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Will the Wii U survive next-gen

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#21 Dharmanator



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 01:31 PM

Step 1. Remove the incredibly long stick of defensive sony fanboy butthurt from yourself.

Step 2. Accept the fact that your precious PS4 is being outsold by incredibly large margins, by the inferior dead Nintendo Wii U/paperweight nonetheless.

Step 3. Take a step back and look objectively at the scenario we have before us; Christmas is around the corner, We have the PS4 (and most likely the Xbox One) sold out everywhere right before the holiday shopping. The Christmas shopping parent walks into the store and cant find either console, but she does see a reasonably priced Wii U along with a timely released Mario game.

Step 4. Watch Nintendo Profit and Iwata, Reggie and Miyamoto skip all the way to the bank (Wizard of Oz style)

Step 5. Question your life's meaning and purpose for having to go onto a Nintendo fanboy website and rage about how a Sony console is better

Step 6. Reread this post so that it sinks in before you rage with a irrelevant sony fanboy rage post. (Once the cycle is repeated eight times continue on to step 7)

Step 7. Come to the realization that sales mean absolutely nothing in regards to which console is better in terms of enjoyment.

Step 8. Purchase the Mitch's Guide to a Better Life Handbook from amazon for 4 easy payments of $19.99

Wow. One of the best strings of nonsense I have ever seen. Good for a laugh though. Thank you!

Edited by Dharmanator, 17 November 2013 - 01:32 PM.

#22 alan123


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 01:35 PM

The king speaks  :ph34r:



#23 tboss



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:18 PM

First off Killzone isn't crap. Knack actually is fun and if you play it on hard instead of easy (like a reviewer) it is challenging.

I for one waited for the PS4 version of the multiplat games. I waited less thsn a month, unlike the Wii U which had 1 year old ports. Don't go down that road.

Also, the PS4 has sold 1 million in 24 hours. It took Wii U one week to sell 425, 000.

There are better games to play for this launch than Wii U had by far IMO. I can safely say this because I had both at launch and the PS4 had better games.

Heck, as a PS+ subscriber I got 2 free new games. Resogun and Contrast.

As expected I would rather play AC4 and COD on the PS4. Better resolution and graphics and all.


that got defensive very quick. for better games i was talking about right now, i know it had worse games at launch but wiiU has a better line up atm.  sales fegures is something everyone expected, but i do expect alot of people to complain expecting sonys BS 16mil number and similar. killzone from everything i heard and seen ended up as a generic shooter. Knack ended up as a platformer showing graphics, with little artistic value, and comparably lower gameplay quality to many platformers.

The king speaks  :ph34r:



Micheal Packher, however you spell is name, not yet realizing the exact opposite of what he says always come true guarentting 9mil wiiU's sold. just for the spike to end when the wiiU ends its lifecycle as the second legand of zelda is released on wiiU (windwaker was first) do to the tradition of zelda marking the beginning and end of every nintendo consul.

#24 namkotje



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:21 PM

Console wars...




Just enjoy the console(s) you're playing on.

If you like gaming, you should have at least more than 1 platform.

Edited by namkotje, 17 November 2013 - 02:22 PM.


#25 Dharmanator



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:13 PM

that got defensive very quick. for better games i was talking about right now, i know it had worse games at launch but wiiU has a better line up atm. sales fegures is something everyone expected, but i do expect alot of people to complain expecting sonys BS 16mil number and similar. killzone from everything i heard and seen ended up as a generic shooter. Knack ended up as a platformer showing graphics, with little artistic value, and comparably lower gameplay quality to many platformers.

Micheal Packher, however you spell is name, not yet realizing the exact opposite of what he says always come true guarentting 9mil wiiU's sold. just for the spike to end when the wiiU ends its lifecycle as the second legand of zelda is released on wiiU (windwaker was first) do to the tradition of zelda marking the beginning and end of every nintendo consul.

Sorry if I came out to strong. I have a strong opinion on the Wii U and the place Nintendo has created for itself in the market place.

I love the Wii U. I wanted it to succeed and be better then it is. But right now I see it as a 3 rd place console at about 20-30 million lifetime sales. This is fine. It is a second console for most and for 1st party games. Any mm idea that it will compete with PS or Xbone is fantasy.

#26 Aiddon



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:29 PM

Step 1. Remove the incredibly long stick of defensive sony fanboy butthurt from yourself. 



