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Parental control - how it should work!

parental contol development os version functionality

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#1 Bonneswe



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 08:00 AM

As a parent with young kids (5 and 8) I need an instrument to restrict both the content and the actual use of the console in a smarter and a more flexible way than the way it works today.

I need at Parental control functionality where I can set the amount of time any of the users can play, daily, weekly and weekends. Where the games and all other applications can be set with general and/or specific rules WHEN they can be played or used.

All with the choice of multiple ways of combining game time with application/surfing time with amounts of time and at specific times of the day.

Some examples:
A. Games can be played for 7 h a week while Youtube can be watched for only 3 hours a week, but in addition to the game time.

B. Or for example USER #1 can use a specific application like Youtube between 3 and 4.30 pm and then again between 6 and 7 pm for at total of 2,5 h a day.
While User #2 can use it between 3 and 5 pm but only in total 2 hours a day

C. Or to have a weekly game time amount of 15 hours that the user can use between 4-7 pm weekdays or 8 am to 8 pm at weekends

If Nintendo would fix this and they would get all the family customers to the console! :)


#2 Gaymer


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:16 AM

Or you can do your job as a parent and set the restrictions yourself. Not everything needs to be spoonfed to you, you need to put in more effort to make sure your children are protected. I've noticed lately that parents have become lazier and rely on others to do their jobs. Don't rely on a company to do your job. Set rules with your children. If they don't obey them, then take away the games. It's not that hard.

Edited by Gaymer, 20 October 2013 - 09:17 AM.

#3 Bonneswe



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:35 AM

Do you have kids? :D

I of course set up rules that they obey, but I also want them their selves to measure and handle their own play time to make them conscientious about how much time they spend on gaming...

Edited by Bonneswe, 20 October 2013 - 09:37 AM.

#4 Lupaie



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:47 AM

Do you have kids? :D

I of course set up rules that they obey, but I also want them their selves to measure and handle their own play time to make them conscientious about how much time they spend on gaming...

I like your idea's.

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#5 Gaymer


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:57 AM

Do you have kids? :D

I of course set up rules that they obey, but I also want them their selves to measure and handle their own play time to make them conscientious about how much time they spend on gaming...

No, I do not have kids. I have no patience for them. My husband and I also agreed we don't want any. However, I don't need kids to express my opinion.  I speak from how I was raised and observing how my family raises their children. They do actual parenting and don't rely on outside sources to help them. That's how I believe it should be done. If you need help, then I guess I can't change your view on things. You posted this on a public forum, so you have to expect to see different sides of the same argument.

Edited by Gaymer, 20 October 2013 - 09:58 AM.

#6 Nollog


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 03:34 PM

Do you have kids? :D

I of course set up rules that they obey, but I also want them their selves to measure and handle their own play time to make them conscientious about how much time they spend on gaming...

I have 3 young children.

3, 7, and 14.

I use discipline and an unwavering committal to the rules I set up for them to enforce them.

If I catch them making noise late at night, I confront them and tell them to go to sleep.

If I catch them playing for more than 9 hours in a block, I confront them, by taking the controller and saving their game, then turning the console off.

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#7 Bonneswe



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Posted 20 October 2013 - 11:57 PM

You posted this on a public forum, so you have to expect to see different sides of the same argument.

Yes, and I do appreciate your opinions.

I DO think it is up to parents to set rules, but I also see the need to sometimes have functionality to enforce them. Kids are kids (and not fully grown adults with "perfect" reason and self control) and they test boundaries all the time, and that is fine, but sometimes they need a helping hand to control/monitor themselves.

I am not for a complete control of my kids and what they do online/gaming, but since I let them have a large amount of freedom I don't want to run around and nag about their gaming time... For me, this functionality that I exampled above, would be a easy way of letting them handle this themselves rather than having us as parents watching over their shoulders all the time.

The functionality would of course also benefit those suffering with a video game addiction...

#8 Lupaie



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Posted 21 October 2013 - 12:22 AM

I agree with the points mentioned by both sides. I don't think that asking for/using parental control automatically means bad parenting or a lack of attention for your kids. We live in times where parental control is an option and I do think that the option could work great in certain situations.

Now, I have two kids, 5-7, and they game a lot. But they have other toys too and friends who don't always enjoy gaming.

When they play in their own rooms I don't check on them 24/7, but the youngest would only play games if I'd let him. But I want him to play with lego, ninja turtles, playmobil etc because I believe that triggers phantasy and other forms of educational moments. I don't alway feel like controling and observing when they play in their rooms. But having this parental control would help. Isn't that what most technological devices and other developments are about? Making live easier?

We as gamers know exactly where the danger of videogame addiction lies, how to save a kids game, etc, but don't forget that there are many oarents out there who don't know anything about gaming.

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#9 storabajskorven



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Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:11 AM

I have kids, and I agree this would be nice, making things a little easier. If I'm home, no problem, I can put a timer on, and they know when to stop, but it's a bit too complicated for them to keep track on how many hours they have played per day/week etc if I'm not around. 

#10 dark_rabbid


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Posted 22 October 2013 - 04:24 AM

Also restricting miiverse community's by age for the rating of the game would be nice to.

#11 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 October 2013 - 05:02 AM

No, I do not have kids. I have no patience for them. My husband and I also agreed we don't want any. However, I don't need kids to express my opinion.  I speak from how I was raised and observing how my family raises their children. They do actual parenting and don't rely on outside sources to help them. That's how I believe it should be done. If you need help, then I guess I can't change your view on things. You posted this on a public forum, so you have to expect to see different sides of the same argument.


Gaymer and I like kids, as long as they are not ours.

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#12 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:11 PM

One of the problems with automating these things though is that not all games can readily save the game when the timer runs out so the child could lose their progress.  It would require games developers to support the system so that doesn't happen and I can't see them wanting the hassle for a minority of users.


On the other hand, games with limited save slots are more likely to be older rated games, so I guess that offers some leeway.


At the end of the day though, we need more education for parents when it comes to these things.  Allowing them to rely more on automation I fear will just make them even more lax.  Its why I hate this new government scheme in the UK to put porn blocks on Internet connections by default.  It just means parents will "assume" its safe for kids then blame their ISP if anything slips through. 


Kids should not be left to their own devices online, you just need to spend five minutes on YouTube to see that. 


I'm not suggesting you would do that, on the contrary, but giving parents more "perceived" control is a very bad thing in my opinion as unfortunately the bad parents will either not use the functionality anyway or worse, WILL use it and instantly blame everyone else if it turns out to not be as fool proof as they thought it was.


Besides, isn't it always the way that the kids remember the parental lock pin number and the parents forget it?

Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 23 October 2013 - 04:12 PM.

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#13 grahamf


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:23 PM

Just do what my parents did. If I did something I wasn't supposed to I got in trouble.

Granted you have to start young and not bend.



#14 Mewbot


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 03:42 AM

If parents have to restrict the kids themselves then why would parental controls exist anyway?


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#15 3Dude



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Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:43 AM

Do you have kids? :D

I of course set up rules that they obey, but I also want them their selves to measure and handle their own play time to make them conscientious about how much time they spend on gaming...

I have 2 children. Having a box automate and enforce the process for them is going to have the exact opposite effect.



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