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The Grave Digger From Dashmahill

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#1 Garolymar



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  • NNID:Garolymar
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    Pikmin/ Anything else Nintendo.

Posted 27 October 2011 - 08:06 PM

So, tragically I'm not very artistically gifted with paint, music or anything else for that matter. I have been known to write some nonsense down and call it a story. I try to plan things out but as usual I don't like doing the boring parts and just kinda put down whatever comes to mind with a loose idea of where things are going. Then usually I give up 60 pages in try to form a better plot afterwards retry abort and fail... teehee this is what happens when Nintendo doesn't give me enough to do, and

sadly I have too much free time. BUUUT! I guess I'll post something in here in the first place.
This is a little diddy I've been working on for awhile. It's only about 3 pages in with a sort of outlined plot but I can never figure out the best perspective to write in. This is a Omnipotent narrative view of a story that I've been thinking of redoing, mainly cause I really like the names I made up for the countries and some of the characters. So here it is. my main beef with it is it feels rushed and I kinda don't like the main character. didn't really think him out all to well. also it's not finished and kind of pitters out at the end. This is sort of the prologue so nothing really exciting happens but enjoy.

PS, sorry about the spacing, but I was lazy and didn't want to fix it... it should be readable though.
Fixed; letters were to small sorry for making ya blind. :P

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

As the sun rises he grabs his shovel to meet the cold brisk morning with
a look of bleak negativity. His actions are nothing but muscle memory with his mind in a far off place. Six more feet this morning, then six more feet the next, then at night he returns to his hovel to puff on his pipe and slowly pass out after downing a tankard or two, too many. He often visits the town that had once been right outside the gates of his graveyard. But after it was lost to conflict it had moved further east leaving more room for the bodies that the battle had left behind. His visits are often short, he usually ends up back home in a drunken stupor not knowing how he had even gotten there the next morning. His life has been going downhill for ten years after he was dismissed from protecting his homeland and entrusted with his father’s graveyard who had died in the battle of his home town of Dashmahill. Garolo was now a poor old man with nothing but an old useless patch of land, filled to the brim with the corpses of friend and foe alike. Morning had come once more, he had grabbed his shovel and pipe and got to work on digging what he thought might be his last grave. It was in the middle of the afternoon when had finished up. He had climbed out of the hole and headed back to his hut. He sat there taking long puffs of his pipe all while he stared at the wall. He sat there admiring all the rope that had decorated his hut, he was especially fond of one particular rope. He got up and ran his fingers down it, grasping it he stretched it to test if it would break. He stretched it three times, "That will do I suppose," he said putting the rope back on the table and reclining into his chair. He had put his feet up pushing them against the table riding back and forth on his chair on its’ hind legs, his arms laid limply at his sides, eyes shut and slowly falling to sleep. The legs finally gave out letting him drop to the floor where he laid for the most of the day. The late evening approached; and with it a wispy old woman with dulled red hair. She arrived at Garolo's door fiddling with the lock and