Step 2. Accept the fact that your precious PS4 is being outsold by incredibly large margins, by the inferior dead Nintendo Wii U/paperweight nonetheless. 



Step 3. Take a step back and look objectively at the scenario we have before us; Christmas is around the corner, We have the PS4 (and most likely the Xbox One) sold out everywhere right before the holiday shopping. The Christmas shopping parent walks into the store and cant find either console, but she does see a reasonably priced Wii U along with a timely released Mario game.



Step 4. Watch Nintendo Profit and Iwata, Reggie and Miyamoto  skip all the way to the bank (Wizard of Oz style)



Step 5. Question your life's meaning and purpose for having to go onto a Nintendo fanboy website and rage about how a Sony console is better



Step 6. Reread this post so that it sinks in before you rage with a irrelevant sony fanboy rage post. (Once the cycle is repeated eight times continue on to step 7)



Step 7. Come to the realization that sales mean absolutely nothing in regards to which console is better in terms of enjoyment. 



Step 8. Purchase the Mitch's Guide to a Better Life Handbook from amazon for 4 easy payments of $19.99


Well, that was pretty spicy. Seriously, I don't get why people get so defensive over the PS4 (well, except buyer's remorse and all that).

#27 tboss



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:34 PM

Sorry if I came out to strong. I have a strong opinion on the Wii U and the place Nintendo has created for itself in the market place.

I love the Wii U. I wanted it to succeed and be better then it is. But right now I see it as a 3 rd place console at about 20-30 million lifetime sales. This is fine. It is a second console for most and for 1st party games. Any mm idea that it will compete with PS or Xbone is fantasy.


i was actually hoping for a fight response just so i can fight for the heck of it.

#28 Arkhandar


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:49 PM

i was actually hoping for a fight response just so i can fight for the heck of it.


I was actually hoping Nintendo would put up a fight against Sony, but I guess they'll just let them have all of their sales.

If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

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#29 Happy Monk

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:10 PM

In answer to the title: Yes. Quit asking.

Bring the noise.

#30 Aiddon



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:14 PM

In answer to the title: Yes. Quit asking.

They will never stop asking because drama is always more appealing to boring, dull stability

#31 Happy Monk

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:17 PM

They will never stop asking because drama is always more appealing to boring, dull stability

Drama eh? If they want drama, prepare for war.

Bring the noise.

#32 Dharmanator



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:58 PM

i was actually hoping for a fight response just so i can fight for the heck of it.

Not much to fight about really. I can pretend though.

I can pretend to hate the Wii U. But it is hard. I do like it. Pikmin 3 is a blast. W101 was a refreshing change for me. So you are right At the moment there are some good games coming.

But, with infamous second son, Destiny, and what appears to be the best watch dogs, it will be impossible for Wii U to keep up.

The last thing I want now it's a Mario game.

I am guessing my next game for Wii U may be X or Zelda.

Oh yeah. .. where is a Wii U Minecraft? Funny as it sounds, I would buy that version of it if it used the gamepad! But I will have to make due with the PS4 version. I am hoping it is Vita second screen compatible.

Edited by Dharmanator, 17 November 2013 - 05:03 PM.

#33 Nollog


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:02 PM

Dharmanator, on 17 Nov 2013 - 6:30 PM, said:
That is the saddest post I have read in a long time. 1 year later and that is it? There are about 3 months left and we won't even be able to say that.

It's sad because Sony are losing. :'(

Dharmanator, on 17 Nov 2013 - 11:13 PM, said:
Sorry if I came out to strong. I have a strong opinion on the Wii U and the place Nintendo has created for itself in the market place.

I love the Wii U. I wanted it to succeed and be better then it is. But right now I see it as a 3 rd place console at about 20-30 million lifetime sales. This is fine. It is a second console for most and for 1st party games. Any mm idea that it will compete with PS or Xbone is fantasy.

No you don't.
You've never had a positive thing to say about the console.
When someone notices you're a nintendo-hater, you curl back up into a "but i love nintendo i has wii u i r one of u :'(" bs response.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#34 Dharmanator



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:14 PM

It's sad because Sony are losing. :'(

No you don't.
You've never had a positive thing to say about the console.
When someone notices you're a nintendo-hater, you curl back up into a "but i love nintendo i has wii u i r one of u :'(" bs response.

