wii U does not give you the choice of controller, they force you with the tablet and its clearly that a wii U is not functional without it, since wii U cannot faction as a standalone console, the screen controller is a necessary part of the console... Other than that, Wii U is innovative but since developers don't bother with it much and they throw in ports from old machines. Those who quitted xbox360 and ps3, because they want more visual and game play experience, or those who allready own ps3 and 360, are in a hard position of buying it. They may buy it when the price drops and more games get released...
So its developers fault... I blame EA mostly for it, because its a big company and it is well known that western companies tried to ditch wii U, before they even know what wii U is.
Overall, the new generation of consoles (ps4/x1) already have problems with the new games and their hardware, because they meddled with the PC hardware and since they have PC hardware, they are a kind of "direct competitors with the PC". Maybe they try to push people in to steam box solutions, but I consider this hardware's as dead already. They need allot of exclusives, be able to buy them.
Nobody will choose a 600-700 dollars or euro steam box, versus a pc... But I agree that nintendo should push the hardware a bit more, before they release it, or at least some extra features but they didnt. I was against the controller from day 1, I would prefer a more powerful APU instead and some more ram. I mean, the controller is expensive! One of the most expensive parts in the wii U.
Sony and Microsoft, dropped Mantle support, Nintendo should use it in my opinion, this could push even more performance. But again, this option is in the developers choice. But games such as X and metroid, could take advantage of it.
Mantle is something new and it will oficially be supported in 1 month. And as far as I know, wii U also supports it, if they want it. http://en.wikipedia....ki/Mantle_(API)
Edited by Plutonas, 12 November 2013 - 10:19 AM.