shoving the door open.
"You drunkard... sleeping on the floor again are ya!" She sighed. as she dragged Garolo to his bed and threw him unto it. She had brought bags of supplies from town and had started filling his shelves. Groggy and a little confused Garolo awoke, "Farano, I thought you said you weren't coming down here anymore?" he asked. The old woman had leered at him, "Well, I just thought I would see if you were still even alive up in this old rat shack. Finding you passed out on the floor all the time is getting a bit old your bed is no more than a few feet away."
He got up and walked to the table grabbed an apple and sat against a wall. "An old woman like you shouldn't be coming up here so late at night when it's so cold outside."
She scoffed at him, "Somebody has to look after your useless hide. Forty-six years old and you still can barely look after yourself. Do you ever plan to grow the hell up?"
He bit into the apple, than sent her a smirk. "If I ever did grow up you'd have nothing to do on the weekends, who knows you may even croak on me if I didn't give you a reason to keep on coming up here." She walked over and handed him a stub of paper, "Whatever, bub, just take this and get a lot ready. Sahama's father passed away this week and they want to have the funeral soon." He grabbed the paper stub out of her hands and she proceeded to take her leave.
"Next time don't leave the noose out for show, ya old drama queen. Get back to what your good at, digging holes and passing out face first into the snow." He put his pipe in his mouth and waved at her, "I'll get right too it." He grabbed an old bottle of liquor and a cup then went straight to bed. After a hearty drink he was back to sleep for the rest of the night.
Farano had arrived home around midnight. She shed her winter gear and headed up to her bed. "So how is that brother of yours?" Asked Chimlee; the old woman's husband.
"The usual, he's in one of those moods again," she said as she crawled into bed.
"You know you're getting too old for this, you should just let him look out for himself, if he needed food that badly he'd come down to the village and get some. You're not the spry young woman you used to be." Chimlee said concerned for his wife
and angered with Garolo's selfishness.
"I'm no crippled old woman yet, I've walked the path to that old graveyard so many times now I've lost count, the winters here are nothing compared to what they used to be when I was younger. As I got older and frail so did this country's weather!" Farano stated proudly.
Chimlee put his arms around her... "All right... lets get some sleep," he said.
The winds blew hard, a blizzard was starting, and lurking the streets were militant troopers and a young woman. "Did you see where she went?" Said the trooper, the other shook his head, "She's a slippery little devil I'll give her that. What's she doing here in the first place." Said the trooper as the two of them walked off back to headquarters. The other shrugged, "We'd better get back to base, this blizzard is getting pretty bad, if we can't find her she'll probably just be frozen by morning anyways, saves us the time having to deport the runt."
As the two soldiers left from sight the robed woman sat and caught her breathe.
Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she felt like she was and unable to breathe. She sat in the snow almost incapable of movement. The winds grew fiercer though, forcing her to pick up where she left off. She shuffled through the snow slowly holding her cloak tightly, raised to protect her face from the frost. Fatigue was setting in, her body was getting weary and she collapsed shortly after she set off from her short rest. Time lapsed and Garolo was back and shoveling the snow out from the two lots he had just finished. Once he was done he set off for town, he planned to booze it up at the tavern until he forgot why he went there in the first place.
While that was happening Farano and Chimlee set off to do some errands when they stumbled upon the robed girl passed out on the street. Her arms, legs and face all frost bitten. Chimlee took off his coat, wrapped the girl with it and picked her up.

"She doesn't look to good, go get the doctor, I'll take her back to the house."
"Are you sure you'll be able to carry her Chimlee?" Farano asked.
"Don't worry I got her, she's pretty light, doesn't seem like the poor girl has been eating."
Farano seemed worried. "What if your back gives out?"
"I can handle it just get going!" The two of them rushed off, Chimlee had got her back to the house as fast as he could. He had set her on the sofa close to the fire place and threw in some cinders. He had strained his back carrying the girl, he fell back on his chair and tried not to move to cause any more pain. Farano returned with the local doctor an hour later. He had examined both Chim, and the girl and was surprised to find that she was alive.
"The girl is quite the fighter," He said, "It is remarkable, she must have been out in the wilderness for quite some time. It may take a while but she'll recover"
The Doctor took a closer look at the girl, "Hm, she looks foreign. If anything she is a Kafaschi girl. I wonder what she's doing all the way over here."
"All the way from that damnable place?" chimed Chimlee. "This is quite the predicament we have here..." Said the Doctor, "Kafaschi aren't even allowed fifty feet near the border how did she manage to cross it?" Farano asked,
"I'm not quite sure, but if any patrols find her she'll sure to be in big trouble."
"Then what should we do with her Doctor Jovah?" asked Farano.
"Well, I'm not sure... if you'd be willing you could keep her here with you but that would be quite risky. The government may charge you with a criminal offense if they find out."
Farano stood over the girl, "Well we can't send her out in the cold..."
Chimlee butted in, "She would be hard to hide though... people would get suspicious if we kept her robed and hooded the whole time." The three of them thought too themselves...
Then a spark of wisdom hit Chimlee. "I know, she can go help your brother with the grave work. No one ever visits there in the first place, and it saves you from having to take trips up there every week." Farano pondered it for a second, "I don't know Garolo isn't the type to entertain guests, let alone take care of anyone. We also don't even know how the poor girl will react to all this when she awakes." While the two of them discussed the options Doctor Jovah prepared to leave. "Well, I'll leave you with some medical supplies. She'll most likely be awake in a few hours, and Chimlee, your back will be as good as new in a week or so." He tipped his hat then exited through the door. Farano went to her closet and wrestled out blankets and pillows for the two of them. She had tucked the girl in on the sofa and raised her head with a prime plumb pillow. She then fluffed a pillow for Chimlee then headed towards the door. "Well, we still have some things to take care off. I'll go finish our errands okay Chimlee."
"All right hon, be careful."