Sony is losing? !


As far as being a hater, I had high hopes for the console.

Hell, I was the one who coined the "month of Uvember"

But once we saw the specs Nintendo kept hidden (for good reason), and all we could expect was no real 3 rd party support and mostly Mario rehashes we knew the "core gamer" thing was a joke.

Nintendo delivered a weak console with a gimmick controller nobody bought into.

As I always said. .. who cares? Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo games. Period. That isn't hate. It is where the evidence goes. I recommend it to anyone who wants Zelda or Mario. But that isn't everyone.

X, Bayonetta, and W101 are good exclusives. But I doubt they will be console sellers.

WWHD was a huge let down for me. A port of a ten year old game will not. ..DID not move systems. Big shock.

#35 Nollog


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:48 PM

Dharmanator, on 18 Nov 2013 - 01:14 AM, said:
Sony is losing? !


As far as being a hater, I had high hopes for the console.

Hell, I was the one who coined the "month of Uvember"

But once we saw the specs Nintendo kept hidden (for good reason), and all we could expect was no real 3 rd party support and mostly Mario rehashes we knew the "core gamer" thing was a joke.

Nintendo delivered a weak console with a gimmick controller nobody bought into.

As I always said. .. who cares? Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo games. Period. That isn't hate. It is where the evidence goes. I recommend it to anyone who wants Zelda or Mario. But that isn't everyone.

X, Bayonetta, and W101 are good exclusives. But I doubt they will be console sellers.

WWHD was a huge let down for me. A port of a ten year old game will not. ..DID not move systems. Big shock.

Yes they're losing to Nintendo, of all companies to be losing to, a company who only sells things to babies. You must be hurting.

Who cares about "uvember"? your hype means absolutely nothing, if after 2 months you drop your excitement for something because it doesn't have enough jiggahertz for you.
Nintendo "hide" the specs because it's pointless, if you know it can do 1.21 jiggawatts of games, then you'll expect 1.21 jiggawatts of games, if it only does 1 jiggawatt then oh now i can't buy that it only does 1 jiggawatt, but I sure would love that mario, zeldo, metroid, smash, kart, etc!
See how little difference that makes? They never focus on telling you what's in the box, because it's just what's in the box. If you want something powerful, save some money and buy a PC.

You expected something magic of a port? Wow, remind me of this when you play cod ghosts, bf4, ass creed 4 etc. on ps4.
Nintendo themselves said ww is a stop-gap because zeldo fans can't Wii off and leave them work on the new title.
They only considered releasing it because they were thinking of returning to cel shaded graphics for the wiiu zeldo, but fan reaction to that idea was so bad that they scrapped it.
Wanting to make at least some money from that idea, they released a port of the gamecube game.
It's all in the nintendo direct they announced it in, they didn't outright say it, but it's heavily implied.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#36 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:26 PM


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#37 Abcdude


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:33 PM

Because the Xbox 360 and PS3 totally destroyed the Wii last gen.


#38 MatrixChicken


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:52 PM

Do people seriously think the Wii U will fail against the PS4 and Xbox One because of specs? The jump in power between the Wii U and the PS4/Xbone is much, MUCH smaller than the jump between the Wii and PS360. And look at how well the Wii did. Sure, the Wii U didn't have that crazy launch demand that the Wii did, but many agree that the Wii was a freak of nature in how many units it sold. If Nintendo can just keep making the games we love, it'll sell just fine, IMO.


I'm not without my doubts, though. All the first-party games they've shown so far have seemed less ambitious than before. Sure, Super Mario 3D World may be a good game, but it seems to lack the charm that the Galaxy games did. Granted, I haven't played the game, but that's just what it seems like to me. I can't wait for Nintendo to show us more. Maybe a direct? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaseee? :333



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#39 Poptartboy



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Posted 18 November 2013 - 12:17 AM

Console wars really are the worst thing ever.

#40 tboss



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Posted 18 November 2013 - 05:44 AM

Console wars really are the worst thing ever.


the fanboys themselfs suck, other than that i just look at it for entertainment. only part i really might have a issue with is microsoft, even though i dont have a issue with the actual xbox1, though i do think it was much better designed for its purpose than the PS4.


with sony, i will wait till the PS4 got a good collection of exclusives before getting, unless sony goes bankroupt to soon and fails to hand of the playstation brand to someone else.

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