Wait for the media create sales or wait until Iwata cries about how bad the sales for the Wii U are.
Iwata did today!! And tomorrow is the investors meeting, he may cry there to. Lets hope they find something that works for wii U, soon. The way things go, wii U may achieve less sales than gamecube. I disagree with Nintendos policies, to reduce the salaries of the stuff by 50% AND THEIR salary only 20% "puritans" ... Those who #$#$# things up, pay less? They should have 80% salary reduction and the employees about 10%. Its not the fault of the poor employ, why wii U got less horse power than the competition does and why 3rd party companies, dont make games for it!. But I dont think Iwata gets it, is it? I am sure, his consideration is not WHY wii U is less horse powered, or WHY wii U have less 3rd party games... But WHY it dont sell that much, without reason given... so its Nintendo employee fault.. (Personally i wouldnt care about wii U power, if it had the games I want). Now my next waiting to see how it looks and goes, is the X by monolith. I hope more games like X will be announced for wii U.
From that only, I dont like what Iwata did.
a question... Have you seen the LOTR game that Monolith is developing for xbox 1 and ps4!!!!??? Why wii U is excluded!
a question... Have you seen the LOTR game that Monolith is developing for xbox 1 and ps4!!!!??? Why wii U is excluded!
Take a look at that (monolith)
That's Monolith not Monolith Soft. So they can do whatever they want
I found what Iwata hinting at an all in one console very interesting, all that's limiting them is battery life to support "next gen" graphics on a handheld
Iwata did today!! And tomorrow is the investors meeting, he may cry there to. Lets hope they find something that works for wii U, soon. The way things go, wii U may achieve less sales than gamecube. I disagree with Nintendos policies, to reduce the salaries of the stuff by 50% AND THEIR salary only 20% "puritans" ... Those who #$#$# things up, pay less? They should have 80% salary reduction and the employees about 10%. Its not the fault of the poor employ, why wii U got less horse power than the competition does and why 3rd party companies, dont make games for it!. But I dont think Iwata gets it, is it? I am sure, his consideration is not WHY wii U is less horse powered, or WHY wii U have less 3rd party games... But WHY it dont sell that much, without reason given... so its Nintendo employee fault.. (Personally i wouldnt care about wii U power, if it had the games I want). Now my next waiting to see how it looks and goes, is the X by monolith. I hope more games like X will be announced for wii U.
From that only, I dont like what Iwata did.
a question... Have you seen the LOTR game that Monolith is developing for xbox 1 and ps4!!!!??? Why wii U is excluded!
Take a look at that (monolith)
What are you talking about? I don't think you understand the pay cuts that were announced
Iwata is taking a 50% pay cut and Miyamoto a 30% pay cut. The rest of the board are taking 20% pay cuts. Employees like developers and the like are not getting pay cuts, only the board of directors. If you didn't know, these are the people who make all the major decisions.
today the rumor that watchdogs is not coming on wii U, revived again, because they removed it from the pdf file of wii U 2014 releases... anyway, watchdogs is not in my list in any platform, I got sick reading about watchdogs, its an old food... so I got bored very quickly, even before it comes out.
Watch Dogs comes with Donkey Kong TF. Separate discs of course, I actually heard that Watch Dogs will be burned on AOL cd's, so there is likely to be 3 cd's in total.