Night was falling again, Garolo had been walking home. Tripping over himself trying not to fall on his face. He had run into Sahama on his way out of town. She was giving specifics on when she wanted the funeral but Garolo had not been paying attention.
"3 days." He muttered to himself as he trudged along. The winds rattled the shingles on the roof tops as another blizzard had picked up during the night. The sound had caught the young robed girl's ear and her eyes began to twitch. Slowly they opened and she forced herself up.
She cringed in pain. "Hello?" She called out. She twisted over, putting her feet on the ground and tried to get up. "Wait," Said Farano, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she came down the stairs. "Don't get up, I'mma coming."
Farano searched the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bag Doctor Jovah gave her. She sat on the chair next to the sofa putting the bag on the table in front of the girl.
"That's for you. You should really bundled up when you're visiting Ro'Nalanar. Hehe" Farano tried to establish some small talk but the young one was quite timid. "So what's your name?"
"...Tataliyo, I'm from--"
"Kafaschi, I know, what I'd like to know is how you got here?"
The girl picked up the bag and looked through it. She grabbed some items out of it and placed them on the table. "I'm sorry but I'd like to know. what do you plan to do to me?"
Farano had a questioning look on her face. "Nothing, we found you on the road at the break of dawn, we picked you out of snow hoping you were still alive."
"Do you plan to turn me in?" Tataliyo asked rubbing her injured arms.
"No, we're actually quite fond of tourists, me and my husband are glad to help anyone out of such a terrible place."
Tataliyo winced, "I'm not a tourist... but I'd gladly accept any such hospitality you're willing to give." Farano lit up like a light she got up to make Tataliyo and herself a warm drink as Tataliyo finished tending to her wounds.
"As much as we'd like to keep you here though, we can't risk the patrols finding you, so if you have no place to go I have a somewhere for you to hide." said Farano as she placed the cups on the table. "Thank you, I'd appreciate it, I just need to get prepped and I'll be out of your hair, where might I be staying?" asked Tataliyo, grasping her hands around the hot cup, taking small sips of the beverage. "My younger brother takes care of my father’s graveyard. Patrols don't visit very often so I plan to buy some extra supplies tomorrow and have you hide up there." Said Farano. Tataliyo nodded, "that will be fine, I don't think I'll be staying long, but if you need any money you're welcome to it." Farano rejected her offer of cash and told her "You're our guest it wouldn't feel right to take money from you, please keep it and get some rest tomorrow night we will head for my brothers graveyard. Farano and Tataliyo sat around the fire for a while longer finishing their drinks, after wards Farano put out the fire and headed back to bed. Early the next morning Farano had left for the shop to pick up supplies. She bought extra food and drinks and a warm coat and snow leggings for her new guest.
She approached the register, placed her things and began chatting with Sahama as she added up
the prices. "I saw your brother last night. He was stumbling home from the Tavern again..." Said Sahama while she processed the goods, "I don't even think he heard me when I told him when I was bringing everyone up for the ceremony."
Farano sighed, "It's best to tell me these things, that man doesn't listen very well to anyone anymore, and when he's drunk It's a miracle to get a word in."
Sahama bagged the goods and handed them to Farano, "Weren't you down here just a while ago to pick up food for him? Did Garolo spoil it somehow?" asked Sahama.
"No, no we're just making sure we have a big enough supply in case the storms at night get any worse." replied Farano. "Good thinking, I should probably do the same, it's getting to that time of year again."
The two of them said their good-byes and Farano left the store and headed home.
Farano made it back soon after leaving, Chimlee was making a snack for the two of them and Tataliyo had still been resting on the sofa. Farano let her rest until it was time to leave, and went to help Chimlee with the food. All the while as Tataliyo was being readied to spend her days with Garolo Dashmahill's patrols were being hassled by their captain. He was a brutish spear chucker, named Ro'Lamustrus. "How has she been able to evade us for so long?" Lamustrus shouted from his pedestal at the barracks of the Dashmahill soldier quarters.

