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Emily Rogers: Nintendo’s Obsession With Finding One Game That Can Sell Consoles

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#21 Kokirii



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 08:36 AM

well all Wii U games are great but what lacks Wii U 1st party games is variety.

When will there be a Wii U shooter or a 17+ adventure ( infamous  ) ?

Till now most of Wii U first party games are  targeted at family or teens but when will there be a first party  game targeted at Mature audiences



For a long time now I've thought you were a troll.  But I'm beginning to think you really are as clueless as you seem.  

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#22 Hunter



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 10:35 AM

For a long time now I've thought you were a troll. But I'm beginning to think you really are as clueless as you seem.


Post of the year 2013.

Edited by Hunter, 11 December 2013 - 10:35 AM.

#23 Poptartboy



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 12:49 PM

For a long time now I've thought you were a troll. But I'm beginning to think you really are as clueless as you seem.


#24 syks-1


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:05 PM

i cant see smash bros selling wii u,i personally hate it as a fighting game,it is a fighter for kids period imo,mario kart is prob one of the only games that MIGHT make a difference...and if it dosnt then nintendo is in trouble,ive come to the realisation (or however you spell it) that the wii u will be in 3rd place behind the xbone and ps4 all this gen,,,and thats just the way it is

Edited by syks-1, 11 December 2013 - 01:05 PM.

#25 Rockodoodle


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 01:07 PM

This is a good point.  At least as far as Nintendo's titles are concerned, there's something magical/timeless/cool about its games/characters.  I don't know that they really need technology as much as other franchises- and it's debatable whether they need them either, as I think we are reaching diminishing returns on video games.



Guess what though, Wii U sales have picked up since Mario 3D World launched, by a considerable enough amount.


Also, asking Nintendo to make games that don't bring people together is like asking Pixar to make a film only for adults. It doesn't make sense. Why completely disregard people under the age of 18 when you can release games that everyone can enjoy?

#26 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 02:35 PM

i cant see smash bros selling wii u,i personally hate it as a fighting game,it is a fighter for kids period imo,mario kart is prob one of the only games that MIGHT make a difference...and if it dosnt then nintendo is in trouble,ive come to the realisation (or however you spell it) that the wii u will be in 3rd place behind the xbone and ps4 all this gen,,,and thats just the way it is


let me explain to you why your post is cmpletely and utterly 100% not good.
Let's start with the fact there a very high chance you don't know balls about smash. When ypu really learn it, smash is one of THE most competitive fighting games there is. 
The number of AT's there, and the ridicullous level of mind gaming you see at high level I personally have never seen in another fighting game.
I assume you don't know because think anyone who gotten a true glimpse at the true smash could disrespect it by calling it "a fighter for kids period".
Second, Mario Kart will make a difference yes, but considering 3D World alone seems to have just increased sales I'm fairly confident there will be others that do the same. Just because you have something against a game it does NOT mean it won't sell. smash is a legendary gme, and i know lots that want it.
Finally nobody knows where any of the systems will land this gen. For all we know the Ouya could win. There are way too many variables to choose one. Just look at the 3DS






#27 syks-1


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Posted 11 December 2013 - 03:27 PM


let me explain to you why your post is cmpletely and utterly 100% not good.
Let's start with the fact there a very high chance you don't know balls about smash. When ypu really learn it, smash is one of THE most competitive fighting games there is. 
The number of AT's there, and the ridicullous level of mind gaming you see at high level I personally have never seen in another fighting game.
I assume you don't know because think anyone who gotten a true glimpse at the true smash could disrespect it by calling it "a fighter for kids period".
Second, Mario Kart will make a difference yes, but considering 3D World alone seems to have just increased sales I'm fairly confident there will be others that do the same. Just because you have something against a game it does NOT mean it won't sell. smash is a legendary gme, and i know lots that want it.
Finally nobody knows where any of the systems will land this gen. For all we know the Ouya could win. There are way too many variables to choose one. Just look at the 3DS


1 i played and bought smash on the gamecube and played it on the wii,thought it was complete poop and thats my opinion,the moves are cack,hate the way it plays overall really and games like soulcalliber,street fighter and killer instinct are WAY better and more tactical imo which take more skill.


2 the wii u has been out for a year now,the 3ds by this time was doing well and had become popular,it had/has 3d which sets it apart from anything else,i really cant see the wii u beating/competing with the ps4 or the xbone,its had a massive headstart and the other consoles are already catching it up.

Edited by syks-1, 11 December 2013 - 03:28 PM.

#28 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 03:38 PM

1 i played and bought smash on the gamecube and played it on the wii,thought it was complete poop and thats my opinion,the moves are cack,hate the way it plays overall really and games like soulcalliber,street fighter and killer instinct are WAY better and more tactical imo which take more skill.


2 the wii u has been out for a year now,the 3ds by this time was doing well and had become popular,it had/has 3d which sets it apart from anything else,i really cant see the wii u beating/competing with the ps4 or the xbone,its had a massive headstart and the other consoles are already catching it up.

1) Like I said, there's quite literally a whole other side to smash. And I mean a whole. Other. Side.

I owned brawl for four years and played melee and originally at friends' houses for years before that, and never had even the slightest clue about ANY and I mean ANY of the things I learned in the past year.

2) As I've said before Nintendo home consoles wil never sell at the same rate as their handhelds. A big part of that is probably the fact it's considerably more expensive. Also the Wii U doesn't need to reach 3DS level sales to be a very successful home console. And yeah the 3DS has 3D, but the Wii U has the gamepad, which I personally think is WAY more innovative, useful and worth the money than 3D. And I've had a 3DS sonce pretty close to launch.






#29 Happy Monk

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Posted 11 December 2013 - 03:58 PM

1) Like I said, there's quite literally a whole other side to smash. And I mean a whole. Other. Side.

I owned brawl for four years and played melee and originally at friends' houses for years before that, and never had even the slightest clue about ANY and I mean ANY of the things I learned in the past year.

2) As I've said before Nintendo home consoles wil never sell at the same rate as their handhelds. A big part of that is probably the fact it's considerably more expensive. Also the Wii U doesn't need to reach 3DS level sales to be a very successful home console. And yeah the 3DS has 3D, but the Wii U has the gamepad, which I personally think is WAY more innovative, useful and worth the money than 3D. And I've had a 3DS sonce pretty close to launch.

That's what's so great about Smash Bros. It's got the party game thing down perfectly and it caters very well to fighting game fanatics through how complex and strategic it can be. Smash 4 looks like it will be amazing and will most likely end up as the most played game on my Wii U and 3DS.


All the Wii U needs to do in order to be called successful is outsell the Gamecube. Which I do think it can do. Let's hope it can outsell the N64 as well!

Bring the noise.

#30 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:55 PM

That's what's so great about Smash Bros. It's got the party game thing down perfectly and it caters very well to fighting game fanatics through how complex and strategic it can be. Smash 4 looks like it will be amazing and will most likely end up as the most played game on my Wii U and 3DS.


All the Wii U needs to do in order to be called successful is outsell the Gamecube. Which I do think it can do. Let's hope it can outsell the N64 as well!

I think it can. I hope it can outsell the Wii eventually. that would be awesome :)






#31 Aiddon



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Posted 11 December 2013 - 06:06 PM

For a long time now I've thought you were a troll.  But I'm beginning to think you really are as clueless as you seem.  


Sounds about right

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