Unfortunately, thinks aren`that great.
Assuming it can do 1 million worldwide, for the month of December, it will see a 700k+ fall from December last year.
If you look at Xbox360 and PS3`s December salesin the year after launch, both passed the 2 million mark.
So you see, barely hitting or passing 1 million, is not a good number.
That doesn`t mean that Wii U can`t do better this year.
From what i have been reading Wii U shipments never were that great either and they sell out quickly. Let`s hope January sees an improvement to show if sales can really increase a lot.
That's because the X1 and PS4 (more of the X1 than 4 but its similar) are all front loaded and running on hype. Once everyone sees how these "next-gen" systems are barely able to surpass PS360 games (looks at PS4/X1 versions of AC, COD:Ghost, Injustice, Skylanders etc) it'll be hard to justify dropping $500 for a PS4 (PS4+game+extra controller) or $600 on an X1 (X1+game+xtra controller). I believe Nintendo Wii U can easily combat PS4/X1 if they market it's strengths which are a $300 price entry vs $500-$600, a true backward compatible machine (controllers, games, acc etc), great indie support, top-tier Nintendo first party exclusives, ability to be a multi-media hub Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, TVii, etc, an awesome built in video chat capabliity, and most of all TOTALLY FREE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE!!!!
The only thing I got out of this topic was that Reggie would look good on a motorbike.
It's positive news/thread about Nintendo...why can't you be happy? This makes me sad 
Happy with the sales numbers but just heard the next Aliens isolation game is being released on every other format, not WiiU grrrr.
It doesn't matter, the game sounds like another generic FPS which I am sick and tired of playing on my 360!!!