"It's been five days and not one of you has been able to even bring me back a frozen corpse, what the hell is wrong with the lot of you?" One Patrolman quietly replied to his question, "Well Ro'Lamustrus, It's just, every time we've encountered her she's had many devices of escape. Not to mention for the longest time she's been killing off our men with that shotgun of hers." Lamustrus glared at the patrolman. "Are you saying you're incapable of using your gun sir, shoot her first damn it!"
"But, Ro'Lamustrus, she always spots us before we can even do anything."
"Eeegh... every single one of you are completely incompetent, all of you have extended night duty until you can find Tataliyo and bring her down. What her family has caused in Kafaschi has excited it's people and that last thing we need is another incident like her to happen, so go NOW!" The Squadron took formation, "Yes, Ro'Lamustrus, We'll find her!" they cheered as they marched out into the streets of Dashmahill. Lamustrus went to his office, fell into his chair and rested his head upon his palm. He tapped his fingers on his desk and looked miserable.
"Tataliyo... Why must your family cause so much trouble." The evening streets were now filled with patrols scrapping about looking for the young brown haired Kafaschi girl that had been causing a ruckus around town for the patrols. Strangely though they had been hiding these incidents from the people of Dashamahill, and the people ignorantly payed no heed to the suspicious activity that their authorities were displaying. The Night finally had fallen upon Dashmahill again, the Patrols exhausted had all, behind the back of their captain Ro'Lamustrus taken a break at the Tavern where they slept and drank away during the night.
The two women had prepared, with Tataliyo very grateful for the things Farano had been doing for her. "We might have to be careful when heading up, I saw quite a few Patrols running around earlier so hide your face." Farano said rushing off into the cold night, leaving Chimlee to keep watch of the house. Tataliyo followed swiftly behind her as they kept to the shadows of buildings rushing towards the graveyard.
The streets were quiet, and it seemed to be a easy run for the two women.
But as luck would have it for one man who had not neglected duties, he was able to run into the two of them as they were halfway out of town. "HO! Farano how are ya doing?" yelled the young man as he came rushing towards Farano and Tataliyo.
"Cover your face," She whispered.
"So off to see Garolo are ya Farano?"
"Yep, he's been complaining that I don't bring him enough supplies so I went and got some more. How’s your patrol duty going?"
"Ah, it's fine, Ro'Lamustrus has been being a hard ass lately though."
"Ah, he's just looking out for his country and the safety of his people."
"Yeah... So who is this?"
"Oh her? She's just visiting from the capital; she's a young girl that my son had met when he was stationed there."
"Ah, it's been awhile since he's been home, I sure hope he's all right."
"I'm sure he's fine, he's a tough boy."
"Haha, sure isn't much of a soldier though."
"There is more to being a soldier then just killing, he only shoots when he needs too."
"Oh, well, I'm just saying... So anyways... What's your name," the Patrolman asked staring curiously at Tataliyo. She nudged her head left and pulled her hood further down.
"Hehe, like I said she's a timid one. Her name is Jane, soon to be bride of my good ol' boy."
Tataliyo poked Farano's arm and gestured forward.
"Haha well we'd best get going, I'll talk you later."
"Yeah all right, you too have a good night. And congratulations of the future daughter in law." The man waved as the two of them ran off continuing to their destination. "Hehehe, It's a good thing that man isn't a bright one." heckled Farano. Tataliyo kept silent holding her face low and covered by her hood. "Well here we are." she said. The gate swung back and forth creaking as it swayed. The land was covered with tomb stones. A dead tree grew out from near the dilapidated hut to the right, it's branches grew all the way over across the gate, looming over it and casting shadows from the moon's light. "It's got quite the creepy look at night." She said as she walked towards the door. She fiddled with the keys a bit then swung the door open. "Garolo!" she yelled. The sound echoed out but he was not there. The both of them went inside and began unpacking.
"Hm... I wonder where he is."
"It's small..."
"Oh, don't worry, you'll sleep in my old room." Farano went to the back and pulled down on a string that lowered down a staircase leading to an upper level. "The top floor is where the both of us lived when we were little. Garolo doesn't use it though for some reason." The two of them climbed up the stairs and Farano showed her the room. "My old bed is still here, I've taken the time to come up here every now and again to keep it clean so don't worry about cleanliness."
Tataliyo looked around then followed Farano back down the stairs.
"Well we'd better go see if he's outside somewhere." Tataliyo followed Farano up along the grave rows as she searched for Garolo. Tataliyo noticed that among the names, a few of them had been from Kafaschi and other places that she hadn't even heard of before. The whole feeling of being amongst the dead gave her an unsettling sense of dread and she was having a hard time hiding the fact that she wanted to leave. She knew though that she had run out of weapons and equipment to fend off Ro'Nalanar forces so she toughened up and stuck it out.

