
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#10 Brian6330


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 04:51 PM

You're actually pretty close, you got the first two partially with Garo and oly, but my actual name starts with the G.
I guess I'll just give it away though; Garo the ninja guys, Olimar Pikmin's MC and Gary is my name.

Also I watched the Clannad movie and my gosh was it depressing, have you ever watched Air? It's by the same guys I believe and it's one of my favorite downer anime's. both have a very good soundtrack too.

Watch the series, it's even more depressing.

#11 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 10:15 PM

Hey there, Garolymar!
Welcome to the Wii U.

You've already met me in the chat, but I will let you know I am a guide, so I can assist you with whatever.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



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