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#1 Chaotix


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:01 PM



Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono has revealed that the company may bring its online subscription-based Monster Hunter game to the west. The news was announced during an internal interview with the company. Monster Hunter Frontier G was released last year in Japan.
“The letter ‘G’ in the title implies it’s compatible with a wide range of platforms, including PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360, and PC. We’re also planning to extend this support to PlayStation Vita.”
“The reason why we have increased our support for so many hardware platforms is because we have our sights set on distributing services for this game in the future outside Japan. We simply can’t release a game as it is, but need to adapt all the necessary services to the unique characteristics of each region. In preparation for that, we’ve broadened our scope and started launching individual titles across multiple hardware platforms.”
“There is little need to focus on game consoles in other Asian countries because they are only used by hardcore gamers. We do intend to continue marketing titles aimed at hardcore gamers, but in general our primary focus in the Asia is building up the market for online games.”



EDIT:Sorry for the caps.


#2 Azure-Edge


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:09 PM

Yay, they're bringing over what the fanbase almost unanimously considers the worst current game in the series. 


#3 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:39 PM

Been following this story almost all day.  I was kind of hoping no one would bring it up here.  For those of you who may be hyped for this, let me try to bring you down gently.  Please read the following information I obtained via a post by the user CHUMP on the capcom unity forums (Who got most of the info from someone else) and I have been saving for such an occasion.


"I still want the game to come so I can check it out but it is very different from the free to play main games. It's on the PS2 engine but the weapons have new moves. It costs a decent amount of money monthly to even play the game:

Mugaaz, a neogaf member, explained the differences pretty well:


As an avid player of Frontier, I really, really doubt people actually want to play any MH MMO. People complain up a storm about needing to get 2 rath plates for a weapon in Ultimate. Stuff like that is the tip of the iceberg. What about armor having 7 level of upgrade per tier, 5+ tiers, and each level for each piece needing 10 elder scales, 8 elder wings, 10 elder horns, and 2 rubies? Also, to fight the correct type of Elder dragon you need to do a special type of quest which costs tickets to run, and the tickets can only be gotten from another quest which only allows you to use special types of equipment that are mostly horrible, but need craploads of mats? I forgot to mention that the wings horns are only a 20% drop from breaking that part twice? So you're looking AT LEAST 50 runs per piece per upgrade, with 35+ level of upgrade per piece.

MH MMO can be fun, but its not fun in the same way the MH games everyone here enjoys are. Its not going to be Ultimate in an open world and a main town like Ogrimar. I guarantee you that. Its deliciously grindy, and most Mh players are not into that.


The cash shop stuff in Frontier is also completely insane. I COULDNT IMAGINE what it would be like if the game was also F2P. Which everyone here seems to want? I know it would change if brought West, but the cash shop stuff is just so crazy. Im pretty tolerant of IAP stuff and not a guy who yells P2W every time a game sells skins, but holy cow lol. The stuff you can buy with real money in frontier is insane. 

Here's some examples of the cash shop in Frontier

Hunter's Course: $14/30 days. Required to do anything relevant in the game. Without it you can't gain exp or fight much of anything except Kut-ku.

Extra Course: $6/30 days. Gives you access to boxes in town (otherwise need to go into private area, PITA), ability to buy additional items (honey, traps, mats for meals, etc), and gathering missions where you can gather 14-16 times per node instead of normal 4-6. 

Premium Course: $10/72 hours. Gives you 200% exp, access to premium quests that gives 200-500k z.

Assist Course: $10/72 hours. Gives you a demigod AI partner that uses drinks on you, heals you, plays flutes, deal absolutely crazy damage, can't die, and wake syou up from dizzy/sleep/etc.

BoS Course: $10/72 hours. Gives you another 200% bonus exp, and extra books of secrets for when you are grinding Style Rank. (Another leveling system for each specific weapon that begins at HR 500 and limits the rarity of equipment you can use on quest, gradually being removed as you level up. In return you get some additional moves for each weapon. SR carves are required for high end gear)

Forward Course: $30/72 hours. Lowers damage you take by 60-70%, gives you a 25% damage boost, gives you an extra carve off everything

Cash Shop Armor/weapon sets: $25-30. These are usually around 95% as good as normal armor, but about 100000x easier to upgrade. When you see people in various anime outfits or using weird looking stuff its from here. 

Armor/Weapon "Booster Packs": Same as the sets, except you get random tickets for various items int he set, and you need several of each ticket to make / upgrade."



People say Capcom is a greedy, cash milking (expletive).  Well, Exhibit A, people.  Welcome to Monster Hunter Frontier.


Now, if Capcom made SIGNIFICANT changes to the price, grindiness, and a few other things, then it might have a chance in the west, and I might regularly play it.  As it works currently, I'd probably try it for the first month, and unless it absolutely grabbed me, I'd stop after that.  While I love the content of Frontier, I do not like the system surrounding said content.  I personally have no serious interest in the Frontier series.  I am a rabid MH fan, but I have my limits.


Also, I'd find it odd that they would make a serious push for Frontier, considering how  they were adamantly against localizing the game in the past.  Capcom of America made a whole write up for the fans saying why they had no plans to localize Frontier, primarily the cost of servers and extra personnel.  Nintendo may have foot the bill for a lot of costs for Tri and 3U, but I doubt they're willing to write the check for this, especially considering its not exclusive to Nintendo platforms.

Edited by Lightning_Ninja, 03 February 2014 - 07:46 PM.

#4 Ninty64X



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Posted 04 February 2014 - 05:08 AM

After hearing about all the pay to play stuff in this I can't say I'm very excited for this. I loved MH3U and was looking forward to a new game, but this just seems like another money grabbing scheme. Hope we get another true MH game soon.

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#5 3Dude



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Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:15 PM

Not real monster hunter. I was hoping Capcom would have realized that by now. But they are probably going to use this as the metriic to finally kill monster hunter. Joy.



#6 Azure-Edge


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:35 AM

Not real monster hunter. I was hoping Capcom would have realized that by now. But they are probably going to use this as the metriic to finally kill monster hunter. Joy.


At least they're localizing Monster Hunter 4.


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