"There's the old fool..." She said pointing at the open grave. "Did ya fall in again?"
Garolo rolled his head to the side and looked up.
"Ugh.... what do you want, did a week go by already?"
"No... would you get up here." Garolo slowly scaled all the way back up the walls of the grave and hung from the edge, his legs resting lazily off into the hole.
"Care to explain what happened?"
"Well... See I was... well, I remember leaving Dashamahill, then I remember falling, then we were here." Garolo lifted his one leg up then pulled himself all the way out of the hole and tried to stand. "Uhm... okay I gotcha, so what did you come back up here for?"
"I have something to ask you."
"It has something to do with the tyke doesn't it." Garolo looked at her. "So whom might you be?" He asked her, Tataliyo looked at him. He was a scruffy old man, with long gray hair and a beard that extended to his chest. He wore an old worn out winters hat and a heavy jacket.
"Well... are ya going to talk?" He said as he lit up his pipe.
"Tataliyo, it's nice to meet you, and yes. I'm looking for a place to stay and I would be very grateful if you'd let me stay here."
Garolo gave her a miserable look with a hint of contempt, he flicked his match out and glanced at her again. "No way... sorry but I can't babysit."
"What!" Farano said boiling with rage.
"Are you seriously refusing to help out the poor child,"
"Why can't she stay with you?"
"She's not from here, she's from Kafaschi, you know how the government is lately. No one is allowed to cross over from Kafaschi anymore ever since the battle ended."
"She's from there? Even more reason not to help her." Garolo picked up and left toward his home. Farano's teeth were grinding in anger. "You stay here, I'll make sure you have a place to stay, okay."
"Uhm... no please, it's fine."
"No, he owes me, it's just not fair whats happening to your people. I'd be glad if I could help just one of them and I plan to do so."
"Mrs. Farano, why... what is your reasoning for helping me so much." Farano looked down at her, her face was worn, scarred and battle torn. She knew the poor girl had been fighting for a long time. "Garolo used to fight quite a bit. I've just grown to know the withered old face of tired fighter when I see one... But you, you're so young... Just like he was, just like my son is. I guess your battle is still ongoing, but I'd like to help you."
"But why Mrs. Farano, I'm a daughter of your nations enemy."
"The War that the capital city was fighting was theirs, and theirs alone. Our family may have a long line of military history but we always knew what we were fighting for. We fought to keep our country safe and harbored no hatred towards our supposed enemy. Whats is going on at the capital is not going unnoticed by us, especially those of us in Dashmahill. Tataliyo, I know you're not an enemy." she said as she chased after Garolo.
"... Thank you for trusting me, Mrs. Farano."
Tataliyo waited outside and read a few more gravestones, counting how many were of her own people. "... Just a little while longer, I'll make it to Galaromo, Faya..." She muttered to herself staring at a gravestone of one of her own. Through the night the winds were calm, the sky clear and filled with stars. The moon was full and glowing a bright blue color on the land, it reflected off the snow and lit up the night. "It's pretty here," She said as she fell back into the snow. "That Mrs.Farano and her husband have been really kind to me..." She moved her arms and legs in tandem, back and forth then got up. "Hm..."

She sighed staring down at the scattered snow feeling relieved and warm, knowing that for a short while she was safe from being caught. Tired of playing with the snow, she went towards Garolo's home and sat against the wall. A few more minutes had past until Farano came out, her face had a smile that stretched from one end to the next. "Well why don't you head off to bed now."
"He's letting me stay?"
"Yep, we had an agreement and you're able to stay. You'll have to take care of the chores inside the house and tend to the gravestones but you can stay for as long as you like."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it, I promise not to overstay my welcome."
"Hehehehe, you're a sweet kid, I'll be off now." said Farano as she left the graveyard.
"Bye, thank you for everything Mrs. Farano!" Tataliyo went to the door and peeked inside.
Garolo had already put himself to bed, so she tip-toed to her room as to not to disturb him.

She had made it to the final step but paused when he started to speak. "You've got stuff to do in the morning, tyke."
"I'll get to it right in the moring, Mr. Garolo. Thank you for letting me stay here."
He grunted and shooed her off then went back to sleep. Tataliyo had rested her coat, and snow leggings on the end of her bed and started to ruffle through her bag that Farano gave her. She applied more ointment to her wounds then covered herself up and went to bed. ----

"Time to get to work!" Garolo yelled, knocking on his shovel to make a racket.
Tataliyo came down the stairs with her gear on ready to work.
"What do you need me to do."
"Well I don't really need you to do anything... But go wipe off all the snow from the gravestone heads and polish them all. After wards you can dust off the upstairs."
"All right..." She said as she waddled out the door. She started wiping the grave heads clean of snow, row by row. Garolo pulled out his chair and sat down and watched her.
He lit his pipe and blew smoke rings into the morning light. The smoke billowed out disappearing into the air. He started leaning further back into his chair cherishing the rare blue sky that Ro'Nalanar is rarely blessed with. "It's nice out today, might not even need my coat on." The wind started blowing sending the creaking sound of the front gates out unto the graveyard. The leafless tree swayed as the shadow stretched out toward the tombs, it looked as though a hand was grasping them. The snow from the roof was dusted off falling upon the ground as a fine powder swirling in the wind and then resting atop the mounds.
The morning started to fade into the afternoon, the sun rose to the middle of the sky, shortening the reach of the shadowy hand and ending Tataliyo's morning grave wiping.
"Mr. Garolo, I think I've done enough outside today, It's really cold may I go in?"
She yelled from the other end of the yard. "Mr. Garolo!" Thinking to herself that he couldn't hear her she made her way closer to discover that he had fallen asleep. "Um, I'll just go inside, I'll clean the house but it's way too cold for me out here." Not expecting a response she headed in and began to clean the home. -------

"Ro'Lumustrus, your efforts in finding, Tataliyo haven't been going as planned... What is going on?" It was high noon and Lumustrus was under fire, he was being called into question of his abilities by his superiors who had put him on the duty of tracking Tataliyo since she had arrived in the country. "I apologize, sir! I have been trying everything but my men are being outwitted by her, she's a crafty little rat and...."
"Am I really hearing excuses... leave that for the peons Lamustrus, Your job is to catch that girl not chatter on about how she is evading your troops. You have 2 days from now to finish the job, if not you can kiss your rank good bye."
"Y-yes sir." He slammed down the phone and pounded on his desk.
The ruckus caused one of his outside guards to check in, "Are you okay Ro'Lamustrus?"
"No... I'll be taking my leave for the day."
"Alright, Ro' sir I'll inform the others."
He strapped on his militant coat and headed out for a walk. He circled Dashmahill searching for clues as to where the girl could be. But nothing seemed different the town was still it's pristine self, with quaint buildings that made it feel like home to it's residents. Children skated around on the ice and threw snow at each other, their elders and guardians never straying too far from them. The clear blue sky and crisp air, Dashmahill was called home by some of the happiest people of Ro'Nalanar despite it's tragedies.
This made Lamustrus furious, he felt as though that as long as Tataliyo is running about Kafaschi's troops will come to ruin this town in an attempt to find her themselves.
They won't care about the people living here as long as Tataliyo is dead.
He continued... walking down the road, staring at his home town with a deep depressing look on his face. "Hon, are you okay?" Lamustrus looked up and glanced at his young wife who had been walking back to her job and had run into him on the way.
"Yeah... it's okay, where are the kids."
"They're with their friends, what's wrong?"
"Nothing dear, what are you doing out."
"I was just coming back from my break, I had left my lunch at home."
Lamustrus smiled, "Again, eh, maybe you should start writing it down on the back of your hand so you don't forget."
"Yeah, yeah, very funny."
"I'm only kidding Vivian. Want me to walk you back to Doctor Jovah's?"
"That would be nice."
The two had three blocks to go, through the cold alleys and snow covered walks.
"So, Doctor Jovah went over to Farano's a couple days ago."
"Oh, really, I hope she is alright. I don't know what Chimlee or Garolo would do without her."
"She's fine, Chimlee hurt his back carrying a girl back to their house though."
"Hm! Really."
"Yeah, I heard she's Phargus soon to be wife or something, she arrived a couple days ago from the capital."
"Haha, yeah... Stange I don't remember hearing about anyone passing through here from the gate watchmen."
"Huh, well they probably forgot to report her in, apparently she fell off her horse or something... I dunno people keeping spreading the rumor though."
"Hmm, well I hope she's okay."
"Yeah, but I'm more worried about you, what was with the look."
"It's nothing at all, just some work issues."
"It's about the missing units isn't it. And Sahama's father’s death isn't it."
"You could say that I suppose, but you know I can't divulge any more,Viv"
"Hmm... Well I hope things start to work out for you, you've had a rough week."
"Don't you know it..."
"Um, well were here thanks hon, don't you have work to do or something."
"Yeah, I'll see you at home, Love ya," Lamustrus gave his wife a quick peck then dashed off to Farano and Chimlee's place. He pounded on their door; Chimlee startled, struggled off his chair and slowly made his way to the door.

"Ro'Lamustrus, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?"
"Chimlee, How have you been I heard you hurt your back?"
"Oh yeah, it's not so bad. Just a little bit of a strain but I can still move around."
"That's good to here, glad it didn't leave you bed ridden."
"So may I ask why you're here."
"Oh, I was just going to ask about that girl you had over here, who was she?"
"Haven't heard the rumors have yeah, well they're true, that's my boys girl, her name is Jane"
Lamustrus looked a little bit defeated. "Really... Is she still here, may I see her."
Chimlee shook his head, "Nope, sorry you just missed her, Farano took her to a carrier this morning and sent her back home."
"Well, she didn't stay very long did she."
Chimlee laughed, "Well she's young, and the young ones are always moving about, trying to do as much as they can before they become old and tired."
"Hm... Chimlee, she arrived yesterday morning am I right?"
"Why was she not reported to me by a gate watchmen?"
"Now why do you suppose I would know that Ro'Lamustrus, She came in late maybe they missed her."
"Hm... Chimlee, I hope you're not lying to me."
"What would I have to lie about? You're too paranoid my friend please come in, have a drink!"
"No I can't I'm sorry. Thank you for the chat Chimlee, it was nice seeing you,
tell Farano I said hello. Stay safe and off your feet or your back won't get better..."
"All right then, Ro'Lamustrus, have a good day."
Lamustrus departed, hanging his head low with his hands in his coat pockets, he was back to square one after chasing what he thought might have been a lead. When he arrived back at base he ordered that all the records from the gate guards be brought to him. He was going to make sure that Chimlee wasn't lying to him.

So yeah that's what I got so far criticism is appreciated.

Edited by Garolymar, 30 December 2011 - 03:28 PM.

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#2 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:08 PM

You want a criticism. Here's a criticism: No need to change teh font, damnit!
*Proceeds to read, 4cms closer to the screen than usual*

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#3 Garolymar



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:11 PM

You want a criticism. Here's a criticism: No need to change teh font, damnit!
*Proceeds to read, 4cms closer to the screen than usual*

Lol, it looked huge in the editor so I tried to make it smaller. guess it was just a smidge to small.
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#4 Elric


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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:27 PM

Agh, I'm sorry that I didn't see this and that I'm bumping the thread. Well, I want to see more, that is for sure. Maybe you should start posting some of your other stories on here?




#5 Garolymar



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Posted 30 December 2011 - 12:40 PM

All the rest of them kind of went dead when my old computer's main hard drive burnt out. This is the only one I have left because I put it on the web. Kind of a bummer especially since most of my music was on that drive too...
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